Xm malaysia office
Sebenarnya ciri-ciri sebuah broker forex yang baik, jujur dan boleh dipercayaai ialah adanya kemudahan-kemudahan komunikasi yang terus dan lengkap disediakan untuk pelanggan-pelanggannya seperti mana yang disediakan oleh XM forex.
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Sila klik butang berwarna hijau untuk buka akaun forex yang sebenar.
XM forex office malaysia menyediakan maklumat, tips, info dan panduan untuk forex traders di malaysia. XM.COM forex broker no #1 di malaysia
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XM forex office malaysia lokasi dan contact number - maklumat penting!
Penafian: ini bukan laman sesawang rasmi XM forex broker. Jika anda nak akses terus ke laman rasmi mereka, sila klik di sini: www.Xm.Com .
XM forex office malaysia lokasi dan contact number. Mungkin ramai yang mencari dimana XM forex office malaysia (pejabat XM forex malaysia) contact info supaya mudah anda untuk berurusan sama ada untuk buka akaun, pengeluaran dana, deposit dana atau juga mendapat update semasa. Biasanya seperti kebanyakan trader yang lain kita lebih yakin jika kita tahu dengan siapa kita berurusan bukan?
Saya juga seorang pengguna XM forex dan info mengenai XM forex office malaysia lokasi dan contact number inilah yang saya cari dan lihat dan ketahui dahulu sebelum membuka akan dengan XM malaysia hari itu. Khabar baiknya, XM forex memang menyediakan contact info dan laluan/access yang mencukupi untuk forex trader dari malaysia. Ini juga yang membuatkan saya masih menggunakan XM forex sejak 5 tahun yang lepas!
Bukan itu sahaja mereka juga menyediakan seminar forex percuma setiap bulan dalam siri jelajah XM FREE forex seminar di seluruh negara. Anda boleh menghadiri seminar tersebut yang dikendalikan oleh wakil rasmi XM forex di malaysia untuk belajar teknik forex tanpa perlu membayar. Ialya PERCUMA sahaja, malah akan ada sesi soal jawab dan anda boleh kemukakan persoalan anda terus kepada wakil XM malaysia.

Maklumat mengenai XM forex office malaysia ini penting jika anda mempunyai persoalan, atau mempunyai masalah teknikal seperti bagaimana nak deposit dana ke akaun XM forex anda atau bagaimana nak buat pengeluaran dana/keuntungan dari trade forex anda.
Mungkin juga anda telah request/mohon fund withdrawal tapi belum masuk-masuk ke akaun bank anda dan anda nak tahu status terkini. Lantas siapa dan bagaimana menghubungi pihak XM forex? Maklumat XM forex office malaysia contact info ini amat berguna.
Maklumat yang sering ditanya
ramai yang tanya saya maklumat untuk 3 soalan penting di bawah:
a.. Di mana lokasi XM forex office malaysia?
B. Adakah perkhimatan XM live chat di malaysia?
C. Bagaimana untuk membuat aduan?
D. Bagaimana cara daftar XM forex malaysia?
Kita akan berikan maklumat terperinci untuk ketiga-tiga maklumat untuk soalan di atas.
Di mana XM forex office malaysia
Sebenarnya XM forex tidak mempunyai office di malaysia. Sebarang urusan boleh berhubung terus dengan ibupejabat XM forex (XM forex headquarters) di cyprus melalui email, live chat dan juga online.
Tapi anda jangan bimbang kerana mereka mempunyai wakil XM forex di malaysia. Ini untuk memudahkan forex trader di malaysia dan juga supaya ada orang yang menyelaras aktiviti-aktiviti XM di malaysia seperti seminar percuma di setiap negeri di seluruh negara.
XM forex ada melantik wakil mereka di malaysia yang mana anda boleh berhubung dengan mereka ini melalui email. Selepas anda mendaftarkan akaun dengan XM forex seorang wakil XM forex di malaysia akan diperuntukkan untuk membimbing anda dari masa ke semasa.

So bagaimana nak berhubung dengan XM ya? Soalan yang bagus. Anda juga boleh telefon wakil XM forex di malaysia melalui n ombor telefon +603 - 78315786 (semasa waktu pejabat sahaja)
maklumat di bawah adalah alamat perhubungan XM forex untuk kegunaan para forex trader yang berdaftar dengan XM forex.

Seperti mana yang saya alami, selepas selesai mendaftar akau trading dengan XM forex anda boleh masuk ke ruangan 'dashboard' akaun anda dan anda boleh melihat maklumat wakil XM forex yang anda boleh hubungi jika anda mempunyai apa-apa masalah.
Individu tersebut yang anda boleh rujuk jika anda memerlukan bantuan.
Perkhidmatan XM live chat di malaysia
Selain dari melalui email yang mungkin akan mengambil masa untuk mendapat maklum balas, anda juga sebenarnya boleh berhubung terus dengan pihak XM forex melalui 'live chat' pada bila-bila masa, 24 jam, 7 hari seminggu.
Maksudnya anda tidak perlu pun XM forex office di malaysia. Segalanya boleh dilakukan online REALTIME.

Menggunakan kaedah live chat ini lebih baik kerana persoalan dan masalah anda boleh ditangani dan diuruskan dengan cepat dan pantas dan maklum balas yang pantas dari XM forex.
Dalam banyak urusan dengan XM forex saya banyak dan lebih selesa menggunakan perkhidmatan live chat kerana boleh berbual terus dengan kakitangan XM forex.
Cara membuat aduan bertulis
Mungkin cara-cara di atas tidak sesuai dengan anda. Biasalah ada antara kita yang lebih senang berhubung secara bertulis. Dalam situasi seperti ini anda boleh buat aduan bertulis.
Bagaimana pula untuk membuat adua secara bertulis? Selain dari melalui email dan live chat, pihak XM forex juga ada menyediakan borang aduan yang mana borang itu dalam format PDF anda boleh download dan isikan maklumat aduan anda dan hantar kepada pihak XM forex melalui fax atau pun email (scan borang itu selepas diisi dengan lengkap).
Walau bagaimanapun perlu anda fahami bahawa aduan bertulis selalunya mengambil masa untuk mendapat respon. Saya tidak pernah guna cara ini untuk berhubung dengan pihak XM

Anda boleh download borang itu melalui LINK ini.
Selepas melengkapkan semua maklumat yang diperlukan dalam borang aduan di atas, anda dikehendaki mengirimnya kepada mereka menerusi email ke support@xm.Com atau fax ke nombox fax yang tertera di atas borang aduan tersebut.
Untuk tujuan ini adalah dicadangkan agar anda menggunakan email agar kemunikasi dapat dilakukan lebih cepat dan mudah untuk kedua-dua pihak.
Sebenarnya ciri-ciri sebuah broker forex yang baik, jujur dan boleh dipercayaai ialah adanya kemudahan-kemudahan komunikasi yang terus dan lengkap disediakan untuk pelanggan-pelanggannya seperti mana yang disediakan oleh XM forex.
Panduan trading forex - trade like a pro!
Mungkin anda berminat dengan forex tapi tak tahu caranya. Saya dulu banyak belajar dengan rakan-rakan. Tetapi guru paling utama saya masa mula-mula dulu ialah google dan youtube. Berjam-jam lamanya saya habiskan menonton video teknik dan skill trading forex.
Kami akan berkongsi sedikit tips pada masa akan datang.
Cara daftar XM forex malaysia
Anda berminat untuk menceburi pasaran forex? Langkah pertama yang perlu ialah mendaftar akaun anda sendiri. Jika masih belum ada pengetahuan cara nak trade, boleh daftar demo akaun sahaja dulu. Untuk demo akaun anda akan diberikan 'virtual money' sebanyak $100,000 untuk anda berlatih trading forex.
Jika anda sudah ada pengetahuan asas dan yakin, anda boleh daftar real account . Kebaikan mendaftar untuk real account ialah anda akan diberikan bonus $30 trading bonus. Maksudnya anda boleh mula terus buat trading.
Bagaimana nak buka akaun forex dengan XM?
Jika anda nak start trade forex dengan XM broker, anda boleh buka akaun forex dengan XM forex. Semua proses adalah ringkas dan mudah secara online. Tak perlu pergi atau susah payah cari XM forex office malaysia pun.
Proses buka akaun adalah antara topik penting yang anda harus tahu, selain daripada proses deposit dan proses withdrawal.
Pertama sekali, anda perlu klik ke laman web rasmi XM: www.Xm.Com
Apabila anda sudah sampai dekat laman web rasmi, anda akan diberi dua pilihan, samada nak buka demo akaun atau akaun forex yang sebenar. Yang ini terpulang kepada anda yang mana menjadi pilihan dan sesuai kepada anda.

Sila klik butang berwarna hijau untuk buka akaun forex yang sebenar.
Selepas dah klik butang hijau, anda akan diminta untuk isi borang seperti dekat bawah:

Selepas dah isi, akaun anda disahkan (perlu upload beberapa dokumen penting) dan anda akan diberi isyarat untuk deposit modal.
Semoga perkongsian maklumat mengenai XM forex office malaysia ini bermanfaat.
Program XM forex affiliate
anda dipelawa untuk menyertai XM forex malaysia affiliate (partner) di mana anda akan berpeluang menjana pendapatan melalui online sebagai XM affiliates. Daftar di sini
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If you can't find the answer you are looking for on our FAQ page, please feel free to contact us by email or live chat.
Registered address
No.5 cork street, belize city, belize, C.A.
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About us
Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves a significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restricted regions: XM global limited does not provide services for the residents of certain countries, such as the united states of america, canada, israel and the islamic republic of iran.
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XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
For more information please read our cookie policy.
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XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
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What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
New to XM?
Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves a significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restricted regions: XM global limited does not provide services for the residents of certain countries, such as the united states of america, canada, israel and the islamic republic of iran.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
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XM review
Trading point of financial instruments
XM group is a group of online brokers. XM group offers the MT4, MT5 and webtrader currency trading platforms. XM.Com offers over 55 currency pairs and cfds on stocks, metals, commodities, equity indices, and energies for your personal investment and trading options.
Former websites of this broker include trading-point.Com.
Other websites related to this company include xmtrading.Com, pipaffiliates.Com, xmarabia.Net, XM.Co.Uk, xmsina.Com.
Broker details
Live discussion
Join live discussion of XM.Com on our forum
XM.Com profile provided by chris zacharia, mar 28, 2017
XM is a forex broker. XM offers the metatrader 5, metatrader 4 and mobile global forex trading top platforms. XM.Com offers over 55+ forex pairs, stocks,cfds, equities, indices, metals, and energies for your personal investment and trading options.
Let other traders know if this service is worth checking or should be avoided.
Traders reviews
I am a disable from ukraine. I decided to try forex. Disables in ukraine have a too small pension. I've send $20 to xm account. I losed my money. After that, I decided to delete my account. But there is a problem. There is $0.91 on my account. I can not to trade using these money, because it's a small amount and I can not to withdraw them. Support sad that I have to send money to xm account again. I told them, that I have not money anymore. So, I write them for a week. Nobody can help. They just say: ok! Today we will decide your problem. But it is all FALSE.
What do I have to do? - I don't know.
Also, according to the privacy policy of xm.Com, I want they to delete all my documents and all informotion about me.
Give me some advice, please, where do I have to write to solve this problem, if you know.
Length of use: 6-12 months
XM.Com is the worst broker in the world.. They have the worst service.. Provide a high leverage & out to steal your money.. I have an ongoing dispute with them which remains unresolved.. They refuse to give me a case number to refer my case to the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10), international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106), financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428), australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670). I still await a resolution to my dispute.. They are the worst broker ever.. Do not support or deposit funds with these thieves.. They offer an addictive & destructive product.. Stay away from them. I want my $35,000!!
Apr 23, 2020 - 1 star good day,
Hope this email finds you well.
The cyprus securities & exchange commission has asked me to provide it with a CIF reference number to lodge a case.
To date i have not received a CIF ref number in correspondence?
Please provide me with a CIF ref number?
At no point did xm.Com refer me the the cyprus securities & exchange commission.
Attached is my complaints to be lodged to the cyprus securities & exchange commission.
Kind regards
#noresponsereceivedfromxm do not use xm.Com as you will loose you money like me! XM.Com #the kings of ducking and diving
I am in $35,000 of credit card debt because of xm.Com
Be warned, they are the worst from my experience!
Reply by chris zacharia submitted apr 30, 2020 dear moey007,
First, I would like to inform you that the trading account provided is under XM global limited and therefore, your business relationship is with XM global limited. In view of the latter, please bear in mind that XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission ("IFSC") and as such, the cyprus securities and exchange commission ("cysec") is not the competent authority to review your complaint.
Notwithstanding the above, please note that I have investigate the issue and I can confirm that an official response has been sent to you by the relevant department of our company in relation to the subject matter, via email, on 21/05/2019, on 25/02/2020 and on 28/04/2020.
In this respect, I would like to stress the fact that the issue you are raising in your emails concerns only you and the relevant third party and our company cannot be considered a party or that it is involved in any way in the dealings/relationships its clients may potentially have with any third party.
In view of the fact that our company is not, in any way, involved in the subject matter, I can conclude that there is no basis to raise a complaint against our company and I can reject your claims that you have not been properly assisted by our personnel in regard to this case.
Super legit platform
I have started trading with real money on december 7,2020 and at the end of the month thursday 31 my account was up approximately 53 % .
Everything is working more than expected. And if there is more than five starts for evaluation I will give them all the starts in the sky. What a wonderful company .
They are very honest and sincere and think of clients more than themselves. Any question I ask I get a prompt reply from professional works that really appreciate to help you make money as they earn money too. It is a win win game.
In short, there is no company as good as xm.Com it is really the business itself.
Deposit easy, but its difficult to withdraw
I ve been trading for 2 months use XM broker, yesterday as i want to withdraw quite large above 3000usd suddenly they ask for scan of my bank account with my name on it, i understand that this is for security.
So I sent them as they request, but then they reply I need to sent from my registered email. Now the registered email using gmail that has dots, they receive my email without dots( so they assume its not registered how come since they sent all the daily confirmation to my same email address)
So i ve already change the email with dots and until now there is no reply from them
I just got info that XM has been awarded with best global forex 2020, and I hope they act like one
Length of use: over 1 year
Length of use: over 1 year
I am utterly disappointed with XM, yesterday they recorded a lower price compared to other platforms and brokers. Due to this irregular behavior and price move, my positions were stopped out and thus disrupting my day, throwing me off balance completely.
Can anyone let me know if such behavior is possible? Customer support always gives you generic response, the feeling of helplessness when you discover your broker does not have your best interest at heart is devastating.
I am now convinced that perhaps I should look for another broker.
I am new to FPA, but I have been looking at the site for a long time, I saw the alerts about xm, but as I had support in portuguese I decided to take a chance, I figured that the problems described might not occur to me!
It was a big mistake on my part, i made some deposits, and i went through unsuccessful operations i lost a good amount of money at xm, so far so good, they are not to blame for that. When I finally make a new deposit and I have a "good" day, I deposited 100 and made 105.71 of total profit 105.71, I thought I will make a withdrawal and continue using the broker, that's when my headache started, I asked for the withdrawal via neteller, in which I had already deposited an amount, my withdrawal was denied and I was asked to withdraw via an astropaycard which had been the method of my last deposit, I went to the chat to complain, because I know about the money laundering law, I should be able to withdraw a part by neteller, after much discussion I was informed that I should withdraw by astropaycard, I accepted and withdrew, but in just 2 minutes after leaving the chat the following email arrived:
Important news
dear client,
We are contacting you regarding account (s) number 40025313 ("your account (s)") maintained at our company.
The trading patterns in your account (s) raise serious concerns regarding the trading bonuses credited to your account (s), as these were used in “cash-back arbitration” activities.
In accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to our credit bonuses, the following activities qualify as "cash-back arbitration":
any form of commercial arbitration
bonuses claimed by multiple accounts that have been registered using the same IP address
various bonus handling practices
violation of any points that are included in our bonus terms and conditions
any fraudulent activities, disputes or situations that our company considers to be fraudulent.
Given the fact that your account (s) trading patterns do not comply with the terms and conditions of the respective trading bonus program, we regret to inform you that any bonuses previously assigned to your account (s) will be deducted, with immediate effect and your account (s) is / are not eligible to participate in any future trading bonus programs.
Please note that our decision on this matter must be considered as definitive and binding on all participants and that, in addition to the notification set forth hereinafter, no further correspondence will be made on the matter in question.
I know that there are people who abuse the bonus programs, but it is not my case, I would be very happy if XM pointed out a concrete proof to the FPA, because accusing customers of having broken the rules at random is very easy for them to steal customers ! And all this happens only when you ask for a withdrawal! While I was losing money with them everything was great, everything was beautiful, it was me having a small profit that started this antics!
It is not a large amount, but note that in the current situation it is complicated to keep losing small amounts! The worst is the feeling of helplessness that we have when dealing with these scams!
I have further investigated the issue raised in your review and I can confirm that it was correctly decided that you will no longer be eligible to participate in any trading bonus programs, due to the nature of your trading activity.
Particularly and for your better understanding, please note that the trading patterns and trading behavior in your trading account(s) held with our company indicated that you were exploiting arbitrage opportunities. As you were accurately informed by the relevant department of our company via email, any actions taken in relation to your trading account(s) were fully in line with our company’s controls and procedures. At this point, I would like to stress the fact that no adjustments were performed to your trading account(s).
In view of the above, kindly note that the same trading conditions will apply to any new trading account(s) registered with our company. In this respect, I regret to inform you that your request to remove these trading conditions from your trading accounts is rejected.
I hope that the above information explains what has occurred, and I would like to assure you that it is not our wish to trouble our clients and further confirm that we always abide by the client - company agreement which governs our business relationship.
Top malaysia brokers for 2021
We found 11 online brokers that are appropriate for trading malaysia.
Best malaysia brokers guide
Malaysia financial markets

We've collected thousands of datapoints and written a guide to help you find the best malaysia brokers for you. We hope this guide helps you find a reputable broker that matches what you need. We list the what we think are the best malaysia brokers below. You can go straight to the broker list here.
Trading in malaysia
When trading in malaysia you will need to know what your options with your malaysia trading broker are.
We list below the trading account types available in malaysia. If you are looking for brokers in malaysia that are suitable for trading in the forex, CFD's, indices and etfs, cryptocurrencies (availability subject to regulation) or commodity markets; this malaysia broker guide will explain the things you should check and be aware of before you invest.
Forex trading in malaysia
Forex trading is growing in popularity in malaysia. The volume of forex traded in malaysia has increased year on year over the last five years.
Across the world $5.1 trillion USD in volume is traded every single day. This is a huge amount in comparison with other financial market sectors.
Advances in online technology, higher internet coverage in malaysia and increased competition among brokerages have made forex trading more accessible and reduced the costs of trading generally.
Is forex trading legal in malaysia?
Their is a misconception that trading forex on the financial market in malaysia is considered unsafe. This is not the case, forex trading in malaysia is very active.
Trading in forex is allowed in malaysia as to conduct business currency must be exchanged. Forex is an integral part of import and export and investing internationally. The important thing is that when trading forex you pick a safe and reputable broker that is regulated. Malaysia forex trading is not banned, their are many international online brokers offering favourable trading conditions.
Do forex traders pay tax in malaysia?
Once a traders profits reach a level where the income on the forex trading can be taxed in malaysia the trader should make sure all taxes owed for a financial year are paid. Malaysia taxes should be filed even if there were losses on the year. If trading losses cannot be claimed against personal income taxes. A trader should file them with the proper government agency in malaysia. You should seek advice with a malaysia tax professional to ensure they are abiding by all proper tax laws in malaysia. In malaysia islamic accounts do not have additional restrictions on trades.
Cryptocurrencies in malaysia
Cryptocurrency markets in malaysia are relatively new and their availability are subject to local financial regulation. Because cryptocurrency works on decentralised assets in malaysia things like interest rate changes and political instability do not affect cryptocurrencies as much as the currency markets in malaysia for example.
Due to a large young population in malaysia with growing income levels and wide spread adaptation of online technology cryptocurrency trading volume is increasing greatly in malaysia. $6 billion USD worth of bitcoin is traded daily around the world.
Commodity trading in malaysia
In malaysia commodity trading includes the trade in precious metals, energies and agricultural commodities.
Some commodities like metals are seeing exponential growth in malaysia since 2002.
Fast growing countries like china and india have been growing rapidly over the last 3 decades. This has meant that countries like china and india have a vast requirement for many basic commodities and raw materials for their populations. Crops to feed people and metal to build infrastructure for example. This means countries like malaysia are able to take advantage of this demand.
We list brokers that allow you to trade commodities in malaysia here.
Islamic accounts in malaysia
Malaysia brokers support islamic accounts or swap-free accounts. Malaysia islamic accounts have no rollover interest on overnight positions to comply the muslim faith. Traders of islamic faith are forbidden to pay interest. Brokers in malaysia offer accounts that are suitable for islamic traders. These malaysia brokers complies with sharia law.
Benefits of trading in malaysia
Malaysia economy and population is growing. The middle class population in malaysia is increasing which means a growing consumer base. Many business and financial opportunities exist in malaysia. Malaysia has a young population educated in technology and the internet.
Concerns of trading in malaysia
Malaysia digitisation of financial trading has made it easier to defraud unsuspecting investors across the internet. Make sure the broker you trade with is regulated and passes the checklist in this malaysia guide. Educate yourself as much as possible open a demo account if necessary be you open a live trading account.
Learn about leverage when trading. Malaysia brokers offering high leverage trades in malaysia can mean high profit margins. But this goes both was it can also mean huge losses. There are things like negative balance protection and stop loss accounts which some malaysia brokers offer as a level of protection. You can learn more about further below on this guide.
Reputable malaysia brokers checklist
There are a number of important factors to consider when picking an online malaysia trading brokerage.
- Check your malaysia broker has a history of at least 2 years.
- Check your malaysia broker has a reasonable sized customer support of at least 15.
- Does the malaysia broker fall under regulation from a jurisdiction that can hold a broker responsible for its misgivings; or at best play an arbitration role in case of bigger disputes.
- Check your malaysia broker has the ability to get deposits and withdrawals processed within 2 to 3 days. This is important when withdrawing funds.
- Does your malaysia broker have an international presence in multiple countries. This includes local seminar presentations and training.
- Make sure your malaysia can hire people from various locations in the world who can better communicate in your local language.
It is not essential that your brokerage is local but they must have regulation from a tier 1 reputable country. In fact the brokers international regulation could be more reputable than your local region.
When deciding to trade and find a suitable malaysia broker if you wish your broker to be 100% local check they are governed and regulated by the below.
Our team have listed brokers that match your criteria for you below. All brokerage data has been summarised into a comparison table. Scroll down.
Our brokerage comparison table below allows you to compare the below features for brokers offering malaysia brokers.
We compare these features to make it easier for you to make a more informed choice.
- Minimum deposit to open an account.
- Available funding methods for the below malaysia brokers.
- What you are able to trade with each brokerage.
- Trading platforms offered by these brokers.
- Spread type (if applicable) for each brokerage.
- Customer support levels offered.
- We show if each brokerage offers micro, standard, VIP and islamic accounts.
Top 15 malaysia brokers of 2021 compared
Here are the top malaysia brokers (MY).
Compare malaysia brokers min deposits, regulation, headquarters, benefits, funding methods and fees side by side.
All brokers below are malaysia brokers. Learn more about what they offer below.
You can scroll left and right on the comparison table below to see more malaysia brokers that accept malaysia clients
XM malaysia review 2021
XM is our #3 ranked forex broker for malaysia traders. Well regulated, low spread with ultra low account, wide instruments are their pros. But XM does not have a malaysian phone number.
Regulated by: ASIC, cysec, IFSC, DFSA
Headquarters: belize
Foundation year: 2009
XM is a well-established market maker forex broker that was founded in 2009, and they accept traders from malaysia. XM provides its services in more than 30 languages including malay & english.
The XM website is run by ‘XM global’ which is a company registered in belize and licensed by the IFSC. The XM group companies are regulated by reputable financial authorities such as the ASIC (australia), cysec (cyprus), and DFSA (UAE). So, they are considered a safe broker.
XM forex broker gives traders the option to choose between 4 different account types which are: micro account, standard account, XM ultra low account, and shares account. XM also offers islamic account services for those who have subscribed to the micro, standard, XM ultra low account types.
The trading fees at XM depends on the type of account that you open. XM offers you the option of using the metatrader 4 or metatrader 5 trading platforms that are available for smartphones, desktops, web browsers, and tablets.
XM offers malaysian traders the opportunity to trade 55+ currency pairs and cfds on 1000+ stocks, commodities, equity indices, precious metals, and energy.
In this XM malaysia review, we discuss the pros and cons of this broker, how safe they are, the fees charged by them, their trading conditions, customer support, and everything else you need to know.
- XM is a market maker broker, however, they claim that they do not benefit from client losses. So there is no conflict of interest.
- They do not charge deposit or withdrawal fees on any method.
- XM offers negative balance protection to traders in malaysia
- They are regulated by the tier- 1 ASIC (australia) financial authority, tier-2 cysec, in addition to other reputable financial authorities. Hence, it is considered safe to trade through them.
- They offer an islamic account to malaysian traders.
- They offer a wide variety of instruments to trade.
- XM does not have a proprietary trading platform, they only offer MT4 & MT5.
- They do not have an office in malaysia.
XM malaysia – A quick look
our verdict on XM | #3 forex broker in malaysia |
broker name | XM malaysia |
typical EUR/USD spread | 1.7 pips (with standard account) |
year founded | 2009 |
website | www.Xm.Com/my/ |
XM malaysia minimum deposit | $5 |
⚙️ maximum leverage | 1:888 for trades between $5 to $20,000 with micro account |
⚖️ XM regulations | ASIC, cysec, IFSC, DFSA |
️ trading instruments | 55+ currency pairs, 1300+ stocks, 8 commodities, 10 indices, gold and silver, 5 energy cfds, and 100 shares |
trading platforms | MT4, MT5 for desktop, tablet, web & mobile |
Is XM malaysia regulated?
XM global limited, which is the company that runs the XM trading website, is registered in belize with its registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
XM global limited is authorized to provide trading services by the international financial services commission (IFSC) and holds the license number 000261/106.
The XM group companies are regulated by one tier-1 financial regulator, and other reputed financial authorities. The group first started its operations in 2009 and have catered to millions of clients across the world.
XM is regulated and licensed by the following financial authorities:
XM is registered with the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) under the name ‘trading point of financial instruments limited’ – and holds the license number 120/10

XM is considered a safe forex broker for malaysian traders.
In addition to being regulated by multiple reputed financial authorities, XM also maintains safe practices such as segregation of funds and also offers negative balance protection.
XM malaysia fees
XM is a variable spread broker, and they only charge spread with 3 forex trading accounts. XM charges commissions only with their shares account types.
The exact spread that are charged by XM malaysia depends on the type of account the trader is holding, the instrument that is being traded, and the time when the trade is being made.
To give traders an idea of the fees that is charged, we will be using a few benchmark examples for this review.
Here is a breakdown of trading & non-trading fees at XM malaysia:
Tight variable spreads – XM offers fractional pip pricing, which gives traders more accurate spreads for their trades. The exact spread depends on the instrument being traded, and trader’s account type.
For example, the average spread charged for trading the benchmark EURUSD currency pair through their standard account is 1.7 pips.
Here is a screenshot of the typical spread charged for various currency pairs with the standard account at XM.

Variable commission with shares account – XM does not charge any commission under the standard, micro, and ultra low account types. Commission is charged for traders using the shares account.
The commission that XM charges depends on the type of shares that you are trading. They also charge a minimum commission per transaction. For example, if you’re looking to trade US-based shares, then you will be charged $0.04 commission per share with a minimum commission of $1 per transaction.
Overall, XM is a medium-cost broker. Their spreads with standard account are average compared to other similar brokers. You should open “ultra low” account for lower spread.
They charge a minimum commission for every trade under their shares account. They do not charge any deposit or withdrawal fee but they do charge an inactivity fee.
XM bonus
XM bonus is available to traders in malaysia. We reviewed XM bonus promos, here is a breakdown of their active promotions.
XM welcome bonus – XM offers a deposit bonus of 15% up to a maximum limit of $500. They credit this bonus instantly and it is automatic for all traders. But traders cannot withdraw the amount of the bonus.
XM $30 bonus – malaysian traders can avail the $30 trading bonus at XM. This is a limited period bonus.
Loyalty program – traders will automatically earn XM points which can be traded credit bonus rewards. Traders are grouped into four different levels under the loyalty program and the XM points that are earned depend on that level.
Refer a friend – traders can earn up to $35 for referring a friend to XM. These earnings can be withdrawn from the account.
Seasonal bonuses – in addition to the above bonuses, XM also offers various seasonal and occasional bonuses to its traders for limited periods of time. Certain bonuses are special invite-only bonuses as well.
XM deposit and withdrawal
XM offers a variety of ways to make deposits and withdrawals for traders in malaysia.
Deposits and withdrawals can be made through multiple credit cards, multiple electronic payment methods, bank wire transfer, local malaysian bank transfer, and other payment methods, along with local depositors.
Once a trader opens an account, they can log in to XM’s members area, select a payment method of their preference on the deposits/withdrawal pages, and follow the instructions given.
Remember that XM does not charge any fee for making a deposit or withdrawal. In addition to not charging a deposit or withdrawal fee, XM may also cover the fee charged by your payment service.
XM account types
XM offers four different types of accounts to traders in malaysia. Each type of account has its own pros and counts and is suitable for different types of traders. For example, the shares account is suitable for high-volume traders since it charges very low spreads and a commission per trade.
XM has a minimum deposit of 5 USD.
It is worth noting that XM does not offer MYR as the base currency under any type of account. Traders can use the USD or other base currencies depending on the type of account. The maximum leverage at XM is 1:888.
XM also offers an islamic account option.
Here is a breakdown of the different types of accounts offered by XM.
XM islamic account – XM offers an islamic account that does not charge any swap rates or overnight rollover interest. You can choose to make your trading account an islamic account after you have opened an account with XM.
The islamic account option is available to traders using the micro, standard, or ultra low account, and shares account types. XM has also stated that they do not charge higher spreads from traders using islamic accounts. Islamic accounts can have a leverage of up to 888:1. The trading conditions remain the same as other account types.
XM micro account – the spread under this type of account can be as low as 1 pip. The leverage offered can range from 1:1 to 888:1 for trades ranging between $5 to $20,000. The minimum account deposit is $5. XM does not charge a commission under micro accounts.
Standard account – the spread charged can be as low as 1 pip. The leverage offered can range from 1:1 to 888:1 for trades ranging between $5 to $20,000. The minimum account deposit is $5. XM does not charge a commission under standard accounts.
XM ultra low account – the spread under the ultra low account can be as low as 0.6 pip. The leverage offered can range from 1:1 to 888:1 for trades ranging between $50 to $20,000. The minimum account deposit is $50. There is no commission under ultra low accounts.
Shares account – no hedging is allowed under this type of account. Traders are charged a commission per trade along with a minimum commission per transaction. The spread that is charged depends on the underlying exchange. You cannot avail any leverage under the shares account. The minimum deposit for this account is $10,000.
XM trading instruments
XM offers the option to trade more than 55 currency pairs, 1300+ stocks, 8 commodities, 10 indices, gold and silver, 5 energy cfds, and 100 shares.
Overall, XM offers a very large range of instruments for traders to choose from compared to other similar brokers. Their selection of stock cfds is especially high and XM is particularly suitable for traders looking to trade stock cfds.
However, they do not offer any cryptocurrencies for trading which is different from brokers such as hotforex.
XM trading platforms
XM is a metatrader-based forex and CFD broker.
Traders from malaysia have the option of using either the metatrader 4 or the metatrader 5 trading platforms. Both platforms are popular with forex and CFD traders.
The MT platforms are available on smartphones, computers, web browsers, and tablets. Both the platforms have a mac and windows version for desktop users. The mobile apps of these platforms are available for both android and ios users.
The MT platforms are convenient to use and offer proper functionality for traders.
It should be noted that XM does not offer its own proprietary trading platform.
XM customer support
XM users in malaysia can contact customer support through live chat, email, or by phone.
Customers can also read their FAQ section to find answers to their issues. The customer support team is available at all times during weekdays.
Good live chat support – we used the english live chat support during the writing of this review, and found it to be quick and helpful. The hold time before you are connected to a representative was below 2 minutes. They also answered your questions quite quickly. We found the entire process to be quite painless.

The malay chat support is only available during business hours in malaysia.
Email support in malay – traders in malaysia can contact them through their email “[email protected]” for malaysian traders. While writing this review, we used their english email ID and it took three hours for them to provide a response.
No local phone number – traders in malaysia will need to contact their global phone lines +501 223-6696 for customer service. They do not have a local phone number that malaysians can call.
Overall, we found XM’s customer support to be helpful, but we gave them 4 stars due to unavailability of local phone number. Still. They offer a variety of ways in which malaysian traders can get in touch with them.
Do we recommend XM malaysia?
Absolutely, we recommend XM forex broker for traders in malaysia.
XM is a reputable international broker that has a proven track record. They are safe to trade through considering that they are well regulated, and observe safety practices such as negative balance protection and segregation of funds.
They offer a very wide range of instruments to trade. However, they do not offer cryptocurrency cfds. They do not have a proprietary trading platform, but the MT4 and MT5 trading platforms are quite popular with users.
They also offer islamic accounts and they do not charge a wider spread for islamic users.
The primary drawback to trading with XM is that they do not have offices in malaysia. They also do not have a local phone number for malaysian traders to call.
Best forex brokers malaysia for 2021

The forexbrokers.Com annual forex broker review (five years running) is the most cited in the industry. With over 50,000 words of research across the site, we spend hundreds of hours testing forex brokers each year. How we test.
Trading forex (currencies) in malaysia is popular among residents. While any internationally regulated forex broker can accept clients from malaysia, it is an additional benefit to also hold a capital markets services license (CMSL) from the securities commission of malaysia (SCM), which is the financial regulatory body in malaysia. SCM's website is sc.Com.My. We recommend malaysian residents follow the SCM on twitter, @seccommy.
Established in 1993, SCM is malaysia's financial markets regulatory body. In april 2018, SCM issued guidelines for contracts for difference (CFD) providers including brokers offering derivatives, under the capital markets services act of 2007, which will become effective july 1st 2018. As a result, we expect more regional brokers will register with SCM in order to acquire a CMSL. For a historical breakdown, here's a link to the securities commission malaysia's webpage on wikipedia.
Best forex brokers malaysia
To find the best forex brokers in malaysia, we created a list of all internationally regulated forex brokers, then ranked brokers by their trust score. Here is our list of the top forex brokers in malaysia.
- IG - best overall broker 2021, most trusted
- Saxo bank - best for research, trusted global brand
- Interactive brokers - great for professionals and institutions
- City index - excellent all-round offering
- XTB - best customer service, great trading platform
- FOREX.Com - great all-round offering
- Avatrade - multiple trading platform options
Malaysian forex brokers comparison
Compare malaysian authorised forex and cfds brokers side by side using the forex broker comparison tool or the summary table below. This broker list is sorted by the firm's forexbrokers.Com trust score.
Forex broker | accepts MY residents | average spread EUR/USD - standard | minimum initial deposit | trust score | overall | visit site |
IG | yes | 0.745 | £250.00 | 99 | 5 stars | visit site |
saxo bank | yes | 0.800 | $10,000.00 | 99 | 5 stars | visit site |
interactive brokers | yes | N/A | $0 | 94 | 4.5 stars | visit site |
city index | yes | 1.100 | £50.00 | 93 | 4.5 stars | visit site |
XTB | yes | 0.860 | $0.00 | 92 | 4.5 stars | visit site |
FOREX.Com | yes | 1.400 | $100.00 | 93 | 4.5 stars | visit site |
avatrade | yes | 0.910 | $100.00 | 93 | 4 stars | visit site |
XM group | yes | 1.600 | $5-100 | 84 | 4 stars | visit site |
FP markets | yes | 1.140 | $100 AUD | 81 | 4 stars | visit site |
pepperstone | yes | 1.160 | $200.00 | 90 | 4 stars | N/A |
IC markets | yes | 0.800 | $200 | 83 | 4 stars | visit site |
tickmill | yes | 0.530 | $100.00 | 81 | 4 stars | visit site |
fxpro | yes | 1.510 | $100.00 | 89 | 4 stars | visit site |
vantage FX | yes | 1.350 | $200 | 79 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
moneta markets | yes | 1.300 | $200.00 | 79 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
HYCM | yes | 2.00 | $100 | 84 | 3.5 stars | visit site |
eightcap | yes | $100 | 69 | 3.5 stars | N/A | |
VT markets | yes | 1.30 | $200 | 79 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
blackbull markets | yes | 0.76 | $200 | 70 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
octafx | yes | 1.100 | $5 | 59 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
easymarkets | yes | 0.900 | $100.00 | 81 | 3.5 stars | N/A |
hotforex | yes | 1.20 | $50 | 83 | 4 stars | N/A |
How to verify SCM authorisation
To identify if a forex broker is regulated by SCM, the first step is to identify the register number from the disclosure text at the bottom of the broker's malaysia homepage.
Next, look up the firm on the SCM website to validate the current regulatory status of the broker in malaysia. Here is the official page with the public register of license holders on SCM.
It's also worth noting that bank negara malaysia, which is the central bank of malaysia that regulates money service businesses and forex dealers, issued guidelines for digital currencies (cryptocurrency) requiring companies to comply when dealing with crypto assets.
More forex guides
For our 2021 forex broker review we assessed, rated, and ranked 27 international forex brokers. Each broker was graded on 108 different variables and, in total, over 50,000 words of research were produced.
While encouraged, broker participation was optional. Each broker had the opportunity to complete an in-depth data profile and provide executive time (live in person or over the web) for an annual update meeting.
All data submitted by brokers is hand-checked for accuracy. Ultimately, our rigorous data validation process yields an error rate of less than .1% each year, providing site visitors quality data they can trust. Learn more about how we test.
Forex risk disclaimer
"there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities. With respect to margin-based foreign exchange trading, off-exchange derivatives, and cryptocurrencies, there is considerable exposure to risk, including but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price, or liquidity of a currency or related instrument. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable, or that they will not result in losses." learn more.
About the author: steven hatzakis steven hatzakis is the global director of research for forexbrokers.Com. Steven previously served as an editor for finance magnates, where he authored over 1,000 published articles about the online finance industry. Steven is an active fintech and crypto industry researcher and advises blockchain companies at the board level. Over the past 20 years, steven has held numerous positions within the international forex markets, from writing to consulting to serving as a registered commodity futures representative.
Trading cfds, FX, and cryptocurrencies involve a high degree of risk. All providers have a percentage of retail investor accounts that lose money when trading cfds with their company. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money and whether you understand how cfds, FX, and cryptocurrencies work. All data was obtained from a published website as of 12/14/2020 and is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. The forexbrokers.Com staff is constantly working with its online broker representatives to obtain the latest data. If you believe any data listed above is inaccurate, please contact us using the link at the bottom of this page.
The names, products, services, branding/logos, and other trademarks or images featured or cited within this website (www.Forexbrokers.Com) are the property of their respective owners and the owners retain all legal rights therein. These trademark holders are not affiliated with forexbrokers.Com and the use or display of names, trademarks or service marks of another is not a representation that the other is affiliated with, sponsors, or endorses forexbrokers.Com or any of its reviews, products, or services. Forexbrokers.Com declares no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnership with any trademark holders unless otherwise stated.
IG - 76% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
OANDA - cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 77% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Advertiser disclosure: forexbrokers.Com helps investors across the globe by spending over 1,000 hours each year testing and researching online brokers. How do we make money? Our partners compensate us through paid advertising. While partners may pay to provide offers or be featured, e.G. Exclusive offers, they cannot pay to alter our recommendations, advice, ratings, or any other content throughout the site. Furthermore, our content and research teams do not participate in any advertising planning nor are they permitted access to advertising campaign data. Here is a list of our partners.
Disclaimer: it is our organization's primary mission to provide reviews, commentary, and analysis that are unbiased and objective. While forexbrokers.Com has some data verified by industry participants, it can vary from time to time. Operating as an online business, this site may be compensated through third party advertisers. Our receipt of such compensation shall not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by forexbrokers.Com, nor shall it bias our reviews, analysis, and opinions. Please see our general disclaimers for more information.
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Contents of the article
- Free forex bonuses
- Contact
- Contact us
- Members area access
- New to XM?
- XM review
- Trading point of financial instruments
- Broker details
- Live discussion
- XM.Com profile provided by chris zacharia, mar...
- Video
- Traders reviews
- Super legit platform
- Deposit easy, but its difficult to withdraw
- Top malaysia brokers for 2021
- Best malaysia brokers guide
- Malaysia financial markets
- Trading in malaysia
- Forex trading in malaysia
- Is forex trading legal in malaysia?
- Do forex traders pay tax in malaysia?
- Cryptocurrencies in malaysia
- Commodity trading in malaysia
- Islamic accounts in malaysia
- Benefits of trading in malaysia
- Concerns of trading in malaysia
- Reputable malaysia brokers checklist
- Top 15 malaysia brokers of 2021 compared
- XM malaysia review 2021
- XM malaysia – A quick look
- Is XM malaysia regulated?
- XM malaysia fees
- XM bonus
- XM deposit and withdrawal
- XM account types
- XM trading instruments
- XM trading platforms
- XM customer support
- Do we recommend XM malaysia?
- Best forex brokers malaysia for 2021
- Best forex brokers malaysia
- Malaysian forex brokers comparison
- How to verify SCM authorisation
- More forex guides
- Methodology
- Forex risk disclaimer
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