Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Copy trading octafx

Master stats include gain and number of copiers, commission, trading pairs the master uses, profit factor and order directions as well as many other factors that you can review before making your decision to copy someone.

Free forex bonuses

Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Before copying starts, you set a deposit percentage and choose the amount of funds to invest in a specific master. The volume of the copied trade depends on both master and copier accounts’ leverage and equity, and is calculated as: volume (copied trade) = equity (copier)/equity (master) × leverage (copier)/leverage (master) × volume(master).

Earn by copying the success of pro traders

Octafx copytrading offers an opportunity to automatically copy leading traders and forget about long hours of building your own trading strategy. Choose from the best masters of forex and diversify your trading portfolio.

How it works

Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Sign up in one easy step and make a deposit to your wallet via any payment method you like. If you already have funds in your trading account at octafx, you can add money to your wallet from it using internal transfer. Your wallet balance shows your uninvested funds.

Find masters you want to follow and click ‘copy’. Their positions will be copied automatically. The deposit percentage setting will help you manage your portfolio. Try copying different strategies to decide which of them work best for you!

With an unlimited number of masters to copy you can create a balanced and diversified trading portfolio and receive a stable income. You also have full control over the process and can modify/stop copying trades at any given time. You can view detailed trading statistics for copied master traders in your copier area.

This is a new tool that helps traders earn additional stable income by copying more experienced traders.

Learn from the best

Easy entrance to the forex market for newbies.

Diversify your portfolio

Choose master traders to follow from a large number of professionals.

Enjoy fast order execution

Your order is executed less than 5ms after the original one.

Keep everything under control

You can stop copying, unsubscribe, or close a trade anytime.

Set it running in a few quick steps

No additional verification required.

Invest and withdraw funds quickly and securely

Many popular payment methods to choose from.

All benefits of copy trading in the mobile app!

  • Focus on investing with a convenient octafx copytrading app

  • Control your portfolio and investments on the go

  • Track master traders and their performance live for smart investing

  • View how your funds are invested and manage risks in real time


How do I choose master traders to copy?

Master stats include gain and number of copiers, commission, trading pairs the master uses, profit factor and order directions as well as many other factors that you can review before making your decision to copy someone. Before copying starts, you set a deposit percentage and choose the amount of funds to invest in a specific master.

How does copying work in terms of volume and leverage differences?

The volume of the copied trade depends on both master and copier accounts’ leverage and equity, and is calculated as: volume (copied trade) = equity (copier)/equity (master) × leverage (copier)/leverage (master) × volume(master).

Example: master account equity is $500 and leverage is 1:200, copier account equity is $200 and leverage is 1:100. 1 lot trade is opened on the master account. The volume of the copied trade will be: 200/500 × 100/200 × 1 = 0.2 lot.

Do you charge any commission for copying masters?

Octafx doesn’t charge any additional commissions—the only commision you pay is master’s commission, which is specified individually and is charged in $ per lot of traded volume.

What is a deposit percentage?

Deposit percentage is an option that you set prior to copying that helps you to control your risks. It can equal any percentage from 1% to 100%. You set this parameter and new trades won’t be copied if the current equity goes down by a set amount (20%) from your balance according to the following formula:

Good at trading? Earn from letting others copy you!

Trade as usual and earn additional income from others copying you. Your master profile displays daily and monthly stats on your trading performance—promote it and attract new followers!

How it works

Click on master area and create a master account—start a new one or assign an existing one as your master account.

Get your master account ready for copiers: set your commission amount and describe your strategy.

Use your master area to view detailed statistics on your trading, change your account settings, and view the amount of commission* you’ve earned.

*if you are an IB, the sum of the IB commission and copy trade master commission cannot exceed $15/lot.

Octafx copytrading offers you an additional source of income: open a master trader account, describe your strategy, and set your commission to let others copy your trades.

Сreate multiple master accounts for different strategies

Track detailed statistics for your orders and earned master’s commission in the master area

Enjoy the benefit of no additional commission charged by octafx

Your master area in the octafx trading app for android

  • Create master accounts on the go

  • View statistics on your copiers and commissions wherever you are

  • Manage copying conditions for your new followers on the spot


How can I become a master trader?

Any octafx client with an MT4 account can become a master trader. Just go to your master area and set up your master account.

How do I adjust the amount of the commission I charge my copiers?

Go to your master area, view settings, adjust the commission using the slider, and save changes. The new commission will only be charged from the copiers to subscribe to you after the adjustment. For all other copiers, the commission amount will remain unchanged.

When do I get commission payments from my copiers?

Payouts are made on saturdays at 12 a.M. (EET) every week.

When is the commission charged to my copiers?

The commission is charged the moment you open a trade.

How do I get the commission?

We transfer it to a special wallet. From your wallet, you can add it to any of your trading accounts, or withdraw it.

Dapat untung dengan menyalin kejayaan pedagang pro

Octafx copytrading menawarkan peluang untuk menyalin pedagang yang mendahului secara automatik dan lupakan tentang mengambil masa yang lama untuk membina strategi dagangan anda sendiri. Pilih daripada pakar forex terbaik dan pelbagaikan portfolio anda.


Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Mendaftarlah dengan satu langkah mudah dan buat deposit ke dompet anda melalui mana-mana kaedah pembayaran yang anda suka. Jika anda sudah mempunyai dana dalam akaun dagangan anda di octafx, anda boleh menambah wang ke dompet anda daripadanya menggunakan pemindahan dalaman. Baki dompet anda menunjukkan dana anda yang belum dilaburkan.

Cari pakar yang anda ingin ikuti dan klik 'salin'. Kedudukan mereka akan disalin secara automatik. Tetapan peratusan deposit akan membantu anda mengurus portfolio anda. Cuba salin strategi yang berbeza untuk menentukan yang terbaik untuk anda!

Dengan bilangan pakar yang tiada had untuk disalin, anda boleh membuat portfolio dagangan yang seimbang dan dipelbagaikan, serta terima pendapatan yang stabil. Anda juga mempunyai kawalan penuh terhadap proses dan boleh mengubah suai/berhenti menyalin dagangan pada bila-bila masa. Anda boleh melihat statistik dagangan terperinci untuk pedagang pakar yang disalin dalam ruangan penyalin anda.

Ini ialah alat baru yang membantu pedagang mendapat pendapatan tambahan yang stabil dengan menyalin pedagang yang lebih berpengalaman.

Belajar daripada yang terbaik

Kemasukan mudah ke pasaran forex untuk pedagang baru

Pelbagaikan portfolio anda

Pilih pedagang pakar untuk diikuti daripada ramai profesional.

Nikmati pelaksanaan yang pantas

Pesanan anda dilaksanakan kurang daripada 5ms selepas pesanan asal.

Pastikan semuanya dalam kawalan

Anda boleh berhenti menyalin, membatalkan langganan atau menutup dagangan pada bila-bila masa.

Tetapkan pelaksanaannya dalam masa beberapa langkah yang mudah

Pengesahan tambahan tidak diperlukan.

Melabur dan keluarkan dana dengan cepat dan selamat

Banyak kaedah bayaran popular yang boleh dipilih.

Semua manfaat salin dagangan dalam aplikasi mudah alih!

  • Fokus pada melabur dengan aplikasi octafx copytrading yang mudah

  • Kawal portfolio dan pelaburan anda di mana-mana sahaja

  • Jejak pedagang pakar dan prestasi mereka secara langsung untuk pelaburan pintar

  • Lihat cara dana anda dilaburkan dan urus risiko pada masa nyata


Soalan lazim

Bagaimanakah saya boleh memilih pakar untuk disalin?

Statistik pakar mengandungi laba dan bilangan penyalin, komisen, pasangan dagangan yang pakar gunakan, faktor untung dan arah pesanan serta banyak lagi faktor lain yang anda boleh semak sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menyalin seseorang. Sebelum penyalinan bermula, anda menetapkan peratusan deposit dan memilih jumlah dana yang hendak dilaburkan dalam pakar tertentu.

Bagaimanakah menyalin berfungsi dari segi perbezaan volum dan leveraj?

Volum dagangan yang disalin bergantung pada leveraj dan ekuiti akaun pakar dan penyalin, dan dikira sebagai: volum (dagangan yang disalin) = ekuiti (penyalin)/ekuiti (pakar) x leveraj (penyalin)/leveraj (pakar) x volum (pakar).

Contoh: ekuiti akaun pakar ialah $500 dan leveraj ialah 1:200, ekuiti akaun penyalin ialah $200 dan leveraj ialah 1:100. 1 lot dagangan dibuka pada akaun pakar. Volum dagangan yang disalin ialah: 200/500 × 100/200 × 1 = 0.2 lot.

Adakah anda mengenakan sebarang komisen untuk menyalin pakar?

Octafx tidak mengenakan sebarang komisen tambahan—satu-satunya komisen yang anda bayar ialah komisen pakar yang ditentukan secara individu dan dikenakan dalam $ setiap lot volum yang didagangkan.

Apakah peratusan deposit?

Peratusan deposit ialah pilihan yang anda tetapkan sebelum menyalin yang membantu anda mengawal risiko anda. Ia boleh sama dengan mana-mana peratusan daripada 1% sehingga 100%. Anda menetapkan parameter ini dan dagangan baru tidak akan disalin jika ekuiti semasa menurun ke jumlah yang ditentukan (20%) daripada baki anda mengikut formula berikut:

Octafx copy trading review – is octafx copy trading scam or legit

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Octafx copy trading review

Welcome to xycinews media, this article about octafx copy trading review was written to help users understand how it works and everything involved.

How octafx copy trading works

Create an account and make A deposit

Sign up in one easy step and make a deposit to your wallet via any payment method you like. If you already have funds in your trading account at octafx, you can add money to your wallet from it using internal transfer. Your wallet balance shows your uninvested funds.

Follow the best traders

Find masters you want to follow and click ‘copy’. Their positions will be copied automatically. The deposit percentage setting will help you manage your portfolio. Try copying different strategies to decide which of them work best for you!

Monitor and profit !

With an unlimited number of masters to copy you can create a balanced and diversified trading portfolio and receive a stable income. You also have full control over the process and can modify/stop copying trades at any given time. You can view detailed trading statistics for copied master traders in your copier area.

Octafx copy trading charges

Octafx doesn’t charge any additional commissions—the only commision you pay is master’s commission, which is specified individually and is charged in $ per lot of traded volume.

Deposit percentage is an option that you set prior to copying that helps you to control your risks. It can equal any percentage from 1% to 100%.

You set this parameter and new trades won’t be copied if the current equity goes down by a set amount (20%) from your balance according to the following formula:

Octafx copy trading in relation to leverage & volume

The volume of the copied trade depends on both master and copier accounts’ leverage and equity, and is calculated as: volume (copied trade) = equity (copier)/equity (master) × leverage (copier)/leverage (master) × volume(master).

Example: master account equity is $500 and leverage is 1:200, copier account equity is $200 and leverage is 1:100. 1 lot trade is opened on the master account. The volume of the copied trade will be: 200/500 × 100/200 × 1 = 0.2 lot.

Choosing master traders to copy on octafx

Master stats include gain and number of copiers, commission, trading pairs the master uses, profit factor and order directions as well as many other factors that you can review before making your decision to copy someone. Before copying starts, you set a deposit percentage and choose the amount of funds to invest in a specific master.

Benefits of octafx copy trading with app

  • Focus on investing with a convenient octafx copytrading app

  • Control your portfolio and investments on the go

  • Track master traders and their performance live for smart investing

  • View how your funds are invested and manage risks in real time

Is octafx copy trading legit

  • Learn from the best.

  • Diversify your portfolio.

  • Enjoy fast order execution.

  • You can stop copying, unsubscribe, or close a trade anytime.

  • No additional verification required.

  • Many popular payment methods to choose from.

Is octafx copy trading scam

Primarily, xycinews media contents is to give an overview of platforms and what they entails to help you decide if proceeding with them or investing only what you can afford to lose.

  • Do you think octafx copy trading is scam?

  • How you being defrauded?

With a lot of platforms on our desk to review for the general public, we might not be able to keep track of octafx copy trading on a regular. Please help us by dropping a comment and this will help other potential investors from falling prey or proceeding to invest.


This octafx copy trading review article isn’t aimed at defaming octafx copy trading nor is it targeted to promoting them.

This article is strictly for enlightening purposes and a honest guide from our perspective because we strongly believe every brand needs a good background check.

Therefore, you are at liberty to accept or reject this article and act base on your own perspective of the platform. You are encouraged to share your own opinion or views about the platform with us via the comments box below so as to further improve this octafx copy trading review.

Team xycinews is no third party and we can’t handle any queries whatsoever.

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Naabiae nenu-B is a medical health student and an SEO specialist dedicated to flushing the web off fake news and scam scandals. He aims at being "africa's best leak and review blogger" and that's the unwavering stand of xycinews media.

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Holder finance review – when defi meets HODL

Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

Holder finance (HFI) seeks to transform the way you think about defi investments by introducing the first HODL-centric project built atop the ethereum blockchain. You don’t necessarily think of hodling when you think of defi.

The developers behind HFI want to change that. The platform utilizes a combination of proprietary technologies and new business strategies to create an ERC-20 token designed to retain value like no other — HFI.

Holder finance review

Hfi builds its own DEX forked from uniswap, called holderswap, with 4 exclusive new features. These features are developed to make our decentralized exchange safe and transparent as all dexes. Their DEX is more innovative as they develop some features of cexes like limit orders but 100% managed in a decentralized manner through smart contracts.

HFI private sale is now live

The HFI private sale is open to early-bird investors. Keenly, this event will include four rounds. Each round will see the price of HFI tokens rise slightly. The hfi token price for this stage of the event is 4,000 USDC. Notably, the private sale officially began this week after the launch of holderswap v1. Join holder finance telegram group for more details.

A unique multi token strategy

To create the world’s first defi store-of-value token, holder finance needed to do its homework. This research played a critical role in the development of HFI. The HFI token functions like digital gold within the HFI ecosystem.

This unique financial instrument relies on both fundamental economic theories and advanced blockchain technologies to accomplish its goal.

For example, there are only 1000 HFI tokens ever to be issued. In this way, the token has the highest level of scarcity in the market. In comparison, there will be 21 million BTC issued in total.

Is holder finance safe and credible

The HFI network is flexible and relies on multiple tokens to fulfill different roles. The HFS utility token also plays a critical role in providing functionalities. Users can open pools, pay fees, and trade HFS on the holder finance DEX. All HFI holders receive rewards in HFS tokens. These tokens can then be converted over to any token on the DEX.

HFI blockchain ecosystem

HFI utilizes a variety of systems to provide users access to a complete decentralized ecosystem. For example, the network features a full DEX (decentralized exchange). Many people prefer dexs over centralized exchanges like binance because they are non-custodial, meaning they don’t hold your assets. Instead, they facilitate a peer-to-peer transaction. In this way, they are less likely to be the target of hackers.

The holder finance DEX will introduce four new exclusive features in the coming weeks. The holderswap v1 update brings with it a decentralized OTC desk. The next upgrade, holderswap v2, integrates a holderlimit protocol. These updates are followed by a dynamic trading fee adjustment mechanism and the start of liquidity pools.

HFI genesis mining

Another exciting feature to look out for is the start of genesis mining on the network. Officially, this option is slated for release in Q1 2021 and ends in Q3 2021. Importantly, this protocol will mint 380 of the 1000 total hfi. This issuance breaks down to 38% of the total supply.

Early participants in the genesis mining campaign receive a special bonus payment for their contributions. These rewards, plus your mining rewards, can be claimed anytime. Notably, hfi tokens are mintable through a staking process as well.

The HFI genesis mining campaign will include three distinct stages. The first stage is the bronze mining campaign. According to company documentation, this event will last 60 days total. Then, in Q2, the silver mining campaign begins, followed by the gold mining campaign starting in Q3 2021.

HFI — when defi meets HODL

A quick glimpse at the tokenomics and overall scarcity of this token, and it’s easy to imagine HFI tokens meeting their expectations and beyond. HFI introduces an excellent selection of functions that could make it a strong competitor to top dexs such as uniswap.


Inergie.Io review – is inergie.Io scam or legit

Inergie.Io review

Inergie.Io is the first registered digital asset mining company that provides services with a secure and fast transaction infrastructure developed by world standards, in governence of the expert team and experienced advisory board.

Inergie.Io investment

  • 0.0003

  • 0.00002000 B per day

  • Instantly withdraw

  • For 365 days

  • 0.0006

  • 0.00005000 B per day

  • Instantly withdraw

  • For 365 days

  • 0.0120

  • 0.00050000 B per day

  • Instantly withdraw

  • For 365 days

Inergie.Io founder

While documenting this inergie.Io review, I did my best to search and found no information on the founder of this platform.

I believe knowing the background record of a brand owner is a step forward into knowing how legitimate it is and the reputation of the profile.

Inergie.Io provides no verifiable information about who owns or runs the company on its website.

Inergie.Io referral program

For every online platform, the referral model follows a pattern, all company wants to promote its product, app or site so they offer all potential users the opportunity to share their link, make a new member, and earn a bonus as reward.

The same model is applied on the inergie.Io site. After a successful sign up or registration, you proceed to login to be enable to share your referral link, make new membership and earn a referral bonus.

Is inergie.Io legit

Importantly, I always warn my blog readers first not to fall for ponzi schemes and other investment frauds inrespective of the model, either smart contract, MLM, income program, HYIP schemes etc.

This is because these platforms involve paying longer-standing members with money from new participants, instead of actual profits from investing or selling products/services to the public.

Obviously, this cannot be sustained and will always collapse eventually in a space of weeks or months.

Is inergie.Io scam

Primarily, xycinews media contents is to give an overview of platforms and what they entails to help you decide if proceeding with them or investing only what you can afford to lose.

  • Do you think inergie.Io is scam?

  • How you being defrauded?

With a lot of platforms on our desk to review for the general public, we might not be able to keep track of inergie.Io on a regular. Please help us by dropping a comment and this will help other potential investors from falling prey or proceeding to invest.

In summary – is inergie.Io legit or scam

Anyways, team xycinews can’t pronounce inergie.Io scam or legit but we will give you all the important information at our disposal to help you decide best because it involves you and your funds and we ain’t ah third party.

Don’t conclude from what you’ve read alone, make research additionally to make your firm. Always look out for the following before considering any online platform, expecially when your funds is involved.

  • Check if the site has a “contact us” web page

  • Avoid online platforms that promises huge ROI.

  • Check if the site shows info about its company (name, address, country).

  • Check if the site has an “about us” or “company” web page.

  • Check if the site has a valid VAT or partita IVA number (EU only).

  • Check if the platform is registered and certified to increase trust value.

  • Don’t be tricked by offers looking too good to be real, if it looks too good to be true, it could be a bait.

  • Check if the site has an active social presence (telegram,facebook, twitter, instagram)

This inergie.Io review article isn’t aimed at defaming inergie.Io nor is it targeted to promoting them.

This article is strictly for enlightening purposes and a honest guide from our perspective because we strongly believe every brand needs a good background check.

Therefore, you are at liberty to accept or reject this article and act base on your own perspective of the platform. You are encouraged to share your own opinion or views about the platform with us via the comments box below so as to further improve this inergie.Io review.

Team xycinews is no third party and we can’t handle any queries whatsoever.

Good at trading? Earn from letting others copy you!

Trade as usual and earn additional income from others copying you. Your master profile displays daily and monthly stats on your trading performance—promote it and attract new followers!

How it works

Click on master area and create a master account—start a new one or assign an existing one as your master account.

Get your master account ready for copiers: set your commission amount and describe your strategy.

Use your master area to view detailed statistics on your trading, change your account settings, and view the amount of commission* you’ve earned.

*if you are an IB, the sum of the IB commission and copy trade master commission cannot exceed $15/lot.

Octafx copytrading offers you an additional source of income: open a master trader account, describe your strategy, and set your commission to let others copy your trades.

Сreate multiple master accounts for different strategies

Track detailed statistics for your orders and earned master’s commission in the master area

Enjoy the benefit of no additional commission charged by octafx

Your master area in the octafx trading app for android

  • Create master accounts on the go

  • View statistics on your copiers and commissions wherever you are

  • Manage copying conditions for your new followers on the spot


How can I become a master trader?

Any octafx client with an MT4 account can become a master trader. Just go to your master area and set up your master account.

How do I adjust the amount of the commission I charge my copiers?

Go to your master area, view settings, adjust the commission using the slider, and save changes. The new commission will only be charged from the copiers to subscribe to you after the adjustment. For all other copiers, the commission amount will remain unchanged.

When do I get commission payments from my copiers?

Payouts are made on saturdays at 12 a.M. (EET) every week.

When is the commission charged to my copiers?

The commission is charged the moment you open a trade.

How do I get the commission?

We transfer it to a special wallet. From your wallet, you can add it to any of your trading accounts, or withdraw it.


Forex copy trading has become quite popular over the years. This is essentially a type of trading that allows you to replicate the performance of successful traders at a small fee. This way, you can make profits without having any pertinent skills or experience in the forex market.

There are a lot of forex brokers that offer copy trading platforms. Below are 7 of the most preferred platforms:

Brokerinfobonusopen account
min deposit: $5
spread: from 0.2 pips
leverage: 500:1
regulation: FSA (saint vincent and the grenadines), cysec
50% deposit bonus, real contest 1st prize luxury car BMW X5 M, copy trading, trade&win. Visit broker
min deposit: $1
spread: from 0 pips
leverage: 3000:1
regulation: cysec, IFSC
$100 no-deposit bonus, 100% deposit bonus visit broker
min deposit: $200
spread: from 3 pips
leverage: 400:1
regulation: NFA, FCA, cysec
visit broker
min deposit: $1
spread: fixed spread from 3 pips
leverage: up to 1:1000
regulation: CBR, cysec and FFMS
30% forex deposit bonus visit broker

  • Etoro

Etoro is arguably one of the best trading platforms in the forex market. It has firmly positioned itself as an unrivaled leader, especially in the social trading space. The quality of its services, coupled with credibility earned from many years of operation enables it to outshine the competition.

For novice traders looking to venture into copy trading, etoro makes for the perfect platform to start with. Its simplicity makes it easy for beginners to thrive without having to grasp all the jargon that comes with forex trading. The platform offers those looking to start a copy trading top-notch analysis of the best performing traders. This way you won’t risk copying sketchy traders who deliver nothing but loses.

Although its withdrawal fee is a bit discouraging, etoro’s credibility, simple design, helpful stats on traders and a wide range of markets to choose from makes it one of the best copy trading platforms.

  • FBS

FBS Copy Trade

With operations spanning more than 190 countries, FBS is undeniably one of the largest forex platforms globally. It has largely thrived on ensuring that its users are presented with a boatload of educational resources to help them navigate the forex trading market. They have comprehensive training programs that are custom designed to address the individual needs and skill levels of newbies.

Its copy trading platform is one of the most advanced. They capitalize on high-end software to make it easy for traders to track and copy the performance of top investors.

FBS’ copytrade platform comes with outstanding user experience to make sure that novice traders are not put off. All the complexity that other copy trading platforms employ has been stripped off and replaced with simple design without sacrificing quality. Veteran traders can also earn by sharing the knowledge and secrets they use to be successful. This is the perfect platform for both newbies and veteran investors who don’t have the time to do all the research and collect statistics that will help them earn more.

  • Octafx

OCTAFX Copy Trading

Octa forex launched their copy trading platform on september 2018. Being an internationally recognized broker, the platform has already shown a lot of potential by allowing master traders to earn from their skills, knowledge, and expertise.

Octa forex’s platform provides one of the most transparent social trading services that not only present veteran traders with opportunities to maximize their profits, but also enables novice traders to significantly benefit from the expertise of octaforex’s most successful investors. Traders who wish to be copied are required to create a master profile, publicly outline their strategies and set their own commissions. If you have multiple trading strategies that help you make more profits, you are allowed to create an account for each of them, keeping in mind that the accounts will be ranked separately.

Master accounts are analyzed and their trading history laid bare for the consumption of those who wish to invest in them. Their activities can be monitored live and easily compared with others to enable new traders to choose wisely and quickly.

  • Instaforex

Founded back in 2007 by the insta trade corporation, instaforex has consistently proved to be credible and worthwhile. The platform has attracted many awards, including the “best broker in asia” award. Their copy trading platform, the forexcopy, enables budding traders using their services to replicate the success of the more experienced traders. To start copy trading, you need a minimum of only $10 in your account.

Experienced traders can earn extra income by registering with the forexcopy platform and set their own terms of remuneration. You can charge traders who copy you by utilizing various commission models. These include commission per profitable model, commission per lots traded and commission per subscription day. The forex copy monitoring list provides a list of the most successful investors that others can copy.

If you are an established trader, however, its basic functionality might put you off. In this case, it is recommended to find a more satisfying alternative.

  • Darwinex

Although darwinex operates on the same basic principle of copy trading, it has tweaked its service a bit to make it more interesting. You still get to reap from the skills and expertise of top performing traders, but instead of directly copying their current positions in the market, you buy synthetic assets, famously known as darwins on the platform. The value of these assets varies depending on how the traders you are buying from performing. That is, if the trader earns more, the price of their darwins rises and the more likely your investment is to become profitable.

On the other hand, if the trader performs dismally, the value of their darwins drops and your investment may begin attracting losses.

  • Zulutrade

On many occasions, zulutrade is at par with etoro when you focus on the aspect of copy trading. It has positioned itself as a favorite of many traders looking to reap maximum gains from the efforts of other traders. Its copy trading platform utilizes state of the art technology to offer traders with incredible experience and maximize profits.

Zulutrade provides a wide range of functionalities to enable traders to seamlessly navigate the platform. There are valuable stats on traders you choose to copy plus easy portfolio management to make trading painless. New traders are exposed to many features that make it easy to replicate the performance of other traders and enjoy maximum profits. The platform has been around for a long time and has proved to be highly credible and worth giving a shot.

  • Ayondo

Ayondo is another perfect option for beginner traders. The platform is among the few that offers purely copy trading services. It has grown over the years to secure itself a place in the hearts of those just getting their feet wet with forex trading. Although ayondo may be a bit limiting for veteran traders due to its simplicity, it is the perfect platform to familiarize yourself with the basics of copy trading.

One of the reasons why it has become so popular is because of its remuneration system for top performing traders. This means that if a trader maintains a low-risk profile, they stand to make more profits and enjoying higher visibility. When you perform maximally, your account is more likely to be replicated by other traders which means more profits and credibility on your part.

If you are new to forex trading, copy trading will set you on the right path to success even without gaining the necessary skills and experience. To start you off, test each of the above-listed copy trading platforms and choose one that best suits your needs.

Hasilkan uang dengan membiarkan orang lain meng-copy trade anda

Berdagang seperti biasa dan dapat pendapatan tambahan dengan membolehkan orang lain menyalin anda. Profil pakar anda memaparkan statistik harian dan bulanan bagi prestasi dagangan anda—promosikan dan tarik pengikut baru!


Klik pada ruangan pakar dan buat akaun pakar—mulakan akaun baru atau tetapkan akaun sedia ada sebagai akaun pakar.

Sediakan akaun pakar anda untuk penyalin: tetapkan jumlah komisen anda dan terangkan strategi anda.

Gunakan ruangan pakar anda untuk melihat statistik terperinci bagi dagangan anda, tukar tetapan akaun anda dan lihat jumlah komisen* yang anda dapat.

*jika anda ialah IB, jumlah komisen IB dan komisen pakar salin dagangan tidak boleh melebihi $15/lot.

Octafx copytrading menawarkan sumber pendapatan tambahan kepada anda: buka akaun pedagang pakar, terangkan strategi anda dan tetapkan komisen anda untuk membolehkan orang lain menyalin dagangan anda.

Buat berbilang akaun pakar untuk strategi yang berbeza

Jejak statistik terperinci untuk pesanan anda dan dapat komisen pakar dalam ruangan pakar

Nikmati manfaat tiada komisen tambahan yang dikenakan oleh octafx

Ruang pakar anda dalam aplikasi dagangan octafx untuk android

  • Buat akaun pakar di mana-mana sahaja

  • Lihat statistik penyalin dan komisen anda di mana-mana sahaja

  • Urus syarat menyalin untuk pengikut baru anda dengan segera


Soalan lazim

Bagaimanakah saya boleh menjadi pedagang pakar?

Mana-mana pelanggan octafx dengan akaun MT4 boleh menjadi pedagang pakar. Hanya pergi ke ruangan pakardan buat akaun pakar anda.

Bagaimanakah saya boleh melaraskan jumlah komisen yang dikenakan kepada penyalin saya?

Pergi ke ruangan pakar, lihat tetapan, laraskan komisen menggunakan penggelongsor dan simpan perubahan. Komisen baru hanya akan dikenakan daripada penyalin yang melanggan selepas pelarasan tersebut. Untuk penyalin lain, jumlah komisen akan kekal tidak berubah.

Bilakah saya mendapat bayaran komisen daripada penyalin saya?

Bayaran dibuat pada hari sabtu jam 12 tengah malam (EET) setiap minggu.

Bilakah komisen dikenakan kepada penyalin saya?

Komisen dikenakan pada waktu anda membuka dagangan.

Bagaimanakah saya mendapat komisen?

Kami memindahkannya ke dompet yang khas. Daripada dompet anda, anda boleh menambahnya ke mana-mana akaun dagangan anda atau mengeluarkannya.


Octafx copytrading มอบโอกาสในการคัดลอกเทรดเดอร์ชั้นนำโดยอัตโนมัติและลืมไปได้เลยกับการต้องใช้เวลาหลายชั่วโมงเพื่อสร้างกลยุทธ์การเทรดของคุณเอง เลือกมาสเตอร์ฝีมือดีและกระจายพอร์ตการลงทุนของคุณ


Earn by copying the success of pro traders, copy trading octafx.

สมัครได้ง่ายๆ ในขั้นตอนเดียวและทำการฝากเงินเข้าวอลเล็ทผ่านช่องทางชำระเงินที่คุณต้องการ หากคุณมีเงินอยู่ในบัญชีเทรดที่ octafx อยู่แล้ว คุณสามารถเพิ่มเงินดังกล่าวเข้าวอลเล็ทได้โดยใช้การโอนเงินภายใน ยอดคงเหลือในวอลเล็ทของคุณจะแสดงเงินที่ยังไม่ได้ถูกนำไปลงทุน

ค้นหามาสเตอร์ที่คุณต้องการติดตามแล้วคลิก ‘คัดลอก’ สถานะของพวกเขาจะถูกคัดลอกโดยอัตโนมัติ การตั้งค่าเปอร์เซ็นต์เงินฝากจะช่วยในการจัดการพอร์ตของคุณ ลองคัดลอกกลยุทธ์แบบต่างๆ เพื่อตัดสินใจว่าแบบใดเหมาะกับคุณมากที่สุด!

ด้วยจำนวนมาสเตอร์สำหรับการคัดลอกที่มีอยู่มากมายมหาศาล คุณสามารถสร้างพอร์ตการลงทุนที่มีความสมดูลและมีความหลากหลายได้และรับรายได้ที่มั่นคง นอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถควบคุมการดำเนินการได้ทั้งหมดและสามารถแก้ไข/หยุดการคัดลอกการเทรดได้ตลอดเวลา คุณสามารถดูสถิติการเทรดโดยละเอียดสำหรับมาสเตอร์เทรดเดอร์ที่คุณคัดลอกได้ในพื้นที่ผู้คัดลอก



หนทางเข้าสู่ตลาด forex ได้ง่ายๆ สำหรับมือใหม่



คำสั่งของคุณจะถูกส่งโดยใช้เวลาน้อยกว่า 5ms หลังจากที่ต้นฉบับส่งคำสั่ง


คุณสามารถหยุดการคัดลอก ยกเลิกการติดตาม หรือปิดการเทรดได้ทุกเมื่อ




  • โฟกัสการลงทุนด้วยแอพ octafx copytrading แสนสะดวก

  • ควบคุมพอร์ตและการลงทุนของคุณได้ในขณะเดินทาง

  • ติดตามมาสเตอร์เทรดเดอร์และผลงานของพวกเขาได้สดๆ เพื่อการลงทุนอย่างชาญฉลาด

  • ดูว่ามีการใช้เงินของคุณในการลงทุนอย่างไรและบริหารความเสี่ยงของคุณแบบเรียลไทม์



สถิติของมาสเตอร์จะแสดงกำไรและจำนวนผู้คัดลอก ค่าคอมมิชชั่น คู่เงินที่มาสเตอร์ใช้เทรด สัดส่วนกำไร และทิศทางของคำสั่งรวมถึงปัจจัยอื่นๆ ที่คุณสามารถดูได้ก่อนที่จะตัดสินใจคัดลอก ก่อนการคัดลอกจะเริ่มต้น คุณจะต้องตั้งเปอร์เซ็นต์เงินฝากและเลือกจำนวนเงินสำหรับการลงทุนในมาสเตอร์แต่ละราย


ปริมาณของการเทรดที่คัดลอกขึ้นอยู่กับเลเวอเรจและทุนในบัญชีของทั้งมาสเตอร์และผู้คัดลอก และคำนวณเป็น: ปริมาณ (การเทรดที่คัดลอก) = ทุน (ผู้คัดลอก)/ทุน (มาสเตอร์) × เลเวอเรจ (ผู้คัดลอก)/เลเวอเรจ (มาสเตอร์) × ปริมาณ (มาสเตอร์)

ตัวอย่าง: ทุนในบัญชีมาสเตอร์คือ $500 และมีเลเวอเรจ 1:200 ทุนในบัญชีผู้คัดลอกคือ $200 และมีเลเวอเรจ 1:100 มีการเปิดเทรด 1 ล็อตในบัญชีมาสเตอร์ ปริมาณการเทรดที่คัดลอกมาคือ: 200/500 × 100/200 × 1 = 0.2 ล็อต


Octafx ไม่คิดค่าคอมมิชชั่นเพิ่มเติมใดๆ ค่าคอมมิชชั่นที่คุณต้องจ่ายเพียงรายการเดียวคือค่าคอมมิชชั่นของมาสเตอร์ ซึ่งมีการระบุไว้เป็นรายบุคคลและมีการเรียกเก็บเป็น $ ต่อปริมาณล็อตที่มีการเทรด


เปอร์เซ็นต์เงินฝากคือตัวเลือกที่คุณตั้งก่อนที่จะคัดลอกซึ่งจะช่วยคุณในการควบคุมความเสี่ยง โดยจะเท่ากับกี่เปอร์เซ็นต์ก็ได้ตั้งแต่ 1% ถึง 100% คุณตั้งค่าพารามิเตอร์นี้และการเทรดรายการใหม่จะไม่ถูกคัดลอกหากทุนที่มีในปัจจุบันลดลงไปตามจำนวนที่ตั้งไว้ (20%) จากยอดคงเหลือตามสูตรต่อไปนี้:

Good at trading? Earn from letting others copy you!

Trade as usual and earn additional income from others copying you. Your master profile displays daily and monthly stats on your trading performance—promote it and attract new followers!

How it works

Click on master area and create a master account—start a new one or assign an existing one as your master account.

Get your master account ready for copiers: set your commission amount and describe your strategy.

Use your master area to view detailed statistics on your trading, change your account settings, and view the amount of commission* you’ve earned.

*if you are an IB, the sum of the IB commission and copy trade master commission cannot exceed $15/lot.

Octafx copytrading offers you an additional source of income: open a master trader account, describe your strategy, and set your commission to let others copy your trades.

Сreate multiple master accounts for different strategies

Track detailed statistics for your orders and earned master’s commission in the master area

Enjoy the benefit of no additional commission charged by octafx

Your master area in the octafx trading app for android

  • Create master accounts on the go

  • View statistics on your copiers and commissions wherever you are

  • Manage copying conditions for your new followers on the spot


How can I become a master trader?

Any octafx client with an MT4 account can become a master trader. Just go to your master area and set up your master account.

How do I adjust the amount of the commission I charge my copiers?

Go to your master area, view settings, adjust the commission using the slider, and save changes. The new commission will only be charged from the copiers to subscribe to you after the adjustment. For all other copiers, the commission amount will remain unchanged.

When do I get commission payments from my copiers?

Payouts are made on saturdays at 12 a.M. (EET) every week.

When is the commission charged to my copiers?

The commission is charged the moment you open a trade.

How do I get the commission?

We transfer it to a special wallet. From your wallet, you can add it to any of your trading accounts, or withdraw it.

So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: learn more about octafx copytrading and how to get passive income on forex at copy trading octafx

Contents of the article

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