50 Welcome Bonus, bazeex forex.

Bazeex forex

Real money in a real trading account without funding on your part start trading with $50 welcome bonus and earn profits

Free forex bonuses

50 Welcome Bonus, bazeex forex.

50 Welcome Bonus, bazeex forex.

50 Welcome Bonus, bazeex forex.

$50 welcome bonus




$50 welcome bonus powered by baazex is an exciting way to start trading. It is a special gift for all new and existing clients. It can be the breakthrough moment for the traders waiting to kick-off their forex trading career with this exclusive promotion. Get the $50 welcome bonus and take this offer as an opportunity to test out your favorite trading strategy. Baazex allows its clients to start trading with no initial deposit using this promotion. The $50 welcome bonus will be credited to the client's trading account as credit. The earned profit from this bonus is withdraw-able.


Get an account

Get MT5 account by registering at baazex with your basic information

Get welcome bonus

Get the $50 welcome bonus from your personal client area

Start trading

Start trading with $50 welcome bonus and earn profits

Withdraw profit

Withdraw your profit which you have earned by trading in MT5 account


$50 welcome bonus

Real money in a real trading account without funding on your part

Instant withdrawal

Convenient and fast withdrawals with the availability of different payment methods

Trade-able bonus

Start trading under superior conditions with bonus and become your own boss

Apply your strategy

Test your personal trading strategies using bonus amount and get valuable experiences

Top trading platform

Trade on award-winning metatrader5 platform with ultra-fast execution

Multiple products

Select your favorite product according to your trading style from a range of products

Terms and conditions

We strongly recommend our clients to read the following terms and conditions of the $50 welcome bonus.

By availing the $50 welcome bonus, you are bound to accept these terms and conditions.

  1. For $50 welcome bonus, you are required to have a live MT5 account

  2. All existing and new clients can avail this promotion

  3. Welcome bonus will be credited to your MT5 trading account

  4. This $50 welcome bonus is in the ownership of the company and is not withdraw-able

  5. There are a total of 2000 MT5 trading accounts reserved for this offer

  6. This promotion will be expired on 25-october-2019

  7. The promotion is available on first come first served basis

  8. If the number of reserved MT5 trading accounts exceeds before promotionвђ™s expiry, the promotion will be terminated immediately

  9. Only one $50 welcome bonus trading account is allowed per client

  10. In $50 welcome bonus trading account, margin call is at 100% and stop out is at 50%

  11. In $50 welcome bonus trading account, leverage is fixed at 1:100

  12. Change of leverage, account type and commencing internal transfer is not allowed

  13. Using $50 welcome bonus promotion, trading of only forex currencies is allowed exclusively

  14. There is no restriction on trading; any trading strategy can be applied

  15. The client is eligible for the withdrawal from the profit

  16. A client can withdraw a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $100 profit from this promotion. If the client earned a profit of over $100, still $100 is withdrawable

  17. To withdraw a profit, the client must complete 5 standard lots of trading in $50 welcome bonus trading account

  18. Only one (1) withdraw from the profit is allowed from the $50 welcome bonus trading account

  19. Following this only withdrawal, MT5 trading account will be RESET to zero, that is, bonus amount and any remaining profit will be taken out

20. Withdrawal of bonus amount is strictly prohibited

21. After the only withdrawal, all restrictions will be lifted and the trading account will serve as a standard account

22. Account verification (KYC documentation) is required to withdraw the profit

23. This offer is available for all existing and new customers

24. Existing customerвђ™s MT5 trading account equity should be zero at the time requesting for $50 welcome deposit

25. Profit earned using welcome bonus is also under the ownership of the company and can be canceled at any time in the sole discretion of the company

26. It is strictly prohibited to participate again by using another email address. You will be disqualified from this promotion and as a result bonus amount and profit earned will be removed from all the duplicate trading accounts, if any such instance is found

27. Any instance of fraudulent activity will result in disqualification from this promotion. The bonus amount and profit earned will be removed, if any such instance is found, without any notice in the sole discretion of the company

28. Trading account credited with $50 welcome bonus is not eligible for IB rebates

29. Trading account credited with $50 welcome bonus is not eligible for zero balance protection

30. Company reserves the right to display name, email, picture, MT5 account ID and withdrawal amount on the website for all of the clients availed this promotion or get profitвђ™s withdrawals

31. In case of any dispute, the companyвђ™s decision is final and not challengeable in any court of law from the client

32. By participating in this promotion, you are agreed to all the terms of this promotion and the right of the company to cancel the $50 welcome bonus trading account and all profits obtained through this promotion in MT5 trading account at any time without giving any reason at the sole discretion of the company


Gündəlik həyatımızında yer alan FOREX, inkişaf edən texnologiyası ilə birlikdə, zaman və ya məkan məhdudlaşması olmadan bu qədər yaxınlığınıza niyə gəldiyini kəşf edin.


Dünyanın ən likvid bazarının üstünlüklərindən faydalanın. Forex bazarı ilə təcrübənizə dəyər qatın.

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Dünyanin ən böyük maliyyə bazarı

Gündəlik əməliyyat həcmi 5.5 trilyon dollar olan, dünyanın ən böyük bazarı olan forex bazarı, manipulyasiya edilməyən bir bazardır.


Forex bazarlarında yer alan 100-dən artıq maliyyə aləti ilə


Forex bazarlarında sərmayəniz daha dəyərlidir. Kiçik məbləğlər ilə böyük həcmli əməliyyatlar edə bilərsiniz.


Forex ticarət bazarları ilə əməliyyatlarınızda qiymətlərin tək yüksəlişindən deyil, həm də enişindən də qazanc əldə edə bilərsiniz.


Internetin olduğu hər yerdən forex bazarlarını izləyə və qazanc fürsətlərindən faydalana bilərsiniz.


Xərciniz yalnız minimal spredlər olsun.

Tək toxunuş ilə yatırım texnologiyası

Investaz-ın təqdim etdiyi investor yatırım platforması ilə öz hesabınıza asanlıqla daxil olaraq portfelinizi hər an təqib edə bilərsiniz.


Investaz bakı fond birjasının FOREX bazarı üzrə market-meykeri və likvidlik təminatçısı olaraq, əməliyyatlarınızın şəffaf və gecikməsiz icra olunmasına zəmanət verir.


Yatırımçılarımızın ehtiyaclarını özümüz üçün prioritet olaraq seçdik. Yüksək texnologiya və üstünlüklərimiz ilə yatırımçılarımıza fəal dəstək veririk.

Sizə uyğun hesab növünü seçin.

Rəqabətcil alış-satış fərqləri ilə əməliyyat xərclərinizi azaldın.

5 dəqiqə içərisində hesabınızı investaz-a köçürün.

Yatırım məhsullarımız haqqında yetərli məlumata sahibsinizsə artıq hesab açmaq zamanıdır deməkdir.

Hazırsınız? Sizi investaz yatırım dünyası ilə tanış olmağa dəvət edirik.

3 addımla asan şəkildə hesab açın, investaz üstünlükləri ilə forex dünyasına daxil olun.

Forex bazarlarında necə yatırım edə biləcəyinizi öyrənməyə başlayın.


Investaz ön hesabı yaradın

Açıq əməliyyatlarınızı investaz sisteminə yükləyin

Forex hesab köçürmə xülasəsini incələyin

Yatırımlarınızı investaz-dakı hesabınıza göndərin


FOREX bazarında qazanmağı öyrədən və yatırımı asanlaşdıran alətlər ilə sizə dəstək oluruq.

Pulsuz seminarlar ilə yatırımlarınıza daha uğurlu başlayın.

Investor üzərindən bütün suallarınıza cavab alın.

Köməyə ehtiyacınız var? Mütəxəssislərimiz əlaqə saxlasın.

Investaz-ın geniş məhsul sırasından istədiyiniz ticarət vasitələrinə yatırım edərək fərqli platformalar ilə əməliyyat edə bilərsiniz.

Investor ilə yatırımlarınızı təqib edə, 1-dən çox yatırım hesabı aça, 7/24 hesablarınız arasında pul köçürmələri həyata keçirə bilərsiniz.

Kompüterinizə proqram yükləməyə ehtiyac olmadan, istədiyiniz şəbəkədən əməliyyat platformasına asan və sürətli daxil olmağın yolu - web trader.

Dünyada bir çox broker şirkəti və banklar tərəfindən istifadə edilən forex əməliyyat terminalı metatrader 4 ilə asan və sürətli bir şəkildə əməliyyatlarınızı icra edə bilərsiniz.

İlkin Alıyev

Ilkin alıyev FED-in gözləntiləri fonunda korreksiya

Cari əməliyyatlar hesabı (qeyri-mövsümi)

Işsizlik səviyyəsi (qeyri-mövsümi)

Tikintisi başlanılan evlər

Tikinti üzrə icazələrin sayı (aylıq)

NAB işgüzar güvən indeksi

NFP - Q/k təsərrüfatında işləyənlərin sayında dəyişikliklər

Kart ödənişləri üzrə pərakəndə satış indeksi (aylıq)

Emal sənayesi indeksi (aylıq)

Istehlak qiymətləri indeksi (illik)

Istehlak qiymətlərinin baza indeksi (illik)

Neft ehtiyatında dəyişiklik (həftəlik)

Benzin ehtiyatında dəyişiklik (həftəlik)

Istehsal qiymətləri indeksi (aylıq)

Avropa mərkəzi bankının (ECB) mətbuat konfransı

Westpac - istehlakçı əhval-ruhiyyəsi indeksi

Yeni zelandiya biznes aktivliyi indeksi (PMI)

Üçüncü sənaye fəaliyyəti indeksi

Almaniyanın istehlak qiymət indeksi (aylıq)

Fransanın istehlak qiyməti indeksi (aylıq)

Istehlak qiymətləri indeksi (aylıq)

Baker hughes - neft qazma platformalarının sayı

“invest-AZ investisiya şirkəti” QSC, 09.01.2016-cı il tarixli 087986 saylı lisenziyası əsasında broker, anderraytinq (diler), marja ticarəti (forex), fərdi investorların portfelinin idarə edilməsi, market meykerlik və sair investisiya xidmətləri üzrə fəaliyyət göstərməkdədir.


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"invest-AZ investisiya şirkəti" QSC (VÖEN: 1800354501, lisenziya №: 087986)

Xətai r-nu, babək pr., Ə.Quliyev küçəsi 11/31; (+994 12) 488 05 88; [email protected]

© 2021 investaz. Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. | version 8.0 © 2000-2021

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All information on the forex geek website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the forex geek and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. A large percentage of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

$50 welcome bonus




$50 welcome bonus powered by baazex is an exciting way to start trading. It is a special gift for all new and existing clients. It can be the breakthrough moment for the traders waiting to kick-off their forex trading career with this exclusive promotion. Get the $50 welcome bonus and take this offer as an opportunity to test out your favorite trading strategy. Baazex allows its clients to start trading with no initial deposit using this promotion. The $50 welcome bonus will be credited to the client's trading account as credit. The earned profit from this bonus is withdraw-able.


Get an account

Get MT5 account by registering at baazex with your basic information

Get welcome bonus

Get the $50 welcome bonus from your personal client area

Start trading

Start trading with $50 welcome bonus and earn profits

Withdraw profit

Withdraw your profit which you have earned by trading in MT5 account


$50 welcome bonus

Real money in a real trading account without funding on your part

Instant withdrawal

Convenient and fast withdrawals with the availability of different payment methods

Trade-able bonus

Start trading under superior conditions with bonus and become your own boss

Apply your strategy

Test your personal trading strategies using bonus amount and get valuable experiences

Top trading platform

Trade on award-winning metatrader5 platform with ultra-fast execution

Multiple products

Select your favorite product according to your trading style from a range of products

Terms and conditions

We strongly recommend our clients to read the following terms and conditions of the $50 welcome bonus.

By availing the $50 welcome bonus, you are bound to accept these terms and conditions.

  1. For $50 welcome bonus, you are required to have a live MT5 account

  2. All existing and new clients can avail this promotion

  3. Welcome bonus will be credited to your MT5 trading account

  4. This $50 welcome bonus is in the ownership of the company and is not withdraw-able

  5. There are a total of 2000 MT5 trading accounts reserved for this offer

  6. This promotion will be expired on 25-october-2019

  7. The promotion is available on first come first served basis

  8. If the number of reserved MT5 trading accounts exceeds before promotionвђ™s expiry, the promotion will be terminated immediately

  9. Only one $50 welcome bonus trading account is allowed per client

  10. In $50 welcome bonus trading account, margin call is at 100% and stop out is at 50%

  11. In $50 welcome bonus trading account, leverage is fixed at 1:100

  12. Change of leverage, account type and commencing internal transfer is not allowed

  13. Using $50 welcome bonus promotion, trading of only forex currencies is allowed exclusively

  14. There is no restriction on trading; any trading strategy can be applied

  15. The client is eligible for the withdrawal from the profit

  16. A client can withdraw a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $100 profit from this promotion. If the client earned a profit of over $100, still $100 is withdrawable

  17. To withdraw a profit, the client must complete 5 standard lots of trading in $50 welcome bonus trading account

  18. Only one (1) withdraw from the profit is allowed from the $50 welcome bonus trading account

  19. Following this only withdrawal, MT5 trading account will be RESET to zero, that is, bonus amount and any remaining profit will be taken out

20. Withdrawal of bonus amount is strictly prohibited

21. After the only withdrawal, all restrictions will be lifted and the trading account will serve as a standard account

22. Account verification (KYC documentation) is required to withdraw the profit

23. This offer is available for all existing and new customers

24. Existing customerвђ™s MT5 trading account equity should be zero at the time requesting for $50 welcome deposit

25. Profit earned using welcome bonus is also under the ownership of the company and can be canceled at any time in the sole discretion of the company

26. It is strictly prohibited to participate again by using another email address. You will be disqualified from this promotion and as a result bonus amount and profit earned will be removed from all the duplicate trading accounts, if any such instance is found

27. Any instance of fraudulent activity will result in disqualification from this promotion. The bonus amount and profit earned will be removed, if any such instance is found, without any notice in the sole discretion of the company

28. Trading account credited with $50 welcome bonus is not eligible for IB rebates

29. Trading account credited with $50 welcome bonus is not eligible for zero balance protection

30. Company reserves the right to display name, email, picture, MT5 account ID and withdrawal amount on the website for all of the clients availed this promotion or get profitвђ™s withdrawals

31. In case of any dispute, the companyвђ™s decision is final and not challengeable in any court of law from the client

32. By participating in this promotion, you are agreed to all the terms of this promotion and the right of the company to cancel the $50 welcome bonus trading account and all profits obtained through this promotion in MT5 trading account at any time without giving any reason at the sole discretion of the company

so, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: $50 welcome bonus NO DEPOSIT BONUS WITHDRAWABLE PROFIT $50 WELCOME BONUS $50 welcome bonus powered by baazex is an exciting way to start trading. It is a special gift for all new and at bazeex forex

Contents of the article

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