Mmutlane traders
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Дополнительные сервисы делают широкие возможности платформы поистине безграничными. В metatrader 5 встроены маркет торговых роботов, биржа разработчиков торговых стратегий, сервис копирования сделок других трейдеров и аренда виртуальной платформы (форексный VPS). Используйте их все, чтобы получить запредельные возможности в трейдинге!
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23-year-old millionaire trader exposes all the dirty secrets
From living in a shack to being a millionaire.
Soweto urban 3 minutes read

We caught up with kgopotso mmutlane mostly known as DJ coach tsekeleke at his big mansion house, born in motodi village not far from burgersfort town, limpopo province. Dj coach tsekeleke is the founder & CEO of forex broker killer institution, an author, serial entrepreneur, forex trader, philanthropist and is one of south african’s youngest self-made millionaire.
“I was born in a poor family, I grew up in a very warm christian family where we were all staying in a small shack with both parents,we never slept hungry as my father would provide but growing up living in a shack while others had beautiful homes pushed me over the edge and brought a burning success desire in my heart,” said dj coach tsekeleke.
Dj coach tsekeleke said he always wanted to be a professional DJ, however, his parents were against that decision as they believe its devil’s playground as he would always go to clubs, perhaps even get stabbed and killed.
However, he would go out to dj without his parents’ permission and as the street enjoyed his plays they gave him the name we all know today “dj coach tsekeleke“.
The forex trader may be young but his knowledge; ambition and faith are what makes him stand out. His interest in forex trading began when he heard about it from a childhood friend while he was in high school ( leolo high school).
“merika mphogo introduced me to forex trading in april 2016, I then did my own research and found out I could make a lot of money as I was motivated by santon “boys” who would sell us dreams that you will be rich quick, you will make lots of money quick which is not entirely true,” said dj.
“this things take time as I lost my school fees money amounting to R15 000 thinking I was going to be a millionaire in a week and the people I used to follow made it look like it was that easy, truth be told it’s not, you can only be successful if you invest in right knowledge and having a successful mentor,” he added.
After a while trading, dj coach tsekeleke gained the financial freedom he then went on to found forex broker killer institution so he could help others to achieve their financial goals through the skills he had acquired and founded the one-minute strategy and its modifications.
“as a black child that grew up in poverty, I started a foundation, it has been established for the purpose of giving back to the needy.”
The foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world with over $6 .5 trillion. It is known for its high-risk nature, and high capital requirement this is why it is mostly traded by banks and large corporate companies. However, dj coach tsekeleke has simplified it and made it more affordable by giving free seminars and affordable classes.
“forex is 90% risk, you will lose all your money, soon or late as the broker already knows how to play with your emotions and if you chose fundamental analysis, you fall within the 5% of the total winning side in the forex market. It all depends on the decision you take, always remember any mentor who has a relationship with any forex broker is a sellout! Truth be told,” said dj.
“we have real forex traders and we have instagram traders, there is a huge difference between the two. Forex traders teach beginners the reality of forex, which is identifying the real enemy (forex brokers) and you will understand how the market operates, while instagram traders always take you to certain brokers with weird links, that’s how your money gets chowed, you don’t lose they just take it.”
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Young millionaire says forex took him from a shack to a double-storey

Kgopotso mmutlane as he appears in one of numerous instagram posts.
The 23-year-old entrepreneur warns that most people will lose their cash through people who will ‘chow your money’.
Westside eldos soweto urban caught up with kgopotso mmutlane, known as DJ coach tsekeleke, at his house in joburg last week.
Born in motodi village not far from burgersfort town, limpopo province, he is the founder and CEO of the colourfully named business forex broker killer institution. He describes himself as an author, serial entrepreneur, forex trader, philanthropist and one of south african’s youngest self-made millionaires.
“I was born in a poor family. I grew up in a very warm christian family where we were all staying in a small shack with both parents. We never slept hungry, as my father would provide, but growing up living in a shack while others had beautiful homes pushed me over the edge and brought a burning desire for success in my heart,” he said.

Kgopotso mmutlane as he appears in one of numerous instagram posts.
DJ coach tsekeleke said he always wanted to be a professional DJ, but his parents were against it as they believed it was the devil’s playground: he would be going to clubs, and perhaps even get stabbed and killed.
However, he would go out to DJ without his parents’ permission and, as the street enjoyed his plays, they gave him the name “DJ coach tsekeleke”.
The forex trader may be young, but his knowledge, ambition and faith are what make him stand out, he says. His interest in forex began when he heard about it from a childhood friend while in leolo high school.
“merika mphogo introduced me to forex trading in april 2016. I then did my own research and found out I could make a lot of money as I was motivated by sandton ‘boys’ who would sell us dreams that you will be rich quick; you will make lots of money quick, which is not entirely true,” said the DJ.

Kgopotso mmutlane as he appears in one of numerous instagram posts.
“these things take time. I lost my ‘school fees money’, amounting to R15 000, thinking I was going to be a millionaire in a week; the people I used to follow made it look like it was that easy. Truth be told, it’s not. You can only be successful if you invest in the right knowledge and having a successful mentor,” he added.
After a while of trading, he went on to found the forex broker killer institution. He founded the so-called one-minute strategy and its modifications.
“as a black child who grew up in poverty, I started a foundation; it has been established for the purpose of giving back to the needy.”
The foreign exchange financial market is the largest in the world, with more than $6.5 trillion in trade. It is known for its high-risk nature, and high capital requirements. This is why it is mostly traded by banks and large corporates. However, DJ coach tsekeleke claims to have simplified it for himself and made it more affordable by giving free seminars and affordable classes.

Kgopotso mmutlane as he appears in one of numerous instagram posts.
“forex is 90% risk; you will lose all your money sooner or later, as the broker already knows how to play with your emotions. If you choose fundamental analysis, you fall within the 5% of the total winning side in the forex market. It all depends on the decision you take. Always remember, any mentor who has a relationship with any forex broker is a sellout! Truth be told,” said the DJ.
“we have real forex traders and we have instagram traders. There is a huge difference between the two. Forex traders teach beginners the reality of forex, which is identifying the real enemy (forex brokers), and you will understand how the market operates, while instagram traders always take you to certain brokers with weird links.
“that’s how your money gets chowed; you don’t lose, they just take it.”
Fbk millionaires
There is nothing I cannot afford. I can afford anything … this is often the simplest lifestyle-dream I could ever consider ,” boasts kgopotso mmutlane — or DJ coach tsekeleke as he’s better known — on his reality show FBK millionaires.
I am a proud millionaire, but you can’t see it until I tell you,” the exchange (forex) trader is quick to means , however.
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The show, which aired on youtube before getting a platform on dstv’s moja love channel, features the lives of a gaggle of seven forex traders who call themselves the forex broker killers (FBK).
Members of FBK, the brainchild of mmutlane, are quite happy to share their envy-inducing lifestyles — complete with fancy cars, luxury homes and stacks of money .

Viewers can live the high life vicariously as they watch the seven young men boast their girlfriends, parties and flashy rides — cars like an audi S3, VW golf gti and mercedes-benz AMG which carry price tags starting from R600 000 to R1-million.
Fbk millionaires in south africa
The show, which is currently suspended due to “technical issues” after airing just four episodes, does beg the question: just how does FBK make money?
Mmutlane says the group has accrued its wealth through trading in foreign currencies. He says they operate as a legal entity under mmutlane traders, which offers trading “strategies” through FBK online services.
When the mail & guardian asked the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) if mmutlane traders and FBK online services are registered, a spokesperson said: “no, there’s currently no record of the entities mentioned as authorised financial service providers (fsps) nor a representative of an authorised FSP.”
Any entity or individual rendering financial advice and intermediary services as contemplated and defined within the financial advisory and intermediary services act, 2002 — which regulates and provides a code of conduct for fsps and their customers — has got to receive authorisation from the FSCA.
Once authorisation is granted, the body, which governs market conduct, issues a licence under the act.
When asked if he’s registered, mmutlane said people that got to register are those that are offering financial advice or investing people’s money and he doesn’t do this .
“remember, what I do. I don’t teach people the way to trade. If you come to me and you would like to find out , i will be able to point you at the fabric you’ll use,” he said.
Mmutlane says, what they provide are strategies, and it [mmutlane traders] isn’t a financial organization .
“what I offer is that the strategies which I founded,” he adds.
Fbk online services , says the group doesn’t offer investments, account management and physical classes. Punters who attend their website to undertake and switch their fortunes around will find a free PDF that gives public knowledge about forex trading.
Those who want quite just general information, can buy mmutlane’s strategies, which comprise a PDF and videos and may sell for the maximum amount as R21 000.
“you buy the strategy, do your own research and appearance for a broker — who is that the middleman and can allow you to meet the market,” said bethuel mofetekoa, a member and manager at FBK.
FBK recommends metatrader 4 as its preferred platform.
Investopedia, an internet site that specialize in investing and finance education, says traders need to undergo an intermediary like a forex broker to execute trades.
Mofetekoa says after a trader has established which broker they need to use, they will then choose the currency they need to trade , after which they choose the quantity they need to place in and begin trading.
Asked by the M&G if he participates in scamming, mmutlane said “obviously no”, adding that he only provides guidelines to those that need them and doesn’t trade on behalf of anyone.
The M&G asked the FSCA if the packages and methods the FBK provide are legal.
It responded by saying that the financial advisory and intermediary services act required authorisation. To conduct unregistered business would therefore “contravene south african financial sector laws”.
The FSCA says anybody may trade “foreign currency for themselves as long as they need the relevant skill and knowledge”.
As long as an individual doesn’t provide financial advice they will independently trade using licenced platforms like standard bank’s webtrader, sanlam itrade or PSG online.
FBK’s website states it’s monitored by sihle investment consulting, but provides no details who this could be and the way it are often contacted.
A google search shows that the corporate is predicated in soshanguve, pretoria, and specialises in financial planning, accounting and taxation services for private and business needs.
The M&G contacted sihle’s founder and chief executive, sanele msibi, who said he has been working with FBK for 2 weeks and his job is to form sure the group suits the law when handling customers and money-related matters.
He said that thus far he has found loopholes when it involves disclosures (what they tell the client before they really sign), which may “come back to bite them”.
Mbisi said the way during which FBK offers its one-minute strategy isn’t fully compliant with the law.
“that is additionally one other thing [where] we’d like to form a transparent distinction,” he said.
He said FBK doesn’t fully comply because it still must indicate that what it offers is “just a forecast on what the market goes to try to to and other people should consult their financial adviser before working on such information [which is] not intended to be used as financial advice”.
The M&G has been informed FBK millionaires is probably going to be back on air at the top of october — perhaps it’ll be fully compliant by then.
Forex rich list 6 wealthiest traders in the world

With most forex systems promoted online claiming to be the key in getting rich quick, easymarkets decided to roundup the real folks who’ve actually made it big in the forex market. Here’s a list of the ten wealthiest forex traders in the world, how they’ve scored their profits, and how they’re enjoying their winnings.
George soros
More popularly known as the “man who broke the bank of england” for his large pound short position during the 1992 black wednesday UK crisis, george soros is also one of the 30 richest people in the world. With this famous pound position, he risked $10 billion and made a jaw-dropping $1 billion in a single day.
Soros was born in hungary then immigrated to england to study in the london school of economics. His first full-time job was an entry-level position at a merchant bank called singer & friedlander before applying at brokerage house FM mayer of new york as an arbitrage trader. From there, he moved to wertheim & co. As an analyst of european securities, before setting up several investment funds later on.
In 1970, he founded soros fund management and became its chairman. He built a short pound position leading up to september 1992, recognizing the potential negative impact on the british pound of the european exchange rate mechanism.
Outside of trading, soros has been active as a philanthropist since the 1970s, providing funds to help education efforts in south africa. He also backed groups that acquired baseball and soccer teams, with a SEC filing showing that he holds a 1.9% stake in manchester united.
Martin schwartz
Martin “buzzy” schwartz is known for winning the US investing championships in 1984 by trading stocks, forex, and options. He is also the author of pit bull: lessons from wall street’s champion day trader.
Prior to his trading career, schwartz served in the US marine corps reserves and rose to the rank of captain. He initially worked as a financial analyst at EF hutton before quitting the firm to buy a seat on the american stock exchange where he traded options and futures, making $600,000 in his first year as an independent trader and earnings $1.2 million in two years.
He is also the owner of several champion horses, raking several major racing wins such as the meadowlands cup, coronation stakes, prix de diane, prix vermeille, and prix vanteux.
Stanley druckenmiller
Trading under the tutelage of george soros has allowed stanley druckenmiller to carve out a highly successful trading career for himself. He is actually partly credited for being able to foresee the potential pound crash way ahead of the UK black wednesday crisis in 1992. He is said to have a net worth of 3.5 billion USD, ranking among forbes’ 200 richest people in the world.
For more than a decade, druckenmiller managed money for soros as the lead portfolio manager of the quantum fund. He was born in pennsylvania and grew up in a middle-class household. He went on to receive a BA in english and economics but dropped out of a phd program at the university of michigan to take a position as an oil analyst for pittsburg national bank.
He stayed with the bank for a year before creating his own firm duquesne capital management. In 1988, he was hired by george soros to trade for the quantum fund and the rest, they say, is history. In 2000, he decided to focus on duquesne and managed to post an average annual return of 30% without any negative years. He is known for his “top-down” trading strategy, earning a good reputation and wealth for his knowledge and self-control.
In 2009 he was dubbed as one of the most charitable men in america for donating over $700 million in fundraisers supporting medical research, education, and anti-poverty efforts.
Alexander elder
Renowned trading books author alexander elder was born in the soviet union but grew up in estonia before later on moving to new york. Among the publications he wrote are the new sell and sell short: how to take profits, cutting losses, and benefit from price declines, entries and exits: visits to sixteen trading rooms, rubles to dollars: making money on russia’s exploding financial frontier, and trading for a living: psychology, trading tactics, money management.
Prior to focusing on trading psychology, elder worked as a psychiatrist in new york city and taught at columbia university. His professional trading approach focuses more on money management rather than technical aspects, employing his three ms: mind, method, and management in his literature.
Lawrence hite
Lawrence hite is a hedge fund manager who focuses mostly on systems trading. In 1981, he co-founded mint investments and eventually grew it to become one of the largest commodity trading advisor firms in the world.
After more than three decades in commodity trading, hite formed his own hite capital management firm, focusing on proprietary trading and the funding of continued research and development in the field of systems trading. He also became the principal investor and chairman of metropolitan venture partners.
Outside of trading, lawrence hite has also been active in philanthropic activities, creating his own charitable enterprise called hite foundation.
Jack D. Schwager
Jack schwager should be a familiar name for those interested in trading financial markets because of his popular market wizards books. In addition to these, he has written other publications on hedge funds, commodities, technical analysis, and futures trading.
He is a mathematician and economist, and is presently a portfolio manager for the ADM investor services diversified strategies fund. He also gives talks in conferences, seminars, and provided lectures for various analytical topics.
From these examples, it’s apparent that there’s no shortcut to achieving success in the forex industry, as the skills and fortitude that these renowned traders have amassed through their years of experience have contributed to the large gains that made their careers. There is no substitute to education and practice in this endeavor, but these wealthy folks could serve as inspiration for those who are just startin out.
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H ere is the most favorite topic that every participant in the foreign exchange market would be happy to read. “ richest forex traders” is the trending topic that makes the world go round.
One might ask himself why I say this is the most favorite topic….
So many people are very curious and much more interested in testing waters with one of their finger before they could even lay both of their legs on the water.
Smart people will usually seek advice from the experts or conduct a thoroughly , qualitative research before they could bind themselves with huge decisions, successful trading is not for amateurs nor professionals but for those who are willing to adapt, it is very common for the market to change direction every minute, so who is the master here?
Who wants to risk with his own career or his life?. Being rich is all people’s dreams and that is an outstanding achievement to take place “later- now or in the near future”, but the naked reality is that all individual dreams are attainable, achievable and eventually enjoyable.
B eing successful will eventually come to pass if you are a passionate, determine, goal driven and hardworking.
From now on we are going to speak about few of the richest giants in the forex trading market; we are going to expose who they really are and how do they make success on the forex trading market, perhaps studying about few of these people, will inspire the novice and current forex traders and also those who have a zeal to trade.
If we have not perceived any success stories on a particular product then it is useless attempting to utilize that product, I was taught this when I was doing some studies on consumer and buyer behavior. I might not remember the whole course to tell about however this words is the least left in my mind.
It was simple proven by different researchers that a product that has been around for many years and which is having many positive reviews is the most trusted brand by the majority of consumers than a products that is still in it’s introductory or development stage. Let us not beat across the bushes and start ironing this given matter about forex trading
Name OF PERSON: george soros
Place where he was born: hungary united states of america
Business leadership: quantum group of funds, open society foundation, soros fund management
His humble beginnings: he began his career working as a travelling salesman and he later describe this poor moment in this way “this was the low points of my life”
Trading:, he is an arbitrage forex trader, aspiring stock trader and an investor
Name of person: sandile shezi
Place where he was born: durban, kwazulu natal
Business leadership: global forex institute
His humble beginnings: he was usually selling muffins at his school
Trading: forex trader, stocks, investor currency trader
His mentioned mentor: george van der riet who is currently a millionaire himself.
Name of person: alex hope
Place where he was born: canary warf, east of london
Trading: forex trader , investor, currency trader,
Inspiring mentor: raj von badlo , also a millionaire
On breaking news it was reported spending 125 000 euros on a single bottle of expensive champagne and he was later found guilty of breaking certain rules by the financial service authority of united kingdom, he was sentenced to prison, he was very reckless and that’s how I exclaimed in my other post “ his money destroyed him eventually”
Name of person: antony joseph prat
Place where he was born: melbourne, victoria
Trading: property market, shares and foreign exchanges
This is the difficult question to ask with one easy answer since forex trading is a volatile market.
Do you know why I say this?
It is because every individual was given something in his life, no wonder each one of us is born with closed palms, ( this statement is not a fact is just my assumptions) what make us unique from one another is what we do with what we were given,
It is a fact that if you give an amount of $ 500 to five different individuals, they will never utilize that money on common things, each one of them will behave differently and will do his own things according to the capacity , needs and ability level of his mind, there will be few who would turn those few dollars into millions.
There is one thing i like about people with creative minds, you may give them any amount of money then they can double it for you, this is one of the strength of a good entrepreneur. How may we conclude with this statement?
“A rich mentality has a potential in future”.
What I am concluding here is that there is always a path to success for everyone but we will never reach success on the same day, other people are most likely to be rich and successful at their youngest ages while others at their oldest ages. Check this few points to consider if you want to be rich.
— most of all; you should “concentrate on what you want”
— identify the field which you think will make you rich and successful
— do a qualitative research about the potentiality of the field that you have identified
· — you should be willing to spend some money in order to get money
— always put pressure and hard work to everything that you do
— always dedicate yourself to your dream
— you should always recognize and appreciate each accomplishment that you make on a daily basis
We have spoken about this issue and the die is cast now. The reason we bring it into your consideration is for you to see that there are richest hard working people out there; however we did not mention them all, there are so many rich forex traders out there that space may not allow us to mention.
There are those people who are still building their forex trading accounts very slowly and others are not revealing their success status for safety reasons.
It is very possible to be rich in every aspect of life,
Not only that you can be rich with forex trading but the secret lies on,
Dedication, hard work and goal driven as we have stated above.
Forex rich list 6 wealthiest traders in the world

With most forex systems promoted online claiming to be the key in getting rich quick, easymarkets decided to roundup the real folks who’ve actually made it big in the forex market. Here’s a list of the ten wealthiest forex traders in the world, how they’ve scored their profits, and how they’re enjoying their winnings.
George soros
More popularly known as the “man who broke the bank of england” for his large pound short position during the 1992 black wednesday UK crisis, george soros is also one of the 30 richest people in the world. With this famous pound position, he risked $10 billion and made a jaw-dropping $1 billion in a single day.
Soros was born in hungary then immigrated to england to study in the london school of economics. His first full-time job was an entry-level position at a merchant bank called singer & friedlander before applying at brokerage house FM mayer of new york as an arbitrage trader. From there, he moved to wertheim & co. As an analyst of european securities, before setting up several investment funds later on.
In 1970, he founded soros fund management and became its chairman. He built a short pound position leading up to september 1992, recognizing the potential negative impact on the british pound of the european exchange rate mechanism.
Outside of trading, soros has been active as a philanthropist since the 1970s, providing funds to help education efforts in south africa. He also backed groups that acquired baseball and soccer teams, with a SEC filing showing that he holds a 1.9% stake in manchester united.
Martin schwartz
Martin “buzzy” schwartz is known for winning the US investing championships in 1984 by trading stocks, forex, and options. He is also the author of pit bull: lessons from wall street’s champion day trader.
Prior to his trading career, schwartz served in the US marine corps reserves and rose to the rank of captain. He initially worked as a financial analyst at EF hutton before quitting the firm to buy a seat on the american stock exchange where he traded options and futures, making $600,000 in his first year as an independent trader and earnings $1.2 million in two years.
He is also the owner of several champion horses, raking several major racing wins such as the meadowlands cup, coronation stakes, prix de diane, prix vermeille, and prix vanteux.
Stanley druckenmiller
Trading under the tutelage of george soros has allowed stanley druckenmiller to carve out a highly successful trading career for himself. He is actually partly credited for being able to foresee the potential pound crash way ahead of the UK black wednesday crisis in 1992. He is said to have a net worth of 3.5 billion USD, ranking among forbes’ 200 richest people in the world.
For more than a decade, druckenmiller managed money for soros as the lead portfolio manager of the quantum fund. He was born in pennsylvania and grew up in a middle-class household. He went on to receive a BA in english and economics but dropped out of a phd program at the university of michigan to take a position as an oil analyst for pittsburg national bank.
He stayed with the bank for a year before creating his own firm duquesne capital management. In 1988, he was hired by george soros to trade for the quantum fund and the rest, they say, is history. In 2000, he decided to focus on duquesne and managed to post an average annual return of 30% without any negative years. He is known for his “top-down” trading strategy, earning a good reputation and wealth for his knowledge and self-control.
In 2009 he was dubbed as one of the most charitable men in america for donating over $700 million in fundraisers supporting medical research, education, and anti-poverty efforts.
Alexander elder
Renowned trading books author alexander elder was born in the soviet union but grew up in estonia before later on moving to new york. Among the publications he wrote are the new sell and sell short: how to take profits, cutting losses, and benefit from price declines, entries and exits: visits to sixteen trading rooms, rubles to dollars: making money on russia’s exploding financial frontier, and trading for a living: psychology, trading tactics, money management.
Prior to focusing on trading psychology, elder worked as a psychiatrist in new york city and taught at columbia university. His professional trading approach focuses more on money management rather than technical aspects, employing his three ms: mind, method, and management in his literature.
Lawrence hite
Lawrence hite is a hedge fund manager who focuses mostly on systems trading. In 1981, he co-founded mint investments and eventually grew it to become one of the largest commodity trading advisor firms in the world.
After more than three decades in commodity trading, hite formed his own hite capital management firm, focusing on proprietary trading and the funding of continued research and development in the field of systems trading. He also became the principal investor and chairman of metropolitan venture partners.
Outside of trading, lawrence hite has also been active in philanthropic activities, creating his own charitable enterprise called hite foundation.
Jack D. Schwager
Jack schwager should be a familiar name for those interested in trading financial markets because of his popular market wizards books. In addition to these, he has written other publications on hedge funds, commodities, technical analysis, and futures trading.
He is a mathematician and economist, and is presently a portfolio manager for the ADM investor services diversified strategies fund. He also gives talks in conferences, seminars, and provided lectures for various analytical topics.
From these examples, it’s apparent that there’s no shortcut to achieving success in the forex industry, as the skills and fortitude that these renowned traders have amassed through their years of experience have contributed to the large gains that made their careers. There is no substitute to education and practice in this endeavor, but these wealthy folks could serve as inspiration for those who are just startin out.
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Fbk millionaires
There is nothing I cannot afford. I can afford anything … this is often the simplest lifestyle-dream I could ever consider ,” boasts kgopotso mmutlane — or DJ coach tsekeleke as he’s better known — on his reality show FBK millionaires.
I am a proud millionaire, but you can’t see it until I tell you,” the exchange (forex) trader is quick to means , however.
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The show, which aired on youtube before getting a platform on dstv’s moja love channel, features the lives of a gaggle of seven forex traders who call themselves the forex broker killers (FBK).
Members of FBK, the brainchild of mmutlane, are quite happy to share their envy-inducing lifestyles — complete with fancy cars, luxury homes and stacks of money .

Viewers can live the high life vicariously as they watch the seven young men boast their girlfriends, parties and flashy rides — cars like an audi S3, VW golf gti and mercedes-benz AMG which carry price tags starting from R600 000 to R1-million.
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The show, which is currently suspended due to “technical issues” after airing just four episodes, does beg the question: just how does FBK make money?
Mmutlane says the group has accrued its wealth through trading in foreign currencies. He says they operate as a legal entity under mmutlane traders, which offers trading “strategies” through FBK online services.
When the mail & guardian asked the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) if mmutlane traders and FBK online services are registered, a spokesperson said: “no, there’s currently no record of the entities mentioned as authorised financial service providers (fsps) nor a representative of an authorised FSP.”
Any entity or individual rendering financial advice and intermediary services as contemplated and defined within the financial advisory and intermediary services act, 2002 — which regulates and provides a code of conduct for fsps and their customers — has got to receive authorisation from the FSCA.
Once authorisation is granted, the body, which governs market conduct, issues a licence under the act.
When asked if he’s registered, mmutlane said people that got to register are those that are offering financial advice or investing people’s money and he doesn’t do this .
“remember, what I do. I don’t teach people the way to trade. If you come to me and you would like to find out , i will be able to point you at the fabric you’ll use,” he said.
Mmutlane says, what they provide are strategies, and it [mmutlane traders] isn’t a financial organization .
“what I offer is that the strategies which I founded,” he adds.
Fbk online services , says the group doesn’t offer investments, account management and physical classes. Punters who attend their website to undertake and switch their fortunes around will find a free PDF that gives public knowledge about forex trading.
Those who want quite just general information, can buy mmutlane’s strategies, which comprise a PDF and videos and may sell for the maximum amount as R21 000.
“you buy the strategy, do your own research and appearance for a broker — who is that the middleman and can allow you to meet the market,” said bethuel mofetekoa, a member and manager at FBK.
FBK recommends metatrader 4 as its preferred platform.
Investopedia, an internet site that specialize in investing and finance education, says traders need to undergo an intermediary like a forex broker to execute trades.
Mofetekoa says after a trader has established which broker they need to use, they will then choose the currency they need to trade , after which they choose the quantity they need to place in and begin trading.
Asked by the M&G if he participates in scamming, mmutlane said “obviously no”, adding that he only provides guidelines to those that need them and doesn’t trade on behalf of anyone.
The M&G asked the FSCA if the packages and methods the FBK provide are legal.
It responded by saying that the financial advisory and intermediary services act required authorisation. To conduct unregistered business would therefore “contravene south african financial sector laws”.
The FSCA says anybody may trade “foreign currency for themselves as long as they need the relevant skill and knowledge”.
As long as an individual doesn’t provide financial advice they will independently trade using licenced platforms like standard bank’s webtrader, sanlam itrade or PSG online.
FBK’s website states it’s monitored by sihle investment consulting, but provides no details who this could be and the way it are often contacted.
A google search shows that the corporate is predicated in soshanguve, pretoria, and specialises in financial planning, accounting and taxation services for private and business needs.
The M&G contacted sihle’s founder and chief executive, sanele msibi, who said he has been working with FBK for 2 weeks and his job is to form sure the group suits the law when handling customers and money-related matters.
He said that thus far he has found loopholes when it involves disclosures (what they tell the client before they really sign), which may “come back to bite them”.
Mbisi said the way during which FBK offers its one-minute strategy isn’t fully compliant with the law.
“that is additionally one other thing [where] we’d like to form a transparent distinction,” he said.
He said FBK doesn’t fully comply because it still must indicate that what it offers is “just a forecast on what the market goes to try to to and other people should consult their financial adviser before working on such information [which is] not intended to be used as financial advice”.
The M&G has been informed FBK millionaires is probably going to be back on air at the top of october — perhaps it’ll be fully compliant by then.
H ere is the most favorite topic that every participant in the foreign exchange market would be happy to read. “ richest forex traders” is the trending topic that makes the world go round.
One might ask himself why I say this is the most favorite topic….
So many people are very curious and much more interested in testing waters with one of their finger before they could even lay both of their legs on the water.
Smart people will usually seek advice from the experts or conduct a thoroughly , qualitative research before they could bind themselves with huge decisions, successful trading is not for amateurs nor professionals but for those who are willing to adapt, it is very common for the market to change direction every minute, so who is the master here?
Who wants to risk with his own career or his life?. Being rich is all people’s dreams and that is an outstanding achievement to take place “later- now or in the near future”, but the naked reality is that all individual dreams are attainable, achievable and eventually enjoyable.
B eing successful will eventually come to pass if you are a passionate, determine, goal driven and hardworking.
From now on we are going to speak about few of the richest giants in the forex trading market; we are going to expose who they really are and how do they make success on the forex trading market, perhaps studying about few of these people, will inspire the novice and current forex traders and also those who have a zeal to trade.
If we have not perceived any success stories on a particular product then it is useless attempting to utilize that product, I was taught this when I was doing some studies on consumer and buyer behavior. I might not remember the whole course to tell about however this words is the least left in my mind.
It was simple proven by different researchers that a product that has been around for many years and which is having many positive reviews is the most trusted brand by the majority of consumers than a products that is still in it’s introductory or development stage. Let us not beat across the bushes and start ironing this given matter about forex trading
Name OF PERSON: george soros
Place where he was born: hungary united states of america
Business leadership: quantum group of funds, open society foundation, soros fund management
His humble beginnings: he began his career working as a travelling salesman and he later describe this poor moment in this way “this was the low points of my life”
Trading:, he is an arbitrage forex trader, aspiring stock trader and an investor
Name of person: sandile shezi
Place where he was born: durban, kwazulu natal
Business leadership: global forex institute
His humble beginnings: he was usually selling muffins at his school
Trading: forex trader, stocks, investor currency trader
His mentioned mentor: george van der riet who is currently a millionaire himself.
Name of person: alex hope
Place where he was born: canary warf, east of london
Trading: forex trader , investor, currency trader,
Inspiring mentor: raj von badlo , also a millionaire
On breaking news it was reported spending 125 000 euros on a single bottle of expensive champagne and he was later found guilty of breaking certain rules by the financial service authority of united kingdom, he was sentenced to prison, he was very reckless and that’s how I exclaimed in my other post “ his money destroyed him eventually”
Name of person: antony joseph prat
Place where he was born: melbourne, victoria
Trading: property market, shares and foreign exchanges
This is the difficult question to ask with one easy answer since forex trading is a volatile market.
Do you know why I say this?
It is because every individual was given something in his life, no wonder each one of us is born with closed palms, ( this statement is not a fact is just my assumptions) what make us unique from one another is what we do with what we were given,
It is a fact that if you give an amount of $ 500 to five different individuals, they will never utilize that money on common things, each one of them will behave differently and will do his own things according to the capacity , needs and ability level of his mind, there will be few who would turn those few dollars into millions.
There is one thing i like about people with creative minds, you may give them any amount of money then they can double it for you, this is one of the strength of a good entrepreneur. How may we conclude with this statement?
“A rich mentality has a potential in future”.
What I am concluding here is that there is always a path to success for everyone but we will never reach success on the same day, other people are most likely to be rich and successful at their youngest ages while others at their oldest ages. Check this few points to consider if you want to be rich.
— most of all; you should “concentrate on what you want”
— identify the field which you think will make you rich and successful
— do a qualitative research about the potentiality of the field that you have identified
· — you should be willing to spend some money in order to get money
— always put pressure and hard work to everything that you do
— always dedicate yourself to your dream
— you should always recognize and appreciate each accomplishment that you make on a daily basis
We have spoken about this issue and the die is cast now. The reason we bring it into your consideration is for you to see that there are richest hard working people out there; however we did not mention them all, there are so many rich forex traders out there that space may not allow us to mention.
There are those people who are still building their forex trading accounts very slowly and others are not revealing their success status for safety reasons.
It is very possible to be rich in every aspect of life,
Not only that you can be rich with forex trading but the secret lies on,
Dedication, hard work and goal driven as we have stated above.
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Contents of the article
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- Fbk millionaires in south africa
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- Forex rich list 6 wealthiest traders in the world
- Fbk millionaires
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- Fbk millionaires in south africa
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