WebMoney Passport, webmoney passport verification.

Webmoney passport verification

WM-passport – is a digital identification document, certified with signature sample of webmoney transfer system user, which contains personal data of the owner: last, first and middle names, passport and contact information.

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WebMoney Passport, webmoney passport verification.

WebMoney Passport, webmoney passport verification.

WebMoney Passport, webmoney passport verification.

Webmoney transfer system, also provides professional WM-passport types, that profession-oriented for corporate users, software developers and participation in system as registrar or arbitrator.

Webmoney passport

About WM-passport

WM-passport – is a digital identification document, certified with signature sample of webmoney transfer system user, which contains personal data of the owner: last, first and middle names, passport and contact information.

Wm-passport confirms that it's holder is a real person. Depending on quantity and verification method of the information provided by system user, there are different WM-passport types. Higher WM-passport status provides higher trust from other system users, thus higher WM-passport provides more features offered by webmoney transfer system.

WM-paspport types

WM passport service program has several levels according to which, every webmoney transfer system user can get any WM-passport of following types:

- alias WM-passport is great for insignificant transfers, billing and internet shopping. Besides this type of WM-passport is good for new system users who just started to learn potential of webmoney transfer system. However, you should keep in mind that level of trust towards system user with "alias WM-passport" is minimal;
- formal WM-passport will fit for active payment systems users and freelancers. Amongst other features, formal WM-passport can be used for regular government services payments and withdrawal transactions;
- initial WM-passport is recommended for small business and internet companies employees. Initial WM-passport will distinguish you from anonymous system users, but still it does not completely ensures trust of advanced system users;
- personal WM-passport is recommended for business and advanced system users whose aim is not only to spend or transfer funds, but also earn online using whole set of webmoney transfer services. Personal WM-passport ensures high trust of other system users, because your passport data was verified in person with original (or certified by a notary) documents.

Professional WM-passport types

Webmoney transfer system, also provides professional WM-passport types, that profession-oriented for corporate users, software developers and participation in system as registrar or arbitrator.

Get free WM-passport

You can get formal WM-passport online. Formal WM-passport issuance is free of charge and it is conducted by WM-passport service . It is issued after system user specifies passport data.

Webmoney frequently asked questions

1. What is webmoney?

Webmoney is an online payment method that allows you to transact with other webmoney users and merchants.

2. What do I need to do to use webmoney?

You can simply purchase a webmoney prepaid card and deposit instantly.

Alternatively, you will need to download a WM keeper client and register for a webmoney account.Registration is free: all you need to do is accept the terms of use and you'll receive a personal webmoney ID.

During registration you will have to provide and confirm your personal information. Webmoney transfer has a unique verification system where each user has a webmoney passport, a digital certificate based on the personal data provided by a webmoney member.

3. How do I fund my webmoney account?

You can fund your webmoney account via bank transfer, postal order, in cash at atms and kiosks, prepaid cards, exchange offices and exchanging from other payment systems. Click here for further details on funding webmoney accounts.

4. How do I fund my account using webmoney?

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Go to the 'cashier' tab and select 'deposit'.

  3. You will now see the webmoney logo. To select this deposit option simply click on the icon.

  4. Enter or select your deposit amount and bonus code (if applicable), then click on 'deposit'.

  5. You will now be redirected to webmoney.

  6. Your deposit/webmoney details will be displayed.

  7. Download the webmoney keeper, if needed.

  8. You will then see your deposit details confirmed.

  9. Select your preferred webmoney payment method from the menu

  10. According to the payment method selected, please follow the on-screen instructions to complete you deposit

  11. Once you have confirmed the transaction you will be directed back to the cashier. The relevant deposit successful/unsuccessful message will then be displayed.

5. Are there any transaction fees associated with webmoney deposits?

We do not charge you any fees when you deposit using webmoney. However, webmoney will charge a 0.8% transaction fee of no less than 0.01WM.

6. Can I withdraw to my webmoney account?

Yes. Webmoney is available as a withdrawal option. However, you can only withdraw to the webmoney ID that you have made a successful deposit with within the last six months.

7. How do I withdraw to webmoney?

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your account

  2. Go to the cashier and select 'withdrawal'.

  3. You will now see the webmoney logo, to select this withdrawal option simply click on the icon.

  4. Enter the amount you would like to withdraw and then click 'withdrawal'

  5. Provided you have sufficient funds for the withdrawal, you will be displayed a 'successful withdrawal' confirmation message.

8. How long does it take to receive the money transferred into my account?

Funds will be credited to your webmoney account within 24 hours after approval.

9. Is it safe to use webmoney?

Yes, webmoney is totally secure. Through a combination of transaction monitoring, SMS transaction verification for cardholders and a dedicated anti-fraud team, webmoney is an entirely safe online payment method.

10. What is the minimum and maximum amount I can withdraw using webmoney?

The minimum withdrawal amount is 10.00 USD (or the equivalent in your currency), and the maximum withdrawal amount per transaction is 5000.00 USD.

11. How long does it take to transfer WM units?

You can make WM unit transfers instantly. Webmoney technology reduces the possibility of loss of funds due to errors such as a faulty internet connection.

12. Can a partner transfer money from his or her bank account to my WM purse?

No. Only the account holder can add funds to his or her purse.

13. How many webmoney ID can I use with my account?

You may use only one webmoney ID per account.

Webmoney passport verification

You can use your unionpay payspark card worldwide at ATM or retail location displaying the unionpay logo. We can deliver a card to you via regular mail.

It takes one week for a bank to issue your card and about 2-3 weeks to deliver it to you via regular mail, so in total you will receive your card within one month after approval.

Few weeks prior to your card expiration date the service will draw up a preliminary order for new card issue (you will receive notification to your webmoney keeper). Pay the bill if you want to receive a new card. Once you have received and activated a new card you need to e-mail to the payspark helpdesk to instruct that assets from the old card to be transferred to the new one. The old card account will be terminated then.

Contact the payspark helpdesk by e-mail in order to change any of their details. If you change the details via the website, the helpdesk will e-mail you to confirm the changes before they are made. In case your details have not been changed and helpdesk have not contacted you please send apply to the helpdesk by yourself.

We can not guarantee that, but the card has these capabilities.

To apply for a card you need to have formal or higher webmoney passport. You can apply for a passport on our verification service. You also have to provide (regardless of your WM passport) all required documents including a color copy of your passport and utility bill not older than six months (for gas, electricity etc.) that should contain your name and residential address.

No. You can only top up your card from a purse linked to your wmid or from a purse opened for you by your company www.Capitaller.Ru.

Not directly, but you always can exchange WMR to WMZ (WME).

Once your card is activated, you’ll see it in your keeper and will be able to top it up.

It takes from a few minutes up to an hour.

You need to apply to a payspark support by e-mail queries@csc24seven.Com with a detailed problem description. You will be offered to fill in a special form. When you submit it an investigation will be initiated. In case an event of default is confirmed the assets will be transferred back to your card. The whole procedure may take about 45 days.

If you exceed your maximum available balance on a card a PRA account attached to this card will be automatically opened for you. You will be asked to fill in a PRA account application form and an authorization letter if you have not made it already. Once the KYC documents are sent, you receive a conformation email that the KYC is accepted and the PRA account can be used within XX hours, starting from XX date. Verification of KYC documents is completed within 3 hours on working days (from 9-17, monday till friday). If after submission of the KYC form a confirmation email is not received you can contact a help desk team using queries@csc24seven.Com. Whenever your payspark card account balance goes below the limits mentioned above but at the same time you have available funds on your corresponding PRA account, you can logon to your payspark account and transfer funds from the PRA to your payspark card account to reach the maximum allowable limit. All your accounts and balances will be visible via the payspark website once you have completed and returned you PRA application form.

Для получения карты в первую очередь необходимо оформить заявку на карту на сайте. После оплаты заявки и предоставления необходимых документов ваша карты будет активирована в течение нескольких минут.

Виртуальная карта выпускается для участников системы webmoney transfer с «формальным» и выше аттестатами. Также вам необходимо иметь либо photoid, либо videoid.

CVC2 код отправляется вам SMS-сообщением на телефон, указанный при регистрации в webmoney transfer . Номер карты и срок действия приходит в webmoney keeper.

Комиссия за выпуск взимается в размере 50 руб. В момент выпуска карты.

Карта будет активирована автоматически после ее выпуска и списания комиссии за выпуск.

Срок действия карты-12 месяцев.

Вы можете иметь не более 1 активной карты для одного WMID.

Карта выпускается в рублях.

  • Максимальная сумма одной операции пополнения или расходной операции в день-60 000.00 рублей

  • Максимальная сумма всех пополнений в месяц-200 000.00 рублей

  • Максимальная сумма всех расходных операций в месяц-200 000.00 рублей

Карту можно пополнить путем перевода с кошелька webmoney на сайте https://cards.Web.Money/ru. Денежные средства поступают на карту практически мгновенно. Необходимо помнить, при пополнении взимается комиссия 1% от суммы зачисления.

Карта предназначена для оплаты товаров/услуг на интернет-сайтах.

Нет, перевести денежные средства на счет невозможно.

Да, возможно перевести, но только на свой WM-кошелек, комиссия не взимается.

При окончании срока действия карты, банк возвращает вам денежные средства обратно на WM-кошелек.

Такая операция для виртуальной карты не предусмотрена.

Реквизиты карты можно получить повторно, путем запроса в личном кабинете на сайте https://cards.Web.Money/ru. Реквизиты придут вам SMS-сообщением на телефон, указанный при регистрации в webmoney transfer (CVC2, срок действия карты и замаскированный номер карты). Полный номер карты указан в личном кабинете.

Возможны три варианта:

  • Дождаться автоматической отмены блокировки данной суммы, которая произойдет не позднее 30 календарных дней согласно правилам международной платежной системы;

  • Обратиться к торговой точке, где вы оплачивали покупку, с просьбой отправить информацию в банк-эмитент , что товар не получен и разблокировать сумму;

  • Если денежные средства были списаны по истечении 30 календарных дней, то обратиться в АО банк “ККБ”, для написания претензии. Претензионная работа выполняется согласно тарифу.

При утере реквизитов карты необходимо заблокировать ее, чтобы исключить несанкционированные операции с этой картой. Сделать это можно позвонив по телефону в службу поддержки процессингового центра 8 (495)9247500 или в АО банк "ККБ" 8(800)3337730, 8 (499)3010434, который был указан в смс при получении реквизитов карты и в службу поддержки банка-эмитента. При этом необходимо будет назвать ФИО и кодовое слово, указанное вами при оформлении карты.

Наиболее часто задолженность возникает по операциям расчета с зарубежными поставщиками товаров или услуг. Платежная система предъявляет такие операции к возмещению в одной из расчетных валют – долларах или евро. При отнесении затрат на рублевый счет карты, неизбежно возникает конвертация, которая осуществляется по курсу ЦБ РФ на день расчетов, и комиссия за эту операцию. Причем день совершения операции и день расчетов не совпадают, что добавляет к расчету еще и курсовую разницу, учесть которую точно при совершении операции невозможно. При недостаточности средств на счете карты и возникает задолженность. Необходимо помнить, что при возникновении задолженности банк взимает пени в размере 0,2% за день просрочки.

Баланс карты и операции по карте возможно посмотреть в личном кабинете https://cards.Web.Money/ru, позвонив в службу поддержки процессингового центра по телефону 8(495)9247500 или в АО банк "ККБ"8(800)3337730, 8(499)3010434 а также доступный лимит отражается в webmoney keeper . Вы сможете узнать, как баланс своего счета, так и узнать информацию о последних операциях с помощью оператора, назвав ФИО и кодовое слово.

For all questions mail to cards@web.Money

Usage of trademarks WEBMONEY and WEBMONEY TRANSFER by site owners is authorized by the trademark owners.

Webmoney passport

About WM-passport

WM-passport – is a digital identification document, certified with signature sample of webmoney transfer system user, which contains personal data of the owner: last, first and middle names, passport and contact information.

Wm-passport confirms that it's holder is a real person. Depending on quantity and verification method of the information provided by system user, there are different WM-passport types. Higher WM-passport status provides higher trust from other system users, thus higher WM-passport provides more features offered by webmoney transfer system.

WM-paspport types

WM passport service program has several levels according to which, every webmoney transfer system user can get any WM-passport of following types:

- alias WM-passport is great for insignificant transfers, billing and internet shopping. Besides this type of WM-passport is good for new system users who just started to learn potential of webmoney transfer system. However, you should keep in mind that level of trust towards system user with "alias WM-passport" is minimal;
- formal WM-passport will fit for active payment systems users and freelancers. Amongst other features, formal WM-passport can be used for regular government services payments and withdrawal transactions;
- initial WM-passport is recommended for small business and internet companies employees. Initial WM-passport will distinguish you from anonymous system users, but still it does not completely ensures trust of advanced system users;
- personal WM-passport is recommended for business and advanced system users whose aim is not only to spend or transfer funds, but also earn online using whole set of webmoney transfer services. Personal WM-passport ensures high trust of other system users, because your passport data was verified in person with original (or certified by a notary) documents.

Professional WM-passport types

Webmoney transfer system, also provides professional WM-passport types, that profession-oriented for corporate users, software developers and participation in system as registrar or arbitrator.

Get free WM-passport

You can get formal WM-passport online. Formal WM-passport issuance is free of charge and it is conducted by WM-passport service . It is issued after system user specifies passport data.

Types of passports in webmoney

Each member has a WM passport (or in short, a passport), which is a digital certificate issued based on the personal data provided by the member.

Webmoney transfer technology enables the WM identifier holder to independently define the holder’s system status choosing between an individual and a legal entity. When providing certain information and submitting copies of the required documents, both individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to specify, whether this data is open to the public or available only for the verification center administration.

Alias WM-passport is great for insignificant transfers, billing and internet shopping. Besides this type of WM-passport is good for new system users who just started to learn potential of webmoney transfer system. However, you should keep in mind that level of trust towards system user with "alias WM-passport" is minimal. Alias WM-passport is issued automatically (free of charge) during the registration in the system.

Formal WM-passport will fit for active payment systems users and freelancers. Amongst other features, formal WM-passport can be used for regular government services payments and withdrawal transactions. Formal WM-passport issuance is free of charge and it is conducted by WM-passport service. It is issued after system user specifies passport data.

Formal WM-passport allows:

- top-up purses with bank payment, postal order or with cash, using money transfer provider;
- withdraw funds using bank payment, money transfer provider;
- use service cards.Wmtransfer.Com - that provides binding any VISA/mastercard bank card for withdrawals from WMZ-purse. Also system user can order VISA/mastercard/unionpay for withdrawal WMZ or WME-purse;
- use service banks.Webmoney.Ru - that provides binding to WMID bank cards, bank accounts and accounts of other payment systems;
- use service payments.Webmoney.Ru - that provides tax and fine payments. Also provides payments to companies located in russia or government structures;
- use service perevod.Webmoney.Ru - that provides top up and withdrawal operations through CONTACT, unistream, anelik and other payment systems;
- use service of payments acceptance merchant webmoney transfer в in limited mode;
- use service of exchanger specialized sections: wire.Exchanger.Ru, p2p.Exchanger.Ru, sdp.Exchanger.Ru, emoney.Exchanger.Ru;
- communicate with "fellow countrymen" through the web-site geo.Webmoney.Ru/users;
- leave comments about any web-site using service advisor.Wmtransfer.Com;
- use WM arbitration service in order to initiate claims and complains against other system users;
- comment news on official blog of webmoney transfer system;
- create X-purses for top-up and withdrawal of WMX units.

Initial WM-passport is recommended for small business and internet companies employees. Initial WM-passport will distinguish you from anonymous system users, but still it does not completely ensures trust of advanced system users. Initial WM-passport issuance procedure is not free of charge conducted by issuing agent (a participant of the WM-passport service program) who performs passport data verification or automatically (free of charge) by obtaining some of bank cards or performing transfer at the web-site perevod.Webmoney.Ru.

Initial WM-passport allows:

- perform transactions of digital units with significantly higher limits comparing to formal WM-passport holders, financial restrictions for webmoney keeper mini и financial restrictions for webmoney keeper mobile;
- top up purses and withdraw funds from the system with significantly higher limits comparing to formal WM-passport holders;
- participate in service capitaller (access to active budget planning and automation tool);
- register internet resources in some sections of megastock;
- post news onofficial blog of webmoney transfer system;

Personal WM-passport is recommended for business and advanced system users whose aim is not only to spend or transfer funds, but also earn online using whole set of webmoney transfer services. Personal WM-passport ensures high trust of other system users, because your passport data was verified in person with original (or certified by a notary) documents. Personal WM-passport issuance procedure is not free of charge conducted by registrar (a participant of the WM-passport service program).

Personal WM-passport allows:

- perform transactions of digital units with significantly higher limits comparing to initial WM-passport holders;
- participate in credit exchange;
- participate in capitaller (create budget planning and automation tools);
- register internet resources in any section of megastock;
- get status of system consultant;
- participate in WM-passport service partnership program for initial WM-passport issuance;
- post news at many system web-sites (www.Webmoney.Ru, www.Megastock.Ru and others.);
- create commercial web-sites with digiseller service;
- use WM arbitration service in order to initiate claims and complains against other system users without restrictions;
- use webmoney.Escrow - service to ensure safety of transactions between webmoney transfer system users;
- participate in webmoney.Wiki - to post and edit articles.

Personal WM-passport issuance is a final step for majority of the system users, because personal WM-passport provides key features - maximum trust from other system users and access to majority of features essential for work with purses.

Merchant WM-passport allows to perform limitless payment acceptance through special interfaces. Merchant WM-passport is issued to personal passport holder automatically (free of charge) after registration in megastock.

Key tags: webmoney, webmoney passport, wm passport, alias wm-passport, formal wm-passport, initial wm-passport, personal wm-passport, merchant wm-passport, get webmoney passport.

Webmoney passport verification

If you think about it, it turns out that earning is able with the help of verification activity of webmoney.
Webmoney provides two variants for partnership program: registrars and agents.
Agent - is the one who has a personal passport entitling him to issue initial passports. It is not difficult to become an agent, there are only two steps:

  • Sign "the contract of delegation" on the web-site of the verification center;

  • Make a guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ.

A guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ is the key to the operations of agent and will be returned after the attestation activity of the last one, if the verification center will not have any claims to him in terms of reliability of data sent to a secondary inspection. If the agent violates the rules of verification outlined in "rules for verification", the guarantee fee will not be refunded.
The agent who got the right to issue initial passports is included to the registry of webmoney system.

The agent states by himself the price on getting initial passports, but not less than 1 WMZ. He has the right to refuse to issuing them if provided documents violate the "rules for verification".

The agent's income for checking of personal data and issuance of the initial passport will be 50% from the cost of initial passport.

Algorithm of getting the reward is the following:

  • One hundred percent prepayment for receiving the initial passport of applicant.

  • Transfer of all the documents received from the applicant (application, copies of passport) after the issuance of passport to a secondary inspection for secondary check to specialist is charged 25% of the installed cost of the initial passport.

  • Sending documents to verification center for final inspection and storage, for which the centre takes the last 25%.

  • After all this an agent can withdraw earned funds.

Registrars - are those who possess registrar passports and have the right to issue initial and personal passports. Only the owner of the personal passport can apply for registrar passport and only after a personal meeting with a representative of the verification center in moscow to sign the "agency agreement" with the system operator of WM transfer ltd. And making guarantee fee in the amount of 2,000 WMZ. Business level (BL) of registrar applicant should not be less than 100 and at least one year should pass from the moment of registration in the system.

All registrars are included in a special electronic registry of webmoney system.

Each registrar determines the cost to obtain personal passport by himself (but not less than 5 WMZ), and has the right to refuse to issuing them if the provided documents are with violations of existing agreements.

In addition, registrars may conduct a secondary inspection of initial passports issued by agents (remuneration for secondary verification of initial passport is 25% from the cost).

Registrar is charged a fee of 25% from the stated cost of the passport for the issuance of the personal passport. The remaining 25% is the commission of verification center.

We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.

NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of webmoney transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of webmoney transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by webmoney transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of webmoney system operators.

Webmoney passport verification

If you think about it, it turns out that earning is able with the help of verification activity of webmoney.
Webmoney provides two variants for partnership program: registrars and agents.
Agent - is the one who has a personal passport entitling him to issue initial passports. It is not difficult to become an agent, there are only two steps:

  • Sign "the contract of delegation" on the web-site of the verification center;

  • Make a guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ.

A guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ is the key to the operations of agent and will be returned after the attestation activity of the last one, if the verification center will not have any claims to him in terms of reliability of data sent to a secondary inspection. If the agent violates the rules of verification outlined in "rules for verification", the guarantee fee will not be refunded.
The agent who got the right to issue initial passports is included to the registry of webmoney system.

The agent states by himself the price on getting initial passports, but not less than 1 WMZ. He has the right to refuse to issuing them if provided documents violate the "rules for verification".

The agent's income for checking of personal data and issuance of the initial passport will be 50% from the cost of initial passport.

Algorithm of getting the reward is the following:

  • One hundred percent prepayment for receiving the initial passport of applicant.

  • Transfer of all the documents received from the applicant (application, copies of passport) after the issuance of passport to a secondary inspection for secondary check to specialist is charged 25% of the installed cost of the initial passport.

  • Sending documents to verification center for final inspection and storage, for which the centre takes the last 25%.

  • After all this an agent can withdraw earned funds.

Registrars - are those who possess registrar passports and have the right to issue initial and personal passports. Only the owner of the personal passport can apply for registrar passport and only after a personal meeting with a representative of the verification center in moscow to sign the "agency agreement" with the system operator of WM transfer ltd. And making guarantee fee in the amount of 2,000 WMZ. Business level (BL) of registrar applicant should not be less than 100 and at least one year should pass from the moment of registration in the system.

All registrars are included in a special electronic registry of webmoney system.

Each registrar determines the cost to obtain personal passport by himself (but not less than 5 WMZ), and has the right to refuse to issuing them if the provided documents are with violations of existing agreements.

In addition, registrars may conduct a secondary inspection of initial passports issued by agents (remuneration for secondary verification of initial passport is 25% from the cost).

Registrar is charged a fee of 25% from the stated cost of the passport for the issuance of the personal passport. The remaining 25% is the commission of verification center.

We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.

NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of webmoney transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of webmoney transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by webmoney transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of webmoney system operators.

Webmoney passport verification

You must indicate the correct data in the fields:
bank name - specify the bank, where you've received the card, which you are linking to the WM-identifier.
Number of your personalized card - specify the number of the card, which you want to be verified by the system.
Payment system - take a close look at the card and select 1 of the proposed systems - VISA and MASTER CARD. If you do not know which payment system the card belongs, please ask this information in the bank which’s issued the card.
Once you have completed the 3 fields, check entered data and click «save».

You will be transferred to the page where you will see a list of cards that you adding to your WMID.

Now you need to download images of added card/cards from the previous procedure and the relevant pages of passport (1, 2, and a page with registration). Scan or take a photo of the card/cards and relevant pages of your passport, and then go to the link https://passport.Webmoney.Ru/asp/bnewdocupload.Asp . Read everything carefully and start downloading images (do not forget - the image must respond all requirements).

In the step#1 click «обзор» («browse»), select the required image and then click «upload file».
In the step#2 type the name of the document that you uploading - either card or passport.
If you add an image of the card, type in the field «card», " in the field below, choose the option – «linking and verifying a bank card» and click «finish uploading».

You will be transferred to the page:

If you want to upload more documents, choose «go to the list of documents».
And click «download new document».

Once you upload the images of personalized cards and relevant pages of the passport, wait for a notification from the webmoney system that the card/cards are being verified (or images have been verified). The notification will come no later than in 2 working days at your WM keeper and on the e-mail.

Types of passports in webmoney

Each member has a WM passport (or in short, a passport), which is a digital certificate issued based on the personal data provided by the member.

Webmoney transfer technology enables the WM identifier holder to independently define the holder’s system status choosing between an individual and a legal entity. When providing certain information and submitting copies of the required documents, both individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to specify, whether this data is open to the public or available only for the verification center administration.

Alias WM-passport is great for insignificant transfers, billing and internet shopping. Besides this type of WM-passport is good for new system users who just started to learn potential of webmoney transfer system. However, you should keep in mind that level of trust towards system user with "alias WM-passport" is minimal. Alias WM-passport is issued automatically (free of charge) during the registration in the system.

Formal WM-passport will fit for active payment systems users and freelancers. Amongst other features, formal WM-passport can be used for regular government services payments and withdrawal transactions. Formal WM-passport issuance is free of charge and it is conducted by WM-passport service. It is issued after system user specifies passport data.

Formal WM-passport allows:

- top-up purses with bank payment, postal order or with cash, using money transfer provider;
- withdraw funds using bank payment, money transfer provider;
- use service cards.Wmtransfer.Com - that provides binding any VISA/mastercard bank card for withdrawals from WMZ-purse. Also system user can order VISA/mastercard/unionpay for withdrawal WMZ or WME-purse;
- use service banks.Webmoney.Ru - that provides binding to WMID bank cards, bank accounts and accounts of other payment systems;
- use service payments.Webmoney.Ru - that provides tax and fine payments. Also provides payments to companies located in russia or government structures;
- use service perevod.Webmoney.Ru - that provides top up and withdrawal operations through CONTACT, unistream, anelik and other payment systems;
- use service of payments acceptance merchant webmoney transfer в in limited mode;
- use service of exchanger specialized sections: wire.Exchanger.Ru, p2p.Exchanger.Ru, sdp.Exchanger.Ru, emoney.Exchanger.Ru;
- communicate with "fellow countrymen" through the web-site geo.Webmoney.Ru/users;
- leave comments about any web-site using service advisor.Wmtransfer.Com;
- use WM arbitration service in order to initiate claims and complains against other system users;
- comment news on official blog of webmoney transfer system;
- create X-purses for top-up and withdrawal of WMX units.

Initial WM-passport is recommended for small business and internet companies employees. Initial WM-passport will distinguish you from anonymous system users, but still it does not completely ensures trust of advanced system users. Initial WM-passport issuance procedure is not free of charge conducted by issuing agent (a participant of the WM-passport service program) who performs passport data verification or automatically (free of charge) by obtaining some of bank cards or performing transfer at the web-site perevod.Webmoney.Ru.

Initial WM-passport allows:

- perform transactions of digital units with significantly higher limits comparing to formal WM-passport holders, financial restrictions for webmoney keeper mini и financial restrictions for webmoney keeper mobile;
- top up purses and withdraw funds from the system with significantly higher limits comparing to formal WM-passport holders;
- participate in service capitaller (access to active budget planning and automation tool);
- register internet resources in some sections of megastock;
- post news onofficial blog of webmoney transfer system;

Personal WM-passport is recommended for business and advanced system users whose aim is not only to spend or transfer funds, but also earn online using whole set of webmoney transfer services. Personal WM-passport ensures high trust of other system users, because your passport data was verified in person with original (or certified by a notary) documents. Personal WM-passport issuance procedure is not free of charge conducted by registrar (a participant of the WM-passport service program).

Personal WM-passport allows:

- perform transactions of digital units with significantly higher limits comparing to initial WM-passport holders;
- participate in credit exchange;
- participate in capitaller (create budget planning and automation tools);
- register internet resources in any section of megastock;
- get status of system consultant;
- participate in WM-passport service partnership program for initial WM-passport issuance;
- post news at many system web-sites (www.Webmoney.Ru, www.Megastock.Ru and others.);
- create commercial web-sites with digiseller service;
- use WM arbitration service in order to initiate claims and complains against other system users without restrictions;
- use webmoney.Escrow - service to ensure safety of transactions between webmoney transfer system users;
- participate in webmoney.Wiki - to post and edit articles.

Personal WM-passport issuance is a final step for majority of the system users, because personal WM-passport provides key features - maximum trust from other system users and access to majority of features essential for work with purses.

Merchant WM-passport allows to perform limitless payment acceptance through special interfaces. Merchant WM-passport is issued to personal passport holder automatically (free of charge) after registration in megastock.

Key tags: webmoney, webmoney passport, wm passport, alias wm-passport, formal wm-passport, initial wm-passport, personal wm-passport, merchant wm-passport, get webmoney passport.

So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: instant top-up and withdrawal webmoney via mobile phone, credit card VISA, mastercard and maestro, via internet banking and payment systems. E-currency exchange webmoney. At webmoney passport verification

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