Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Real register

Earn XM points on every trade, then redeem those points for real cash rewards and trading bonuses.

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Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).

Real register

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Legal: this website is operated by XM global limited with registered address at no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.

Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.

Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).

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Real mode

Real mode is a simplistic 16-bit mode that is present on all x86 processors. Real mode was the first x86 mode design and was used by many early operating systems before the birth of protected mode. For compatibility purposes, all x86 processors begin execution in real mode.



All modern operating systems (windows, linux, . ) run in protected mode, due to the many limitations and problems that real mode presents (see below, and the real mode OS warning page). Older operating systems (such as DOS) and programs ran in real mode because it was the only mode available at the time. For information on how to switch from real mode to protected mode, see the corresponding article.

Note: there is a mode called virtual 8086 mode which allows operating systems running in protected mode to emulate the real mode segmented model for individual applications. This can be used to allow a protected mode operating system to still have access to e.G. BIOS functions, whenever needed.

Below you'll find a list of cons and pros. These are mostly 'in comparison to protected mode'.

  • Less than 1 MB of RAM is available for use.

  • There is no hardware-based memory protection (GDT), nor virtual memory.

  • There is no built in security mechanisms to protect against buggy or malicious applications.

  • The default CPU operand length is only 16 bits.

  • The memory addressing modes provided are more restrictive than other CPU modes.

  • Accessing more than 64k requires the use of segment register that are difficult to work with.

  • The BIOS installs device drivers to control devices and handle interrupt.

  • BIOS functions provide operating systems with a advanced collection of low level API functions.

  • Memory access is faster due to the lack of descriptor tables to check and smaller registers.

Common misconception

Programmers often think that since real mode defaults to 16 bits, that the 32 bit registers are not accessible. This is not true.

All of the 32-bit registers (EAX, . ) are still usable, by simply adding the "operand size override prefix" (0x66) to the beginning of any instruction. Your assembler is likely to do this for you, if you simply try to use a 32-bit register.

Memory addressing

In real mode, there is a little over 1 MB of "addressable" memory (including the high memory area). See detecting memory (x86) and memory map (x86) to determine how much is actually usable. The usable amount will be much less than 1 MB. Memory access is done using segmentation via a segment:offset system.

There are six 16-bit segment registers: CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, and SS. When using segment registers, addresses are given with the following notation (where 'segment' is a value in a segment register and 'offset' is a value in an address register):

Segments and offsets are related to physical addresses by the equation:

Thus, 12F3:4B27 corresponds to the physical address 0x17A57. Any physical address can be represented in multiple ways, with different segments and offsets. For example, physical address 0x210 can be 0020:0010, 0000:0210, or 0021:0000.

The stack

SS and SP are 16-bit segment:offset registers that specify a 20-bit physical address (described above), which is the current "top" of the stack. The stack stores 16-bit words, grows downwards, and must be aligned on a word (16-bit) boundary. It is used every time a program does a PUSH, POP, CALL, INT, or RET opcode and also when the BIOS handles any hardware interrupt.

High memory area

If you set DS (or any segment register) to a value of 0xffff, it points to an address that is 16 bytes below 1 MB. If you then use that segment register as a base, with an offset of 0x10 to 0xffff, you can access physical memory addresses from 0x100000 to 0x10FFEF. This (almost 64 kb) area above 1 MB is called the "high memory area" in real mode. Note that you have to have the A20 address line activated for this to work.

Addressing modes

Real mode uses 16-bit addressing mode by default. Assembly programmers are typically familiar with the more common 32-bit addressing modes, and may want to make adjustments -- because the registers that are available in 16-bit addressing mode for use as "pointers" are much more limited. The typical programs that run in real mode are often limited in the number of bytes available, and it takes one extra byte in each opcode to use 32-bit addressing instead.

Note that you can still use 32-bit addressing modes in real mode, simply by adding the "address size override prefix" (0x67) to the beginning of any instruction. Your assembler is likely to do this for you, if you simply try to use a 32-bit addressing mode. But you are still constrained by the current "limit" for the segment that you use in each memory access (always 64K in real mode -- unreal mode can be bigger).

  • [BX + val]

  • [SI + val]

  • [DI + val]

  • [BP + val]

  • [BX + SI + val]

  • [BX + DI + val]

  • [BP + SI + val]

  • [BP + DI + val]

  • [address]

Switching from protected mode to real mode

As noted above, it is possible for a protected mode operating system to use virtual 8086 mode mode to access BIOS functions. However, VM86 mode has its own complications and difficulties. Some OS designers think that it is simpler and cleaner to temporarily return to real mode on those occasions when it is necessary to access a BIOS function. This requires creating a special ring 0 program, and placing it in a physical memory address that can be accessed in real mode.

The OS usually needs to pass an information packet about which BIOS function to execute.

The program needs to go through the following steps:

  1. Disable the interrupts:

    • Turn off maskable interrupts using CLI.

    • Disable NMI (optional).

  2. Turn off paging:

    • Transfer control to a 1:1 page.

    • Ensure that the GDT and IDT are in a 1:1 page.

    • Clear the PG-flag in the zeroth control register.

    • Set the third control register to 0.

  3. Use GDT with 16-bit tables (skip this step if one is already available):

    • Create a new GDT with a 16-bit data and code segment:

      • Limit: 0xFFFFF

      • Base: 0x0

      • 16-bit

      • Privilege level: 0

      • Granularity: 0

      • Read and write: 1

    • Load new GDT ensuring that the currently used selectors will remain the same (index in cs/ds/ss will be copy of original segment in new GDT)

  4. Far jump to 16-bit protected mode:

    • Far jump to 16-bit protected mode with a 16-bit segment index.

  5. Load data segment selectors with 16-bit indexes:

    • Load ds, es, fs, gs, ss with a 16-bit data segment.

  6. Load real mode IDT:

    • Limit: 0x3FF

    • Base 0x0

    • Use lidt

  7. Disable protected mode:

    • Set PE bit in CR0 to false.

  8. Far jump to real mode:

    • Far jump to real mode with real mode segment selector (usually 0).

  9. Reload data segment registers with real mode values:

    • Load ds, es, fs, gs, ss with appropriate real mode values (usually 0).

  10. Set stack pointer to appropriate value:

    • Set sp to stack value that will not interfere with real mode program.

  11. Enable interrupts:

    • Enable maskable interrupts with STI.

  12. Continue on in real mode with all bios interrupts.

Real mode

Real mode is a simplistic 16-bit mode that is present on all x86 processors. Real mode was the first x86 mode design and was used by many early operating systems before the birth of protected mode. For compatibility purposes, all x86 processors begin execution in real mode.



All modern operating systems (windows, linux, . ) run in protected mode, due to the many limitations and problems that real mode presents (see below, and the real mode OS warning page). Older operating systems (such as DOS) and programs ran in real mode because it was the only mode available at the time. For information on how to switch from real mode to protected mode, see the corresponding article.

Note: there is a mode called virtual 8086 mode which allows operating systems running in protected mode to emulate the real mode segmented model for individual applications. This can be used to allow a protected mode operating system to still have access to e.G. BIOS functions, whenever needed.

Below you'll find a list of cons and pros. These are mostly 'in comparison to protected mode'.

  • Less than 1 MB of RAM is available for use.

  • There is no hardware-based memory protection (GDT), nor virtual memory.

  • There is no built in security mechanisms to protect against buggy or malicious applications.

  • The default CPU operand length is only 16 bits.

  • The memory addressing modes provided are more restrictive than other CPU modes.

  • Accessing more than 64k requires the use of segment register that are difficult to work with.

  • The BIOS installs device drivers to control devices and handle interrupt.

  • BIOS functions provide operating systems with a advanced collection of low level API functions.

  • Memory access is faster due to the lack of descriptor tables to check and smaller registers.

Common misconception

Programmers often think that since real mode defaults to 16 bits, that the 32 bit registers are not accessible. This is not true.

All of the 32-bit registers (EAX, . ) are still usable, by simply adding the "operand size override prefix" (0x66) to the beginning of any instruction. Your assembler is likely to do this for you, if you simply try to use a 32-bit register.

Memory addressing

In real mode, there is a little over 1 MB of "addressable" memory (including the high memory area). See detecting memory (x86) and memory map (x86) to determine how much is actually usable. The usable amount will be much less than 1 MB. Memory access is done using segmentation via a segment:offset system.

There are six 16-bit segment registers: CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, and SS. When using segment registers, addresses are given with the following notation (where 'segment' is a value in a segment register and 'offset' is a value in an address register):

Segments and offsets are related to physical addresses by the equation:

Thus, 12F3:4B27 corresponds to the physical address 0x17A57. Any physical address can be represented in multiple ways, with different segments and offsets. For example, physical address 0x210 can be 0020:0010, 0000:0210, or 0021:0000.

The stack

SS and SP are 16-bit segment:offset registers that specify a 20-bit physical address (described above), which is the current "top" of the stack. The stack stores 16-bit words, grows downwards, and must be aligned on a word (16-bit) boundary. It is used every time a program does a PUSH, POP, CALL, INT, or RET opcode and also when the BIOS handles any hardware interrupt.

High memory area

If you set DS (or any segment register) to a value of 0xffff, it points to an address that is 16 bytes below 1 MB. If you then use that segment register as a base, with an offset of 0x10 to 0xffff, you can access physical memory addresses from 0x100000 to 0x10FFEF. This (almost 64 kb) area above 1 MB is called the "high memory area" in real mode. Note that you have to have the A20 address line activated for this to work.

Addressing modes

Real mode uses 16-bit addressing mode by default. Assembly programmers are typically familiar with the more common 32-bit addressing modes, and may want to make adjustments -- because the registers that are available in 16-bit addressing mode for use as "pointers" are much more limited. The typical programs that run in real mode are often limited in the number of bytes available, and it takes one extra byte in each opcode to use 32-bit addressing instead.

Note that you can still use 32-bit addressing modes in real mode, simply by adding the "address size override prefix" (0x67) to the beginning of any instruction. Your assembler is likely to do this for you, if you simply try to use a 32-bit addressing mode. But you are still constrained by the current "limit" for the segment that you use in each memory access (always 64K in real mode -- unreal mode can be bigger).

  • [BX + val]

  • [SI + val]

  • [DI + val]

  • [BP + val]

  • [BX + SI + val]

  • [BX + DI + val]

  • [BP + SI + val]

  • [BP + DI + val]

  • [address]

Switching from protected mode to real mode

As noted above, it is possible for a protected mode operating system to use virtual 8086 mode mode to access BIOS functions. However, VM86 mode has its own complications and difficulties. Some OS designers think that it is simpler and cleaner to temporarily return to real mode on those occasions when it is necessary to access a BIOS function. This requires creating a special ring 0 program, and placing it in a physical memory address that can be accessed in real mode.

The OS usually needs to pass an information packet about which BIOS function to execute.

The program needs to go through the following steps:

  1. Disable the interrupts:

    • Turn off maskable interrupts using CLI.

    • Disable NMI (optional).

  2. Turn off paging:

    • Transfer control to a 1:1 page.

    • Ensure that the GDT and IDT are in a 1:1 page.

    • Clear the PG-flag in the zeroth control register.

    • Set the third control register to 0.

  3. Use GDT with 16-bit tables (skip this step if one is already available):

    • Create a new GDT with a 16-bit data and code segment:

      • Limit: 0xFFFFF

      • Base: 0x0

      • 16-bit

      • Privilege level: 0

      • Granularity: 0

      • Read and write: 1

    • Load new GDT ensuring that the currently used selectors will remain the same (index in cs/ds/ss will be copy of original segment in new GDT)

  4. Far jump to 16-bit protected mode:

    • Far jump to 16-bit protected mode with a 16-bit segment index.

  5. Load data segment selectors with 16-bit indexes:

    • Load ds, es, fs, gs, ss with a 16-bit data segment.

  6. Load real mode IDT:

    • Limit: 0x3FF

    • Base 0x0

    • Use lidt

  7. Disable protected mode:

    • Set PE bit in CR0 to false.

  8. Far jump to real mode:

    • Far jump to real mode with real mode segment selector (usually 0).

  9. Reload data segment registers with real mode values:

    • Load ds, es, fs, gs, ss with appropriate real mode values (usually 0).

  10. Set stack pointer to appropriate value:

    • Set sp to stack value that will not interfere with real mode program.

  11. Enable interrupts:

    • Enable maskable interrupts with STI.

  12. Continue on in real mode with all bios interrupts.

The easiest and most secure way to prove your identity online

Realme® allows you to access multiple online services with one username and password, and securely prove who you are online.


The easiest and most secure way to prove your identity online

Realme® allows you to access multiple online services with one username and password, and securely prove who you are online.

Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Realme login

Your realme login is a single username and password you can use to securely access services online.

You can use your realme login for both work and personal services. Your personal details are never shared with the organisation or service you log into.

When you start an online process that uses realme, you'll have the option to create your realme login, or log in if you already have one. If you don't have a realme login, it's best to create one from the service you want to use.

  • Only one username and password to remember

  • Use for both work-related and personal services

Using your realme login

You can use your realme login to:

  • Apply for financial assistance from MSD

  • Renew your passport

  • Log into your inland revenue account

  • Apply for a visa from immigration NZ

  • Access local council services

  • Manage your company register details

  • Manage your real estate licence

  • Access the police vetting system

Real Account Registration 1/2, real register.

Realme verified identity and address

Use your realme verified identity to prove who you are online. You can also verify your address, which allows you to provide proof of address online.

To create your verified identity you'll need a passport, birth or citizenship certificate or immigration document. If you apply with a NZ passport or citizenship certificate you'll have the option to take your own photo using the camera on your phone, laptop, tablet or desktop.

If you apply using birth or immigration documents you'll need to get your photo taken for free at a participating photo store.

  • Only provide proof of identity and proof of address once​

  • New zealanders living overseas can apply using their passport and take their own photo

  • You're in control of your personal information

  • Your verified identity is renewable after five years

Find out how to apply for or renew your realme verified identity and address.

Where you can use realme

Just a few of the organisations using realme login and realme verified identity:

Apply for a property certificate of registration

NSW fair trading have implemented licensing changes to the real estate and property industry from march 2020. To learn more about the changes visit the fair trading website or call 13 32 20.


A property certificate of registration lets you work as an assistant agent in:

  • Real estate

  • Strata management or

  • Stock and station.

This is the starting point to becoming an agent in the real estate and property industry.

If you already hold a licence in another state or jurisdiction, you may be eligible to apply under mutual recognition provisions.

You can submit and pay for your application online.


To be eligible for a property certificate of registration, you need to:

  • Be aged 16 years or over

  • Have completed:

    • 5 core units from CPP41419 certificate IV in real estate practice (real estate and stock and station agents), or

    • 7 core units from CPP40516 certificate IV in strata community management (strata managing agents).

What you need

  • Personal and business details

  • 2 forms of identification such as:

    • Australian driver licence

    • Medicare card

    • Australian passport

    • Australian birth certificate

    • Australian citizenship certificate (issued within the last 10 years)

    • Australian certificate registration by descent

    • Immicard

    • Indigenous community card

    • Proof-of-age card

    • Shooting/firearms licence

    • Working with children/vulnerable card

    • Police force officer ID

    • Australian travel visa

  • Evidence of your qualifications

  • The details of your previous licence or certificate of registration (if applicable)

  • Your payment.

How to apply

  1. Gather the required documentation.

  2. Select the 'apply online' button

  3. Follow the prompts to complete your application.

More information

A certificate of registration is only issued for 4 years and cannot be renewed. During this time, you’ll need to:

  • Apply for an individual property licence to continue working in the real estate and property industry

  • Continue professional development, including:

    • At least 3 units per year from certificate IV in real estate practice (real estate and stock and station)

    • At least 3 units from certificate IV in strata community management (strata management).

Payment methods

You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.


If you are serious about creating truly realistic sounding solo and accompaniment guitar stuff for your songs, our product called realguitar is just what you need. Realguitar is a sample-based virtual instrument with an innovative approach to guitar sound modeling and guitar part performing on keyboard.

Realguitar 5 is a combo of two instruments: classic – all of our original guitar models with loads of new features, and steel string – the debut of new guitar sample set with five patches and three tunings for each.

Ways of using

There are three ways of using realguitar virtual instrument.

  • Intuitive keyboard layout allows live/MIDI keyboard performance with numerous articulations, noises, guitar-specific tricks, strumming and finger picking techniques.

  • Any guitar performance produced on a MIDI keyboard can be recorded or directly programmed in a MIDI track of any DAW.

  • Built-in song sequencer designed to arrange up to the entire song by simply inserting chord symbols and selecting pre-recorded guitar rhythm patterns.

Sounds and noises

We've carefully and meticulously recorded high quality samples of each fret of all acoustic guitar strings. Realguitar sample library includes not only sustain sounds, but also other guitar-specific sounds and noises with dynamics and nuances an experienced performer can get from his/her instrument.

Techniques and control

An authentic sounding guitar part cannot be recorded by using samples on their own, but requires a bunch of guitar-specific techniques, which are simulated in realguitar. Whether you are playing live or programing a DAW, these techniques are controllable by using special gestures, key switches, key velocity, modulation wheel, sustain pedal, key aftertouch, MIDI CC, DAW parameter automation, and any combinations of these.

Chord voicing

Guitar chord voicing is very unique depending on guitar construction and is absolutely necessary to reproduce in order to achieve authentically sounding chordal parts. Our patented technology provides accurate reproduction of guitar chord voicing automatically for 30 chord types in all existing inversions, extensions and alterations.

Rhythm patterns

In order to record an authentic accompaniment track, most session guitarists carefully study characteristic rhythm parts for the required style. We created a huge rhythm library consisting of 1250 patterns. It can be easily used for quickly creating guitar accompaniment parts in the DAW or in our internal song sequencer.


Sophisticated humanization algorithms vary samples, technique and control parameters, timing, chord strum aspects to reach best possible realism in guitar tracks. That helps you bring a digitally simulated guitar performance maximally close to an analog recording of a best-in-class session guitarist.


Realguitar and all musiclab virtual guitars are simply the best in the industry. They are convenient, featured packed and give the user endless musical options. Whether a beginner, professional or a producer you will find our products the answer for all of your virtual guitar needs.

Musiclab. Making virtual instruments a reality since 2004.

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When you shop with supervalu and our partners

Ways to collect and use points

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Our partners

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Real register

Real estate salesperson exam procedures

Applicants are required to schedule their real estate salesperson exam on our occupational licensing management system, eaccessny. In order to schedule your examination, you must have an account on eaccessny. If you do not have an account, you should go to the eaccessny overview page and click on "create my account".

Persons with disabilities who require accessibility information should call 518-474-4429.

Persons who require testing modifications should not schedule an exam and, should instead, call 518-474-4429.

Mandatory COVID-19 precaution checklist for exam candidates

  • Do not appear for an exam if you meet any of the below:

    • Have a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees fahrenheit.

    • Have had known close contact with a person confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    • Have traveled within a state with significant community spread of COVID-19 for longer than 24 hours within the past 14 days. For a list of states currently under new yorkвђ™s travel advisory requiring a 14-day quarantine upon return, please visit: https://coronavirus.Health.Ny.Gov/covid-19-travel-advisory .

    • Currently experiencing ANY of the following symptoms:

      • Cough (new or worsening);

      • Shortness of breath (new or worsening);

      • Troubled breathing (new or worsening);

      • Fever;

      • Chills;

      • Muscle pain (new or worsening);

      • Headache (new or worsening);

      • Sore throat (new or worsening); or

      • New loss of taste new loss of smell

    • Have tested positive for COVID-19 through a diagnostic test in the past 14 days

  • If you must reschedule your exam due to illness, email exams@dos.Ny.Gov to reschedule.

  • Do not bring anyone with you to the exam site.

  • Do not appear to the exam site unless your requested exam date is confirmed.

  • Wear a face covering or mask to your exam. Face coverings are mandatory at exam sites.

  • Maintain 6 feet from others when possible at an exam site.

  • Be prepared to sanitize your hands before and after your exam. Hand sanitizer is provided by the exam site.

  • Bring two sanitized #2 pencils to your exam.

What to bring

1. A form of government issued signature identification which must be photo-bearing. Your identification MUST BE CURRENT (not expired) and from the following list:
* driver's license
* state issued identification (ex. Non-driver ID)
* IDNYC card (NYC identification card)
* military ID
* united states passport
* employment authorization card (issued by U.S. Citizenship and immigration services)
* united states INS issued ID
* certificate of US citizenship
* foreign passport
* brazilian, mexican, honduran, and ecuadorian consular ID

2. The page you were requested to print when you scheduled your exam on eaccessny . This page is referred to as the “summary of your submission” and includes all of your exam information, including your candidate number.

Exam site policies

Calculators are permitted if they are battery or solar powered, silent, nonprinting and do not contain an alphabetic keyboard. PDA's are not allowed.

Cellular phones, beepers and any other electronic devices MUST be turned off during the exam.

Dictionaries, books, other reference materials, large bags and briefcases are not allowed at the exam site. Do not bring these materials to the exam site as there is no place to store them.

Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted at the exam site. If you bring food or beverages, you will be asked to dispose of them before entering the exam site.

Visitors, guests and children are not permitted at the exam site.

Any person found using notes, books, or other aids; giving or receiving help; removing examination materials or notes from the exam site; causing a disturbance or engaging in practices contrary to the rules of proper examination conduct will be dismissed from the exam site. Any decisions regarding disciplinary measures will be made by the exam supervisor at the department of state.

Score reporting

Exam results are reported as either passed or failed; you will not receive a numerical score. Passed exam results are only valid for a period of two years. Results will not be given over the phone, so please do not call licensing services for them.

Exam results will be available online by utilizing your account in eaccessny . The exam results will be available as soon as possible after they are received by the exam unit and scored.

If you pass the exam, you should apply online utilizing your account in eaccessny .

If you fail the exam, you can schedule another exam by utilizing your account in eaccessny .

About the exam

The written exam is multiple choice and based on the 75-hour pre-licensing curriculum.

Applicants will be allowed 1 1/2 hours to complete the test. The allotted time begins at the conclusion of the instructions.

This exam is offered in the following languages: spanish, korean, russian and chinese. If you wish to take the exam in one of these four languages, please notify an exam proctor when you report to the test center.

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