Welcome Bonus 30 USD, roboforex deposit bonus.

Roboforex deposit bonus

Initial 30 USD are available to all newly registered roboforex clients with cent and standard accounts.

Free forex bonuses

Welcome Bonus 30 USD, roboforex deposit bonus.

Welcome Bonus 30 USD, roboforex deposit bonus.

Welcome Bonus 30 USD, roboforex deposit bonus.

Register and receive initial funds for trading.

Welcome bonus 30 USD

Register and receive initial funds for trading.

Initial funds

For new clients of the company, who verified their personal information.

Withdraw the profit

From trading using both your own and extra funds.

No restrictions

Welcome bonus funds aren’t written off from your account even during "drawdown".

How to receive welcome bonus

Open an account

Bonus funds are available for cent and standard MT4/MT5-based accounts with USD or EUR as a base currency.

Verify your account

Pass the simple verification procedure of your identity, address, and phone number in your members area.

Deposit funds to your account

Deposit at least 10 USD to your account via a bank card * .

* - funds can be deposited only via china unionpay, maestro, mastercard, and VISA cards. Deposits made by means of virtual cards issued by payment systems, as well as prepaid cards are not taken into account.

What types of accounts can I receive 30 USD to?

Initial 30 USD are available to all newly registered roboforex clients with cent and standard accounts.



The most popular account type at roboforex, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.

Trading microlots. This account type is best for beginners, who want to test trading with small deposits.

Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.

A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.

Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.

Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd and it affiliates do not target EU/EEA clients. Roboforex ltd and it affiliates don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.

At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.

© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.

NEW $30 NO DEPOSIT BONUS – roboforex

Get a true granted forex WELCOME NO DEPOSIT BONUS 30 USD powered by roboforex to start live forex trading with FOREX welcome bonus 30 USD – this is a special NON-deposit bonus that requires USD 10 deposit for the client. Make an account and passed the verification – join the non-deposit bonus promotions and receive an initial capital for trading at the least cost to your investment. All the profits made through the bonus can be withdrawn without any restrictions.

Welcome NO DEPOSIT bonus 30 USD

Joining link: no-deposit offer

Ending date: december 31, 2021

Offer is applicable: all new clients

How to apply:

  • Register an account

  • Verify profile

  • Deposit USD 10 to verify payment system

  • Deposited USD 10 can be withdrawn after $30 bonus added into account.

Bonus withdrawal:

  • Profit is fully withdrawable

  • Also, the bonus can be withdrawn after traded required no of lots.

Terms & conditions – roboforex welcome NO deposit $30 bonus

Kindly note that deposited USD 10 can be withdrawn after verifying the payment details.

This offer is not available for traders how took part in “15 USD NO-DEPOSIT BONUS” or received other no deposit bonuses earlier.

This bonus is better than usual NO deposit bonus that is available in the market as this offer guaranty you to support your open position and help you to rescue like own equity even after withdrawing own USD 10

The bonus is not available for the clients from indonesia & pakistan.

Deposit bonus limit is increased

Hurry to join the offer until it’s over and benefit from the new increased limits for spring bonuses!


Офіційний спонсор команди "старикович-хескес" на ралі дакар-2017

Досвідчені гонщики, які мають за плечима більше 60 000 км позашляхових трас європи, африки й австралії.

Офіційний спонсор бійця муай-тай андрія кулебіна

Багаторазовий чемпіон світу з тайського боксу, досвідчений тренер і заслужений майстер спорту.

  1. Головна

  2. Про нас

  3. Про roboforex

  4. Новини roboforex

  5. Deposit bonus limit is increased

Roboforex ltd - міжнародний брокер, що регулюється IFSC під ліцензією 000138/107. Реєстраційний номер - 128.572.

Попередження про ризики: торгівля інструментами з використанням кредитного плеча - такими, як forex і CFD, - пов'язана з високим рівнем ризику. 58,42% рахунків рітейл-інвесторів втрачають кошти, торгуючи CFD з даним провайдером. Не слід ризикувати більше, ніж ви можете дозволити собі втратити - можливо, що ви втратите більше суми ваших інвестицій. Не слід починати торгівлю або інвестування, якщо ви не до кінця розумієте реальну ступінь збитків і ризику, яким ви піддаєтеся. Торгуючи або інвестуючи, ви повинні завжди брати до уваги рівень свого досвіду. Системи копіювання торгових операцій припускають додаткові ризики для ваших інвестицій зважаючи на специфіку подібних сервісів. Якщо ступінь можливого ризику вам не до кінця зрозуміла, будь ласка, зверніться до незалежного фахівця за додатковою консультацією. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не націлені на залучення громадян країн ЄС/ЄЕЗ в якості клієнтів. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не працюють на території австралії, бонайре, східного тимору, гвінеї-бісау, канади, кюрасао, ліберії, мікронезії, росії, сайпан, північних маріанських островів, сінт-естатіус, США, таїті, туреччини, шпіцбергена і ян-майена, південного судану , японії та інших країн, що мають відповідні обмеження.

Ми в roboforex розуміємо, що трейдери повинні фокусувати свою увагу на торгівлі замість того, щоб турбуватися про безпеку своїх коштів. У зв'язку з цим нами вжито додаткових заходів у сфері виконання наших зобов'язань перед клієнтами. Компанією roboforex впроваджена програма страхування цивільної відповідальності з лімітом в 5 000 000 EUR, яка включає провідне на ринку страхове забезпечення на випадок халатності, шахрайства, помилок, недбалості та інших ризиків, які можуть призвести до фінансових втрат клієнтів.

© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Всі права захищені.

Welcome bonus 30 USD

Welcome bonus deposit without having to invest your own funds to the account!

Welcome bonus 30 USD is a special welcome deposit for roboforex clients, which is given on an individual basis at the discretion of the company. Join the program and you’ll get a chance to receive initial capital for trading!

Opportunities for roboforex clients

The initial capital

Without investing your own funds to the account.

Withdraw the profit

You earned when trading using your own and extra funds without any limitations

How to receive welcome bonus 30 USD?

Activate the code in members area

Go to "extra funds" section and enter the code (it was sent by e-mail and via SMS) into the corresponding field.

Open a new account at roboforex

Welcome bonus 30 USD is available for all metatrader4-based trading accounts of pro types. If you don’t have any accounts of these types yet, you can open one right now.

Rules of the program and examples of calculation

General provisions

Welcome bonus 30 USD (hereinafter called welcome bonus) is a special welcome deposit for roboforex clients, which is given on an individual basis at the discretion of the company.

The amount of welcome bonus is 30 USD or 3,000 cents (depending on the account type).

Welcome bonus can be transferred to the account with EUR as the base currency. In this case, the amount will be converted into EUR according to the company’s internal exchange rate.

Welcome bonus can be received only to the following types of metatrader4-based accounts with USD or EUR as the base currency: pro-cent, and pro-standard (except for copyfx and contestfx accounts).
More about roboforex accounts types

Each client can receive welcome bonus only once.

The offer is valid for clients from all countries, except for republic of indonesia and islamic republic of pakistan.

Welcome bonus is only available for the accounts with the leverage up to and including 1:1000.

Receiving welcome bonus

To receive welcome bonus, you have to activate the special code in your members area. The code is sent to the participant’s e-mail address, which he specified during the registration.

To activate the code, you have to do the following:

  1. Go to "extra funds" section of your members area.

  2. Enter the code into the corresponding field.

  3. Read the conditions of the program and tick the box if you agree.

Welcome bonus is transferred to the client’s account within 5 business days.

Validity period of the code is limited to 30 days. If the code is not used during this period, it will be automatically cancelled and marked as "expired".

Working with welcome bonus

    clients can use in trading both their own funds and welcome bonus extra funds without any limitations. In this case, the extra funds can be used during "drawdown" – i.E. If the equity on the client’s account becomes less than welcome bonus extra funds, the extra funds will not be written off from the client’s account until stop out takes place.

During "drawdown", the client’s own funds will be written off in the first place, including the cases when these funds were deposited after receiving welcome bonus.

Show an example

Example: you deposited your account with 1,000 cents and received 3,000 cents as welcome bonus. After trading, your profit is -500 cents. This loss will be covered by means of the client’s own funds and the sum available for withdrawal will be 500 cents, which is the client’s own funds minus the profit.

There are no special commission for withdrawal for the participants of the offer.

Cancellation and writing off

Once stop out takes place, all welcome bonus extra funds will be written off from the client’s account.

The client has the right to reject the received welcome bonus at any moment.

The profit received from trading using the extra funds and the client’s own funds will not be written off from the account in none of the above-mentioned cases.

Please note that roboforex reserves the right to, at any time and without any given reason, refuse to grant welcome bonus or write off from the account of the previously issued welcome bonus, as well as revoke (cancel) all transactions that have been made using the welcome bonus extra funds. This condition is considered to be accepted (agreed with and accepted) by the client starting from the moment of depositing the “welcome bonus 30 USD” to his trading account.

Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.

A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.

Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.

Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd and it affiliates do not target EU/EEA clients. Roboforex ltd and it affiliates don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.

At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.

© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.

No deposit bonus - welcome bonus

Dear clients and partners!

«welcome bonus» - no deposit bonus service for new and registered clients!

Roboforex is glad to present «welcome bonus», a new no deposit bonus service which can be of a great help to beginner traders, and a good opportunity to try trading using real forex accounts at roboforex!

Sincerely, roboforex

Penaja rasmi pasukan "starikovich-heskes" di the dakar 2017

Pelumba yang berpengalaman dengan lebih daripada 60,000 kilometer perjalanan di eropah, afrika, dan australia.

Penaja rasmi pejuang muay thai andrei kulebin seorang juara dunia tinju

Thai yang telah memenangi beberapa kali, seorang jurulatih yang berpengalaman, dan master of sports yang dihormati.

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  5. No deposit bonus - welcome bonus

Roboforex ltd adalah broker antarabangsa yang dikawalselia oleh IFSC, nombor lesen 000138/107, reg. Nombor 128.572.

Peringatan risiko: terdapat risiko tinggi yang terlibat apabila berdagang produk leveraged seperti forex / cfds. 58.42% daripada akaun pelabur runcit kehilangan wang apabila berdagang CFD dengan pembekal ini. Anda tidak boleh berisiko lebih daripada yang anda mampu untuk kehilangan, mungkin anda mungkin kehilangan lebih daripada keseluruhan pelaburan anda. Anda tidak harus berdagang atau melabur melainkan anda memahami sepenuhnya tahap pendedahan anda terhadap risiko kerugian. Apabila berdagang atau melabur, anda mesti mengambil kira tahap pengalaman anda. Perkhidmatan perdagangan-salinan menandakan risiko tambahan kepada pelaburan anda disebabkan sifat produk tersebut. Jika risiko yang terlibat nampaknya tidak jelas kepada anda, sila memohon kepada pakar luar untuk nasihat bebas. Roboforex ltd dan affiliate tidak menyasarkan pelanggan EU / EEA. Roboforex ltd dan affiliate tidak berfungsi di wilayah amerika syarikat, kanada, jepun, australia, bonaire, curaçao, timor timur, liberia, saipan, rusia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turki, guinea-bissau, mikronesia, kepulauan mariana utara, svalbard dan jan mayen, sudan selatan, dan negara-negara terhad lain.

Di roboforex, kami faham bahawa peniaga harus menumpukan semua usaha mereka untuk berdagang dan tidak bimbang tentang tahap keselamatan modal yang sesuai. Oleh itu, syarikat mengambil langkah tambahan untuk memastikan pematuhan terhadap kewajipannya kepada pelanggan. Kami telah melaksanakan program insurans liabiliti sivil untuk had 5,000,000 EUR, yang meliputi liputan pasaran utama terhadap komisen, penipuan, kesilapan, kecuaian dan risiko lain yang mungkin menyebabkan kerugian kewangan pelanggan.

© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Hak cipta terpelihara.

Deposit bonus up to 50%

Dear clients and partners!

Roboforex informs you that we are launching “deposit bonus up to 50%” offer, which is started january 23rd, 2012 and will last up to march 1st, 2012, allowing you to receive extra 50% bonus each time you deposit your trading account.

To learn more about new version of terms and conditions of bonus program, please, visit our site, “deposit bonus up to 50%” section.


Офіційний спонсор команди "старикович-хескес" на ралі дакар-2017

Досвідчені гонщики, які мають за плечима більше 60 000 км позашляхових трас європи, африки й австралії.

Офіційний спонсор бійця муай-тай андрія кулебіна

Багаторазовий чемпіон світу з тайського боксу, досвідчений тренер і заслужений майстер спорту.

  1. Головна

  2. Про нас

  3. Про roboforex

  4. Новини roboforex

  5. Deposit bonus up to 50%

Roboforex ltd - міжнародний брокер, що регулюється IFSC під ліцензією 000138/107. Реєстраційний номер - 128.572.

Попередження про ризики: торгівля інструментами з використанням кредитного плеча - такими, як forex і CFD, - пов'язана з високим рівнем ризику. 58,42% рахунків рітейл-інвесторів втрачають кошти, торгуючи CFD з даним провайдером. Не слід ризикувати більше, ніж ви можете дозволити собі втратити - можливо, що ви втратите більше суми ваших інвестицій. Не слід починати торгівлю або інвестування, якщо ви не до кінця розумієте реальну ступінь збитків і ризику, яким ви піддаєтеся. Торгуючи або інвестуючи, ви повинні завжди брати до уваги рівень свого досвіду. Системи копіювання торгових операцій припускають додаткові ризики для ваших інвестицій зважаючи на специфіку подібних сервісів. Якщо ступінь можливого ризику вам не до кінця зрозуміла, будь ласка, зверніться до незалежного фахівця за додатковою консультацією. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не націлені на залучення громадян країн ЄС/ЄЕЗ в якості клієнтів. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не працюють на території австралії, бонайре, східного тимору, гвінеї-бісау, канади, кюрасао, ліберії, мікронезії, росії, сайпан, північних маріанських островів, сінт-естатіус, США, таїті, туреччини, шпіцбергена і ян-майена, південного судану , японії та інших країн, що мають відповідні обмеження.

Ми в roboforex розуміємо, що трейдери повинні фокусувати свою увагу на торгівлі замість того, щоб турбуватися про безпеку своїх коштів. У зв'язку з цим нами вжито додаткових заходів у сфері виконання наших зобов'язань перед клієнтами. Компанією roboforex впроваджена програма страхування цивільної відповідальності з лімітом в 5 000 000 EUR, яка включає провідне на ринку страхове забезпечення на випадок халатності, шахрайства, помилок, недбалості та інших ризиків, які можуть призвести до фінансових втрат клієнтів.

© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Всі права захищені.

Roboforex $30 FREE welcome bonus

Roboforex, an IFSC and cysec regulated forex broker, offers вђњ30 USD welcome bonusвђќ to all its clients who have successfully passed the verification of their registered account.

In order to receive the roboforex 30$ bonus, you should, in fact, deposit $10 to verify the payment method of your account. Your 10$ deposit can be withdrawn afterward; you can withdraw your profits as well. For example, letвђ™s say you have deposited 10$ and received 30$ from roboforex, you start trading with 40$ account balance and make 10$ profits, now you can withdraw your $10 deposit plus 10$ profits that you have earned!

Roboforex will also allow you to withdraw the actual 30$ bonus amount when you trade a certain amount of lots, according to your chosen account type:

Вђў 50 micro lots (0.5 standard lots) on fix-cent accounts

Вђў 0.5 lots on fix-standard accounts

Вђў 100 micro lots on pro-cent accounts

Вђў 1 lot on pro-standard accounts

Note that roboforex $30 bonus also acts as a margin bonus and can be used during any possible drawdown. In addition, in case of drawdowns only your $10 deposit will be removed.

How to get the roboforex $30 welcome bonus:

Open an account at roboforex broker and pass account verification steps as follow:

- verify your account information - passport and proof of address

- verify your mobile number by receiving the SMS-code

- verify your payment info by depositing 10$

After doing the above steps, you will receive an email containing a coupon code, use that code to receive your 30$ bonus.

Certain conditions:

The bonus will be transferred to your account within five business days (after successful account verification).

The $30 bonus can be used for 1 year.

The bonus coupon code will be valid for 30 days after you receive it.

How to get roboforex no deposit bonus?

This is a comprehensive guide showing you how to claim the roboforex no deposit bonus in a proper way.

Roboforex no deposit bonus is an ultimate opportunity for making real money without any investment. Besides, it lets you experience the world-class broker service of roboforex which is completely free!

This no deposit bonus plan is a part of the roboforex welcome bonus program. It includes some important rules and requirements which you must know before applying for the bonus.

This is why we’ve also included the roboforex no deposit bonus terms and conditions at the later part of this article.

If you want to start trading today with real money on your account, this is the right roboforex no deposit bonus review for you.

Steps to claim roboforex no deposit bonus

RoboForex No Deposit Bonus

1. Register for a trading account

You must open a roboforex trading account where you’ll receive the bonus. Here, you need to fill up a form with your name, e-mail address, phone number, and residential address. Please double-check your name and contacts before you finally submit the registration form.

Remember, roboforex only allows its cent and pro-standard account for the no deposit bonus. Therefore, you must choose any one of these account types to be eligible for the bonus. Select the account you want to open, read the conditions, and click on the “agree” button.

Once your account is created successfully, roboforex will send you a confirmation e-mail. This e-mail contains a summary of your new trading account including the login information.

2. Account verification

Roboforex will verify your name and residential address of your account profile. This verification process is the key to unlock the full feature of your trading account.

You can verify your identity with your national ID, driving license, or passport. For address verification, use bank statements or utility bills (not more than 3 months old).

Please note that your account information must match with the document you submit for the account verification.

Simply submit the scan copy of your relevant documents and wait for the review. After a successful verification, the broker will send you a confirmation mail to your e-mail.

You’re also required to verify your phone number.

3. Payment method verification

The bonus approval requires a payment method verification. Make a minimum deposit of $10 through your preferred payment method. Make sure you use the same payment method for future withdrawals.

Please note that you can withdraw your $10 deposit right after you receive the bonus into your account.

4. Apply for the bonus

After you’re done with the above steps, you’ll receive a confirmation code through your registered e-mail. Login to your roboforex member’s area. Next, click on the “receive welcome bonus 30 USD” and input the code.

That’s it! You receive your $30 no deposit bonus.

Roboforex payment methods

Roboforex accepts the following payment methods:

  • China unionpay

  • Maestro

  • Mastercard

  • VISA card

Please note that deposits made by virtual cards issued by payment systems are not valid.

What you can do with this roboforex welcome bonus?

You can simply trade and generate profits using the bonus. All the profits you make are withdrawable without restrictions. Moreover, it is a chance for you to grow a small account. A stable trading strategy can lead you to great progress. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how small your trading account is.

However, a small trading account has one major issue. You may blow the whole account before you get into the winning trend. This is because smaller capital doesn’t allow you to do many more trading mistakes. But, since it is completely free, what else you can lose?

Moreover, you can use this bonus fund to trade over 36 forex currency pairs, metals, and cfds. Also, you’re allowed to trade through both roboforex MT4 and MT5 platforms. Therefore, you’ll enjoy a lot of options as like as a regular client of the broker.

Newbie traders have a lot of trading strategies but experienced professionals have one or two. Because newbie traders don’t know which strategy will bring them success in the long run. It happens because of the lack of trading experiences and experiments. Roboforex no deposit bonus is an ultimate opportunity to fill that gap.

The longer you sustain in the market, the better experience you get.

Roboforex no deposit bonus terms and conditions

  • This offer does not apply to the residents of vietnam, the republic of indonesia, and the islamic republic of pakistan.

  • Each client can receive this roboforex no deposit bonus for only once.

  • The bonus amount is not withdrawable.

  • If you’re using EUR as your base currency then the 30 USD bonus will be converted to EUR.

  • Copyfx and contestfx features are excluded from this program.

  • The no deposit bonus is not allowed to the clients who already enjoyed any other bonus offer from roboforex.

  • Besides account verification, phone number verification is also required.


I hope you enjoyed reading our roboforex no deposit bonus complete guide. At last we have included some pros and cons. So, please read and if you have any feedback then please comment below.

Roboforex classic bonus

Bonus size



Max. Bonus

There are tons of different bonuses in the forex trading market. Whether it’s deposit bonuses, cash rebate promotions, or even contests between traders, forex brokers can definitely make the trading experience more exciting with these promotions.

Among them, deposit bonuses are arguably the most popular and widely used. Many brokers try to make their clients’ trading experience more pleasing and more lucrative by increasing their initial deposit sizes, whether it’s by nominal amounts or by certain percentage rates.

Today, we’ll take a look at yet another deposit bonus, roboforex classic bonus. If you want to know what this bonus is all about, keep reading this overview.

RoboForex Classic Bonus review

Deconstructing the broker

First things first, if you are to trust this promotion and use it in your trades, you need to have solid proof that roboforex is a reliable brokerage. And sure enough, it’s pretty easy to determine that.

If you head over to roboforex’s website and scroll all the way down, you’ll see that the broker owns a couple of pretty sturdy licenses. One is from cyprus – cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec), and the other is from belize – international financial services commission (IFSC).

Both of these licenses strictly monitor roboforex’s actions and ensure that you’re getting the most reliable and beneficial trading terms and conditions from it.

What’s the classic bonus all about?

On roboforex’s website, there’s the promotions section that contains various different bonuses and promotions, whether it’s a hefty 1,000,000 USD anniversary bonus or a constant cashback promo. Among them, there’s the classic bonus that distinguishes itself with a pretty lucrative offer.

Let’s take a look at this classic bonus and see what it’s all about. As the relevant website section notifies, the roboforex classic bonus promises a hefty 120% bonus on your deposit.

For example, if you deposit 1,000 USD on your roboforex MT4/MT5 account, you’ll get an additional 1,200 USD on the same trading balance from the broker. Pretty impressive, right?

Wait until you see the conditions for getting the bonus – they’re even more impressive. So, here’s what you need to do to sign up for the roboforex classic bonus:

  • Sign up for an MT4/MT5-based cent or standard accounts (only these two work) on the website;

  • Upload two requested documents to verify your identity;

  • Make a deposit to the newly-created account and get a bonus of up to 50,000 USD.

RoboForex Classic Bonus

And that’s it, no additional applications or requests is necessary. Now, we’ll list some of the main details of this bonus:

  • Everyone can participate in this bonus, and not just the newcomers to the roboforex platform;

  • You can get the bonus for multiple deposits, not just the first one, as long as it doesn’t exceed the 50,000 USD total sum;

  • You can generate profits with the bonus money and then withdraw it without any limitations;

  • You can even withdraw the bonus money itself, if you meet all the trading volume requirements: you need to have traded half the amount of standard lots of the bonus money you receive. For example, if you get 1,000 USD as a bonus, you need to trade 500 lots (closed transactions) to withdraw the bonus money;

  • The bonus is available indefinitely.

Once you make enough profits that you want to withdraw, you can easily make a request for it and have your money transferred to any of the available platforms. In fact, roboforex features tons of payment methods on its platform, be it credit/debit cards, wire transfer, or e-wallets.

Is the roboforex classic bonus any good?

As we saw in this review of roboforex classic bonus, the terms and conditions for this promotion are pretty lucrative. Theoretically, you can get 50,000 USD as a bonus from the broker, which is just astonishing to think about.

Roboforex itself is a properly-regulated broker that ensures the safest trading sessions for you. Moreover, it doesn’t have additional requests for you to provide its classic bonus, which is always a welcoming sign.

So, should you get the roboforex classic bonus? Absolutely yes!

So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: receive extra funds! At roboforex deposit bonus

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