Xm trading login
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google").
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Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above. In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
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Tradexfin limited is regulated by the seychelles financial services authority under securities dealer’s license number SD010. | privacy policy | cookie policy | terms and conditions
TPS management limited with offices at steliou mavrommati 80B, agios pavlos, 2364, nicosia, cyprus.TPS management limited is wholly owned by tradexfin limited.
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restrictions to accessing our services may apply to individuals being a national of, or a resident of, the following — but not limited to — countries:
Albania, the bahamas, barbados, botswana, cambodia, ghana, jamaica, mauritius, myanmar, nicaragua, pakistan, panama, syria, uganda, yemen, zimbabwe.
We do not provide our service to citizens of the united states of america, canada, EU countries, iran, north korea, and belize.
You must be 18 years old, or of legal age as determined in your country. Upon registering an account, you acknowledge that you are registering at your own free will, without solicitation on behalf of xmtrading.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
Xmtrading uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
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Zugang zum mitgliedsbereich
Verwenden sie die nummer ihres MT4/MT5-live-kontos und das passwort, um sich im mitgliedsbereich einzuloggen.
Neu bei XM?
Rechtlicher hinweis: diese internetseite wird von XM global limited betrieben. Sitz des unternehmens ist 5 cork street, belize city, belize, mittelamerika.
Trading point holdings ltd ist die holdinggesellschaft von trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd und trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited ist von der zypriotischen finanzaufsichtsbehörde cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) zugelassen und wird entsprechend reguliert (lizenznummer 120/10).
XM global limited ist von der finanzaufsichtsbehörde international financial services commission (IFSC) zugelassen und wird entsprechend reguliert (lizenznummer 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd ist von der australischen finanzaufsichtsbehörde australian securities and investment commission zugelassen und wird entsprechend reguliert (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited ist von der finanzaufsichtsbehörde dubai financial services authority (DFSA) zugelassen und wird entsprechend reguliert (ref.-nr. F003484).
Risikohinweis: der handel mit devisen und cfds birgt ein erhebliches risiko für ihr investiertes kapital. Bitte lesen sie unseren risikohinweis und stellen sie sicher, dass sie ihn vollständig verstanden haben.
Regionale einschränkungen: XM global limited bietet keine dienstleistungen für personen mit wohnsitz in bestimmten ländern. Dazu gehören die vereinigten staaten von amerika, kanada, israel und islamische republik iran.
Wir verwenden cookies, um unsere website für sie besonders nutzerfreundlich zu gestalten. Mehr darüber und ihre einstellmöglichkeiten finden sie in den cookie-einstellungen.
Risikohinweis: es bestehen risiken für das von ihnen eingesetzte kapital. Produkte mit hebelwirkung sind nicht für alle kapitalanleger geeignet. Bitte beachten sie unseren risikohinweis.
Diese website verwendet cookies
Durch anklicken von “weiter” stimmen sie den standard-cookie-einstellungen auf unserer website zu.
XM verwendet cookies, um ihnen das bestmögliche benutzererlebnis beim besuch unserer website zu gewährleisten. Einige der cookies werden benötigt, um grundlegende funktionen, wie z.B. Login-sitzungen, bereitzustellen. Diese cookies können nicht deaktiviert werden. Andere cookies unterstützen uns dabei, die leistungsfähigkeit unserer website und ihr benutzererlebnis zu verbessern, indem sie inhalte personalisieren, social media-funktionen bereitstellen und unseren datenverkehr analysieren. Solche cookies können auch cookies von dritten enthalten, die ihre nutzung unserer website unter umständen erfassen. Sie können die cookie-einstellungen jederzeit ändern.
Erfahren sie mehr oder ändern sie ihre cookie-einstellungen.
Ihre cookie-einstellungen
Was sind cookies?
Cookies sind kleine textdateien. Beim aufrufen einer internetseite wird der cookie an ihren computer übermittelt. Ihr computer speichert diese datei in ihrem webbrowser.
Durch cookies werden keine viren oder schadprogramme auf ihren computer übertragen, weil sich die im cookie befindlichen daten bei der hin- und rückübertragung nicht ändern. Cookies haben keinen einfluss auf die funktionsweise ihres computers. Ihre auswertung lässt rückschlüsse auf die benutzeraktivitäten zu (d.H. Die benutzeraktivität wird erfasst und erforderliche daten gespeichert). Bei jedem neuen aufruf der internetseite kann der inhalt der cookies aktualisiert werden.
Wir können informationen über sie erheben, indem wir auf cookies zugreifen, die über unsere internetseite gesendet wurden. Verschiedene arten von cookies protokollieren unterschiedliche aktivitäten. Session-cookies werden beispielsweise nur dann verwendet, wenn eine person aktiv auf der internetseite navigiert. Sobald sie die internetseite verlassen, verfällt der session-cookie.
Warum sind cookies nützlich?
Wir verwenden sogenannte funktionale cookies, um die art und weise, wie besucher unsere internetseite nutzen, zu analysieren sowie die leistungsfähigkeit und funktionalität unserer internetseite zu überwachen und zu optimieren. Dies ermöglicht uns, eine hohe kundenzufriedenheit zu gewährleisten, indem wir auftretende probleme zeitnah erkennen und beheben. Zum beispiel können wir cookies verwenden, um festzustellen, welche unserer internetseiten am meisten besucht werden und welche art der verlinkung am wirkungsvollsten ist. Letzteres hilft uns auch, unsere zukünftigen werbekampagnen zu verbessern, indem wir erkennen, ob sie von einer anderen internetseite zu uns weitergeleitet wurden.
Eine weitere verwendungsmöglichkeit von cookies ist die speicherung ihrer login-sitzungen. Wenn sie sich beispielsweise zwecks guthabeneinzahlung in den mitgliedsbereich einloggen, wird ein "session-cookie" gesetzt, damit die internetseite über die vorherige anmeldung informiert ist. Wenn die internetseite diesen cookie nicht gesetzt hat, werden sie auf jeder neuen seite des einzahlungsvorganges um eingabe des benutzernamens und passwortes gebeten.
Des weiteren werden funktionale cookies eingesetzt, um beispielsweise ihre persönlichen einstellungen zu speichern und sie als benutzer zu identifizieren, die sicherheit ihrer daten zu gewährleisten und einen zuverlässigeren und leistungsfähigeren betrieb zu gewährleisten. Cookies ersparen ihnen beispielsweise die mühe, bei jedem zugriff auf unsere handelsplattform ihren benutzernamen einzugeben und rufen ihre voreinstellungen ab, z.B. Welche sprache sie nach dem login angezeigt bekommen möchten.
Hier finden sie eine übersicht einiger der funktionen, die wir durch unsere cookies nutzen:
- Bestätigung ihrer identität und erkennung des landes, von dem aus sie unsere internetseite aufrufen
- Erkennung des browser-typs und gerätes
- Erkennung der seite, von welcher der nutzer auf unsere website geleitet wurde
- Ermöglicht drittparteien, ihre inhalte entsprechend zu personalisieren
Diese internetseite verwendet google analytics, einen webanalysedienst von google inc. („google“). Google analytics verwendet analytische cookies, die auf ihrem computer gespeichert werden und die eine analyse der benutzung der website durch den benutzer ermöglichen. Die durch den cookie erhobenen daten über ihre nutzung der internetseite (einschließlich ihrer IP-adresse) kann an die server von google übertragen und dort gespeichert werden. Google kann diese daten verwenden, um ihre nutzung der internetseite auszuwerten, um berichte über die aktivitäten der internetseite zu erstellen und um weitere mit der nutzung der internetseite und der internetnutzung verbundene dienstleistungen zu erbringen. Gegebenenfalls kann google diese daten an dritte übertragen, sofern dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder soweit dritte diese daten im auftrag von google verarbeiten. Google wird in keinem fall ihre IP-adresse mit anderen daten von google in verbindung bringen. Mit der nutzung dieser internetseite erklären sie sich damit einverstanden, dass google die über sie erhobenen daten in der oben beschriebenen art und weise und zu dem zuvor genannten zweck verarbeitet.
Einstellungen ändern
Bitte wählen sie aus, welche arten von cookies auf ihrem endgerät gespeichert werden sollen.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
New to XM?
Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves a significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restricted regions: XM global limited does not provide services for the residents of certain countries, such as the united states of america, canada, israel and the islamic republic of iran.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Change settings
Please select which types of cookies you want to be stored on your device.
Akses ke member area
Gunakan akun riil MT4/MT5 dan kata sandi untuk masuk pada login anggota.
Baru di XM?
Legal: situs ini dioperasikan oleh XM global limited dengan alamat terdaftar no. 5 cork street, kota belize, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd adalah perusahaan induk dari trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd dan trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi sekuritas dan bursa siprus (cysec) (nomor lisensi 120/10).
XM global limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi jasa keuangan internasional (IFSC) (nomor lisensi 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi investasi dan sekuritas australia (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh otoritas jasa keuangan dubai (DFSA) (dibawah nomor F003484).
Peringatan resiko: trading forex dan CFD melibatkan risiko yang signifikan terhadap dana investasi anda. Mohon untuk membaca dan memastikan bahwa anda telah paham dengan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Wilayah terbatas: XM global limited tidak menyediakan layanan untuk warga negara di beberapa negara tertentu, seperti amerika serikat, kanada, israel dan iran.
Kami menggunakan cookies untuk memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik di website kami. Baca lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookie anda.
Peringatan resiko: modal anda berisiko. Produk dengan leverage mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua orang. Mohon pertimbangkan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Website ini menggunakan cookies
Dengan mengeklik “lanjutkan”, anda setuju dengan pengaturan awal cookie di website kami.
XM menggunakan cookies untuk memastikan bahwa kami memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik saat mengunjungi website kami. Beberapa cookies dibutuhkan untuk memberikan fitur-fitur esensial seperti sesi login, dan tidak bisa dinon-aktifkan. Cookies lainnya membantu kami meningkatkan performa website dan pengalaman anda melalui konten yang dipersonalisasi, memberikan fitur media sosial dan menganalisa traffic anda. Cookies seperti ini juga termasuk cookies pihak ketiga, yang mungkin merekam penggunaan website anda. Anda bisa mengubah pengaturan cookies kapanpun.
Pelajari lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookies. Anda
Pengaturan cookies anda
Apakah itu cookie ?
Cookie adalah berkas data kecil. Ketika anda mengunjungi situs web, situs web ini mengirimkan cookie ke komputer anda. Komputer anda menyimpannya dalam berkas yang terletak di dalam browser web anda.
Cookie tidak mentransfer virus atau malware ke komputer anda. Karena data dalam cookie tidak berubah ketika ia bolak-balik, juga tidak memiliki cara untuk memengaruhi cara komputer anda berjalan, namun, mereka bertindak seperti log (yaitu merekam aktivitas pengguna dan mengingat informasi lengkap) dan mereka diperbarui setiap kali anda mengunjungi situs web.
Kami akan mendapat informasi tentang anda dengan mengakses cookies yang dikirimkan oleh situs kami. Beberap tipe cookies menulusuri beragam aktifitas. Sebagai contoh, session cookies digunakan ketika seseorang secara aktif menjelajah suatu situs. Seketika anda meninggalkan situs, session cookie akan hilang.
Apa gunanya cookies ?
Kami menggunakan cookie fungsional untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengunjung menggunakan situs web kami, serta melacak dan meningkatkan kinerja dan fungsi situs web kami. Ini memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan berkualitas tinggi yang dengan cepat mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki masalah apa pun yang mungkin timbul. Misalnya, kami mungkin menggunakan cookie untuk melacak halaman situs web mana yang paling populer dan metode penautan mana di antara halaman situs web yang paling efektif. Ini juga membantu kami melacak, apakah anda dirujuk ke kami oleh situs web lain dan meningkatkan kampanye iklan kami di masa mendatang.
Penggunaan lain dari cookie adalah untuk menyimpan sesi login anda, yang berarti bahwa ketika anda masuk ke login anggota untuk menyetor dana, "cookie sesi" diatur sedemikian, sehingga situs web dapat mengingat bahwa anda sudah masuk. Jika situs web tidak mengatur cookie ini, anda akan diminta untuk login dengan kata sandi di setiap halaman baru, saat anda melakukan proses pendanaan.
Selain itu, cookie fungsional, misalnya, digunakan untuk memungkinkan kami mengingat preferensi anda dan mengidentifikasi anda sebagai pengguna, memastikan informasi anda aman untuk beroperasi lebih andal dan efisien. Misalnya, cookie menghemat pengetikan nama pengguna anda setiap kali anda mengakses platform trading kami, juga mengingat preferensi anda, seperti bahasa apa yang ingin anda lihat ketika anda masuk.
Berikut adalah ikhtisar dari beberapa fungsi yang diberikan cookie kami:
- Memverifikasi identitas anda dan mendeteksi negara anda saat ini
- Memeriksa tipe browser dan piranti anda
- Menelusuri dari situs mana pengguna berasal
- Memungkinkan pihak ketiga untuk merubah konten
Situs web ini menggunakan google analytics, layanan analitik web yang disediakan oleh google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics menggunakan cookie analitis yang ditempatkan di komputer anda, untuk membantu situs web menganalisis penggunaan situs web oleh pengguna. Informasi yang dihasilkan oleh cookie tentang penggunaan situs web anda (termasuk alamat IP anda) dapat dikirimkan dan disimpan oleh google di server mereka. Google dapat menggunakan informasi ini untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan situs web anda, untuk menyusun laporan tentang aktivitas situs web dan untuk menyediakan layanan lain yang terkait dengan aktivitas situs web dan penggunaan internet. Google juga dapat mentransfer informasi ini kepada pihak ketiga, jika diharuskan untuk melakukannya oleh hukum, atau di mana pihak ketiga tersebut memproses informasi atas nama google. Google tidak akan mengaitkan alamat IP anda dengan data lain yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan situs web ini, anda memberikan persetujuan anda kepada google untuk memproses data tentang anda dengan cara dan untuk tujuan yang ditetapkan di atas.
Atur perubahan
Silahkan pilih tipe cookies yang anda ingin simpan dalam perangkat anda.
Xm trading login
XM trading platform review was conducted by the team of our professional forex experts for those who want to invest with XM.Com trading platform. Formerly founded in 2009 as trading point of financial instruments ltd, it is a regulated forex broker in the republic of cyprus. The company was originally established by a group of interbank traders who required to recover the level of services in the forex trading communal. Through XM, traders now have access to the cfds, commodities and forex marketplaces.
Featured site
One of the foremost advantages of trade with XM is the information that the company is founded in cyprus, a member nation of the eurozone. This mean it meets the lowest fiduciary standard essential of a financial service provider working in the eurozone. By the way, it is also registered with the UK’s financial services authority (FSA) and federal financial supervisory authority of germany (bafin) thus giving extra protection to traders.
XM forex trading platforms
Maximum forex brokers offer an industry-leading platform such as MT4 and combine this with a good mobile app. It provides 9 platforms, five of which are keen to desktop computers and 4 that are keen to mobile traders. They really do not leftover any chance to live up to the right of “valuing trading competence” and provide for traders of all levels and necessities. These stages are below defined in brief detail.
XM MT4 download
This is XM’s version of the commerce-leading mt4 platform. It is extremely configurable and effortlessly suited to both novice and expert traders alike. It provides a live news feed and a wide technical analysis abilities. The MT4 platform also joins one click trading along with their manual trading feature, and even permits you to setup eas to mechanically place trades for you. Actually, there are a sum of add-ons and applications that will assistance you trade and progress your approaches. Trade cfds, futures and forex with no requotes and no refusals on this platform.
MT4 multiterminal
The multiterminal platform is mainly intended for money managers or traders who use manifold accounts and perform multiple order types instantaneously. Several of the features of MT4 are presented, but eas are not permissible as the terminal is planned for managing numerous accounts simply. Multiterminal doesn’t offer tech study either, but it does provide financial news and system signals in real-time, accompanied by numerous execution models intended to meet the necessities of those who essential to manage numerous accounts.
Mac MT4
This is a mac friendly version of the extremely popular metatrader4 platform. This version of the platform comprises all of the functionality and features defined above, but permits traders to usage the platform on apple computers without the essential to run a parallel windows emulator or windows desktop.
As revealed previous, it look like to be the “one broker for all” as they offer a huge number of explanations. If you are an account or portfolio manager, or you are attentive in managing numerous accounts with the comprehensive features of metatrader4, this is the platform for you. Unlike MT4 multiterminal, XM MAM permits automated trading with eas and offer the technical analysis and charts you’d expect from metatrader4. There is so much more to this platform as it even permits numerous account pockets to manage numerous MT4 trading accounts through one main account. If this sounds right to your necessities, we endorse you speak with the support team to completely understand the functionality and features available here.
This is online trading platform. It is well-matched with mac, PC and any other apparatus accomplished of running a browser. No download is essential. Just open the platform from XM.Com in your browser and increase complete access to your trading accounts instantly. Traders can take benefit of a number of tools to increase their trading skills and trade with no rejections and no requotes. Like the metatrader4 platform, the webtrader 4 platform offers one-click trading, market analysis, an economic calendar and streaming news. It’s influential, capable and flexible. It comes extremely optional.
Ipad trader
XM brings MT4 to all ipad users by their ipad trader platform. It offers admittance to your metatrader4 account and presents actual interactive charts with scroll and zoom functionality. It also delivers real-time estimates of financial instruments, a complete set of trading tools and a comprehensive trading history, confirming that traders can examine their progress precisely. Unlike certain apps, this is far from an extra and really does provide an imaginary remote trading knowledge.
Iphone trader (IOS), mobile trader (windows mobile), droid trader (android) – mobile operators are not left imperfect as XM provide a mobile solution for all main smartphones. Their mobile platforms provide exceptional trading suppleness by bringing you a mounted down version of MT4 to your fingertips. They all provide direct access to your account and offer actual quotes of financial tools. The platforms also offer a complete set of trade orders comprising pending orders, 30 technical indicators, trade history, and the aptitude to trade straight from charts.
XM account login
Broker XM.Com was introduced in the year 2013 and instantly became famous for traders, as the company at that time already had a wealth of experience in financial markets; however, under a different name. The last name of the forex broker, under which he began his thorny journey to win the trust of clients - xemarkets. Both of these brands are owned by a holding corporation registered in cyprus. It is trading point holdings ltd which was established in 2009 by two greek ex-dealers. Having gained a wealth of experience, so to speak, "from the inside", they tried to take into account all the moments that are important for a trader, which provided the company with a reasonably easy start and today the broker XM.Com is already well known on the world stage.
XM broker singapore login: fund protection
Since the most important for each trader when choosing a broker is the issue of security of the invested funds, it is worth paying the most attention to this point. It is necessary to start with the fact that XM broker's head office is located in cyprus, so the parent company's activities are subject to cysec - cyprus securities commission, as well as european legislation with its stringent rules, which are prescribed in special EU directives for the operation of companies providing access to financial markets (mifid).
All customer accounts are kept with barclay, a world-class bank. The scheme of work of the broker completely excludes access to funds from his side.
XM broker login and registration
To pass the registration process on the official website of XM brokerage company, you do not need to spend much time and effort. It is enough to make a few simple steps to achieve this goal, namely:
Go to the page of the official site of XM brokerage company;
In the corner of the start page, find the registration column and click on it;
Fill in the registration form with all the data correctly;
Send personal data to the administration of the XM brokerage website;
Verify and confirm your identity by uploading passport scans.
After that, you will be able to trade and earn money with XM brokerage company without any problems.
6 asset classes - 16 trading platforms - over 1000 instruments.
Trade forex, individual stocks, commodities, precious metals, energies and equity indices at XM.
Trading conditions
The XM.Com broker offers three account types:
Micro for those who want to experiment on forex, but are not ready to invest large sums of money in it yet;
The standard is suitable for more experienced traders who have already seen the reality of making money in forex and want to increase their capital;
It will appeal to severe traders and fund managers, as it provides additional convenience.
The minimum deposit size for micro and standard is only $5. However, for standard - it is frankly not enough and will not allow working comfortably, and for executive will need more than $ 100 thousand. If you wish, you can work with the method of "islamic accounts" on any of the above.
The size of the leverage can be increased up to 1:888, but for executive, it is limited to 1:200. Spread is floating for all accounts - from 1 point.
Clients of XM broker can work with more than 100 assets, among which besides currency pairs, there are precious metals, stock indices, energy resources and so on.
6 asset classes - 16 trading platforms - over 1000 instruments.
Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number IFSC/60/354/TS/19).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves a significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restricted regions: XM global limited does not provide services for the residents of certain countries, such as the united states of america, canada, israel and the islamic republic of iran.
Akses ke member area
Gunakan akun riil MT4/MT5 dan kata sandi untuk masuk pada login anggota.
Baru di XM?
Legal: situs ini dioperasikan oleh XM global limited dengan alamat terdaftar no. 5 cork street, kota belize, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd adalah perusahaan induk dari trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd dan trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi sekuritas dan bursa siprus (cysec) (nomor lisensi 120/10).
XM global limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi jasa keuangan internasional (IFSC) (nomor lisensi 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi investasi dan sekuritas australia (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh otoritas jasa keuangan dubai (DFSA) (dibawah nomor F003484).
Peringatan resiko: trading forex dan CFD melibatkan risiko yang signifikan terhadap dana investasi anda. Mohon untuk membaca dan memastikan bahwa anda telah paham dengan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Wilayah terbatas: XM global limited tidak menyediakan layanan untuk warga negara di beberapa negara tertentu, seperti amerika serikat, kanada, israel dan iran.
Kami menggunakan cookies untuk memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik di website kami. Baca lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookie anda.
Peringatan resiko: modal anda berisiko. Produk dengan leverage mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua orang. Mohon pertimbangkan pengungkapan risiko kami.
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XM: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal time?

Recommended broker
XM is the brand name of trading point holdings limited. They own four subsidiaries, each with their own license.
In cyprus, XM is licensed by cysec. This regulatory body is authorized to work by the governing laws of cyprus when investigating broker firms. Cysec covers its clients’ funds with the ICF which permits for a compensation of up to €20 000 to be paid to traders in case the broker fails to pay its dues.
In australia, XM is certified by ASIC. As most regulatory bodies do, ASIC aims to enforce laws concerning the financial markets, and strives to deliver good investment environment.
XM is also regulated in the mesoamerican country of belize by their respective body: the international financial services commission (IFSC). Their main goal is to promote belize as a financial offshore center while also providing the appropriate regulatory measures to support said endeavor.
The average EUR/USD spread at XM is 1.6 pips, and goes as low as 0.1 pips for XM zero account (plus commission- read below). The leverage can go as high as 1:500. However, due to ESMA introduced laws the leverage in the UK and EU has been limited to 1:30.
XM provides a rich choice of assets, making sure that almost every taste is met accordingly. These are: forex cfds, commodities cfds, equity indices cfds, precious metals cfds and energies cfds.
Expanding XM even further is the baffling volume of languages available: english, australian english, russian, italian, polish, japanese, thai, czech, malaysian, greek, indonesian, swedish, arabian, portuguese, filipino, bengali, chinese, hungarian, french, german, spanish, vietnamese and dutch.
The inclusion of the two most popular trading platforms- MT4 and MT5- is not surprising.
MT4 is always a good reminder of just how far the industry has gotten. This platform holds the popularity title for many a reason: advanced charting tools, custom indicators, expert advisors and more. MT4’s VPS allow for seamless automated trading at all times, uninterrupted by computer failures, sudden power cuts or connectivity issues.
Average EUR/USD spread is 1.6 pips, and 0.8 pips for the XM zero account (including commission). Due to ESMA the UK and EU are limited to provide a leverage no bigger than 1:30. Offshore subsidiaries of trading point holdings limited are not bound by this rule and can afford a max leverage of 1:500.
XM zero account holders will be commissioned by $3.5 per side (7$ round turn) for every standard lot ($100 000), in turn changing the minimum cost of trading from 0.1 pips to 0.8 pips.
Besides the desktop version of MT4, there is also a neat web based alternative (no trading bots though). Get direct access to MT4 on virtually any device (mobile or tablet) operating with an android or ios operating system.
Offering more in pure quantity than MT4, MT5 has still a hard time replacing its predecessor mostly due to the fact that MT4 is universal, and essentially used by every online broker. Nevertheless, MT5 allows for full expert advisor support, has a built in economic calendar, more pending orders are available, has increased time-frames, and much more. Virtual private servers can be utilized as well.
The spread has not changed: with standard account it is 1.6 pips for EUR/USD. By adding the commission to the 0.1 pip spread for XM zero, account holder will get an actual spread starting from 0.8 pips.
In the UK and EU the leverage has been set by ESMA to 1:30 max. Outside of the EU and UK expect the leverage to be as high as 1:500.
The means of access to MT5 are various: desktop, web based platform, ios and android apps.
The minimum deposit is $5, and $100 if you’re using an XM zero account.
The broker purposefully retains payment methods information from non-deposited traders. From what we gathered, after extensive digging in the website and long customer support chat sessions, XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc. The full list of payment methods can be seen in user’s member’s area once an account is registered.
The base currencies at XM are: USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, HUF, PLN.
Wire transfer users will have to wait 2-5 days for their XM accounts to be funded. Card methods and ewallet deposits are instant.
The broker offers free of charge deposits for all methods except those made by wire transfer. If such is the case anything below a $200 (or other currency) will be billed with a commission by the broker.
Cysec regulations guarantee that all withdrawals will be safe and secure.
As mentioned above, payment methods are vague and unspecified unless you open an account. What we got from our own research is that XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc.
All withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. Users of XM card or any ewallet methods will receive their money on the same day the request has been processed, while wire transfer and credit/debit card user will have to wait 2-5 working days.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $5. However the amount does vary depending on the payment methods. And as specified, without an account you cannot see all available methods of payment.
XM covers the fee for wire transfer for 200$ withdrawal and above. Anything below will not be covered by XM and can be burdened with a fee by the client’s bank of choice. All other withdrawal methods are free of taxes.
XM is massive in both quantity and quality. The regulations mean business, but also security for clients, while the amount of content is, quite frankly, impressive to say the least.
However every rose has its thorns. In XM’s case it’s the commission for XM zero account holders, and the withheld information on deposits and withdrawals.
Xm trading login
Affiliates and ibs from 196 countries choose XM as their partner.
Affiliates and ibs from 196 countries choose XM as their partner.
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XM is one of the most trustworthy brokers we work with. Tracking, conversions and account management are second to none. Andrew wright
XM partner program is one of the best programs, which I have seen in between the biggest brokers, fortunately I got one of the best manager, and he helped me a lot in marketing plus for sure helping my clients correct. Ahmed zaman
Working with XM for few years now, and I really believe they are the best and most honorable broker out there, tested many and still XM is on the top of my list. Miro pavlov
Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves a significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restricted regions: XM global limited does not provide services for the residents of certain countries, such as the united states of america, canada, israel and the islamic republic of iran.
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So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: members area access use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area. New to xmtrading? Tradexfin limited is regulated by the seychelles financial services at xm trading login
Contents of the article
- Free forex bonuses
- Members area access
- New to xmtrading?
- Zugang zum mitgliedsbereich
- Neu bei XM?
- Members area access
- New to XM?
- Akses ke member area
- Baru di XM?
- Xm trading login
- Featured site
- XM forex trading platforms
- XM MT4 download
- XM.Com MAM
- Webtrader
- XM account login
- XM broker singapore login: fund protection
- XM broker login and registration
- Trading conditions
- Akses ke member area
- Baru di XM?
- XM: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal time?
- Recommended broker
- Xm trading login
- Get more than a partner account at XM partners
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