Roboforex withdrawal time
Попередження про ризики: торгівля інструментами з використанням кредитного плеча - такими, як forex і CFD, - пов'язана з високим рівнем ризику. 58,42% рахунків рітейл-інвесторів втрачають кошти, торгуючи CFD з даним провайдером.
Free forex bonuses
Не слід ризикувати більше, ніж ви можете дозволити собі втратити - можливо, що ви втратите більше суми ваших інвестицій. Не слід починати торгівлю або інвестування, якщо ви не до кінця розумієте реальну ступінь збитків і ризику, яким ви піддаєтеся. Торгуючи або інвестуючи, ви повинні завжди брати до уваги рівень свого досвіду. Системи копіювання торгових операцій припускають додаткові ризики для ваших інвестицій зважаючи на специфіку подібних сервісів. Якщо ступінь можливого ризику вам не до кінця зрозуміла, будь ласка, зверніться до незалежного фахівця за додатковою консультацією. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не націлені на залучення громадян країн ЄС/ЄЕЗ в якості клієнтів. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не працюють на території австралії, бонайре, східного тимору, гвінеї-бісау, канади, кюрасао, ліберії, мікронезії, росії, сайпан, північних маріанських островів, сінт-естатіус, США, таїті, туреччини, шпіцбергена і ян-майена, південного судану , японії та інших країн, що мають відповідні обмеження. Dear clients and partners!
Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
Dear clients and partners!
We’d like to inform you that starting december 5th, 2011, withdrawal requests will be processed without any compensation of payment systems commission.
However, roboforex will continue to provide traders with a full compensation of commission for depositing their accounts in any way which they find suitable and convenient for them.
To learn more detailed information about roboforex withdrawal fees, please, visit our site, "withdrawal funds fees" section.
Also, our “deposit bonus up to 30%” program is still available for you each time you deposit your trading account.
Офіційний спонсор команди "старикович-хескес" на ралі дакар-2017
Досвідчені гонщики, які мають за плечима більше 60 000 км позашляхових трас європи, африки й австралії.
Офіційний спонсор бійця муай-тай андрія кулебіна
Багаторазовий чемпіон світу з тайського боксу, досвідчений тренер і заслужений майстер спорту.
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- Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
Roboforex ltd - міжнародний брокер, що регулюється IFSC під ліцензією 000138/107. Реєстраційний номер - 128.572.
Попередження про ризики: торгівля інструментами з використанням кредитного плеча - такими, як forex і CFD, - пов'язана з високим рівнем ризику. 58,42% рахунків рітейл-інвесторів втрачають кошти, торгуючи CFD з даним провайдером. Не слід ризикувати більше, ніж ви можете дозволити собі втратити - можливо, що ви втратите більше суми ваших інвестицій. Не слід починати торгівлю або інвестування, якщо ви не до кінця розумієте реальну ступінь збитків і ризику, яким ви піддаєтеся. Торгуючи або інвестуючи, ви повинні завжди брати до уваги рівень свого досвіду. Системи копіювання торгових операцій припускають додаткові ризики для ваших інвестицій зважаючи на специфіку подібних сервісів. Якщо ступінь можливого ризику вам не до кінця зрозуміла, будь ласка, зверніться до незалежного фахівця за додатковою консультацією. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не націлені на залучення громадян країн ЄС/ЄЕЗ в якості клієнтів. Roboforex ltd та її партнери не працюють на території австралії, бонайре, східного тимору, гвінеї-бісау, канади, кюрасао, ліберії, мікронезії, росії, сайпан, північних маріанських островів, сінт-естатіус, США, таїті, туреччини, шпіцбергена і ян-майена, південного судану , японії та інших країн, що мають відповідні обмеження.
Ми в roboforex розуміємо, що трейдери повинні фокусувати свою увагу на торгівлі замість того, щоб турбуватися про безпеку своїх коштів. У зв'язку з цим нами вжито додаткових заходів у сфері виконання наших зобов'язань перед клієнтами. Компанією roboforex впроваджена програма страхування цивільної відповідальності з лімітом в 5 000 000 EUR, яка включає провідне на ринку страхове забезпечення на випадок халатності, шахрайства, помилок, недбалості та інших ризиків, які можуть призвести до фінансових втрат клієнтів.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Всі права захищені.
Roboforex: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal time?
Roboforex ltd is an international broker, and a member of the roboforex group. The other subsidiary is called robomarkets ltd and is based in europe. By clicking here, you will be redirected to its review.
There is a lot to see in roboforex. This broker is stuffed to the brim with options, features and information. At times it can get a tidbit intimidating to those that are still have along way to go. Read the review to find out just what roboforex has to offer.
Roboforex is regulated in the mesoamerican country of belize by their respective body: the international financial services commission. Their main goal is to promote belize as a financial offshore center while also providing the appropriate regulatory measures to support said endeavor. As an offshore regulatory organization, belize has been home for many shady brokerages, many of whom have been either banned or exposed as scams. However, in recent years the regulatory agency has tightened its grip and has taken a more serious approach towards license issuing. For one, it requires proof of at least $500 000 capital before granting a license. Their efforts have resulted in them being known as the best offshore regulatory entity. Nevertheless, the leverage ratio remains flexible.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD (without commission attached) account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips, while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime account users will see a spread of 0.2 pips (without commission attached).
The broker has taken full advantage of its remote location, far away from ESMA controlled territory, by offering a staggering maximum leverage of 1:2000. This is wildly high, uncommon even with off shore regulations. We urge traders to tread carefully, since one wrong step can easily empty an account.
This abundance expands to the assets. They are more than plentiful and open doors to many possibilities: forex, stocks, indices, etfs, soft commodities, metals, energies, cryptocurrencies and cryptoindexes.
In order to accommodate its large clientele, roboforex has issued its services in the following languages: russian, malay, portuguese, ukrainian, arabic, chinese, lithuanian, czech, latvian, indonesian, hebrew, polish, spanish, italian, german, chinese, estonian and vietnamese.
The broker has included an impressive number of trading platforms, ensuring that all tastes are met accordingly. These are: metatrader 4, metatrader 5, ctrader and rtrader.
Here we are again with this renowned platform, and for a reason! MT4 stands tall against other trading terminals. Consider using expert advisors to set your automated trading while you do other business, or take full advantage of what MT4 has to offer: strategy backtesting, advanced chart settings, customized trading indicators, one-click trading and much more. Included is algorithm trading that helps traders get the best trading strategies using complex mathematical algorithms. You can even access multiple MT4 accounts at the same time using MT4 multiterminal.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime account users will see a spread of 0.2 pips (without commission).
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
Prime accounts are also taxed. The $3 per lot fee changes the spread of 0.2 pips to the actual 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000, making room for huge wins and/or devastating losses.
Give MT4 a swirl on smart phones (apple, android), tablets, on a web browser, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
Metatrader 5 is the successor of MT4, yet it has a hard time replacing it since most traders base their entire coding and trading software on MT4. However, this by all means does not connote any issues within the platform. On the contrary. MT5’s characteristics, that were built upon MT4, make it more professional and dynamic. Not to mention that MT5 allows for trades in centralized market, plus it’s certified by many stock exchanges. All features for MT4 are present and fully functioning on MT5, including market indicators, trading bots, algorithm trading and VPS, just to mention a few.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. MT5 does not support the prime account type.
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000.
Give MT5 a chance on smartphones (apple, android), tablets, on a web browser, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
Ctrader handles with ease and possesses a much better visual style than both MT4/5. The interface is highly customizable, giving end users a much needed aesthetic touch of their own.
One of the main features of ctrader is the ability for traders to access provider’s liquidity making room for better pricing and lower spreads. There is also automated trading, and great back testing facilities.
The unique feature of ctrader comes in the shape of a supplementary component called calgo. Users can write their own trading algorithms using a set of C# instruments, and can have bots to do trading in their place. Calgo has its own standalone platform, yet it seems a bit confusing as to why they didn’t combine it with ctrader as a built in option.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime accounts are not usable on the ctrader.
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000. This sort of leverage is a double edged blade, and on which side you balance will have a huge impact on your investment.
Ctrader is available on smart phones (apple, android), tablets, on web browsers, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
The R trader is obviously the main focus of the broker. Its design is nothing special, even bland at times, yet it counters this by giving traders many options and tools to further their trades. R trader is mainly a platform for dealing with cfds on shares. In fact there are well over 9400 CFD’s on shares alone which is astounding. The leverage on stocks is limited to 1:20.
Expect a leverage up to 1:200 for currency pairs. This is a sudden shift from the previous leverages, making the risk smaller, but also the profits.
We opened a DEMO account which indicated a spread of 0.1 pips for the EUR/USD pair. There is only one account type for this platform, as pointed by a support agent (the website was genuinely confusing about this matter):
The $3 per lot fee for forex pairs ($15 per 1 million base currency per side) changes the 0.1 pips trading cost to an actual value of 0.4 pips.
R trader boasts a web trader. It does not come with a downloadable software for desktop.
The minimum deposit is $10. For prime account holders it $5 000.
Roboforex opens up many payment methods: visa, mastercard, epayments, qiwi, neteller, fasapay, skrill, webmoney, local bank transfer, paysec.
The base account currencies are as follows: USD, EUR, CNY, BTC, ETH, GOLD.
All e-payments are networked instantly. Visa/mastercard can take up to 5 minutes. Paysec takes up to 5 business days to fund your account, while local bank transfer transfers depend on the bank in operation.
Roboforex is proud to offer 0% deposit fees.
The same methods of depositing are used for withdrawing: visa, mastercard, epayments, qiwi, neteller, fasapay, skrill, webmoney, local bank transfer, paysec.
The processing time for all withdrawal methods is said to be 2 days. Once processed by the broker it may take up to 5 days for the money to arrive into the user’s personal bank account for local bank transfers and paysec, while for the rest of the methods it may take up to 1 business day.
The following are the fees applied by roboforex: paysec users are charged with 1.7% of their total withdrawal request; local bank transfer withdrawals are charged with 1.6%; webmoney with 0.8; skrill and epayments with 1%; fasapay with 0.5%; neteller with 1.9%; qiwi and poli are free of charge.
The minimum withdrawal amount for neteller is $5. For all other methods the minimum sum for withdrawing is $1.
Roboforex is a massive broker, that has allowed itself to grow far more than the average one. This is mainly due to the looser regulatory entity that supervises the brokerage. Yet we cannot ignore the abundance: a galore of assets to trade with, 3 trademark platforms and 1 proprietary, assortment of payment methods, little to no fees attached to those methods, insignificant commissions and much more. It’s overwhelming, and this can have a double sided effect.
Immediate funds withdrawal from the account
Dear clients and partners!
Roboforex is pleased to announce the launch of the automatic withdrawal system on clients’ request. We have been working with the automatic withdrawal service for a long time and now it has become available to our clients.
Now up to 85% of the requests are processed automatically. The percentage of automatic funds withdrawals by clients who are not the participants of the program "verified client" is up to 70%.
For traders the system of automatic funds withdrawal has a wide range of advantages:
- The time for the request processing is less than 2 minutes
funds withdrawal comprises 2 stages: the withdrawal request processing and the request execution. All the necessary procedures are completed automatically. It accelerates the speed of funds withdrawal. - 24 hours withdrawal
you can withdraw funds at any time of the day and night since our system operates 24 hours. - The universality of the withdrawal system
you can use any payment system.
Our company is planning to increase the percentage of the automatic withdrawal of funds.
More detailed information about commissions and withdrawal execution time can be found on the webpage "withdrawal" of our website.
Roboforex is an international brokerage company. The company has headquarters located in new zealand and several representative offices in more than 10 countries all over the world. The transparency of trading conditions and high quality of the services provided by roboforex are recognized by many financial organizations, as the company has received several prestigious international awards. Roboforex is a member of financial services complaints ltd., and guarantees that the clients' rights are respected and their funds are secure.
Официальный спонсор команды "старикович-хескес" на ралли дакар-2017
Опытные гонщики, имеющие за плечами более 60 000 км внедорожных трасс европы, африки и австралии.
Официальный спонсор бойца муай тай андрея кулебина
Многократный чемпион мира по тайскому боксу, опытный тренер и заслуженный мастер спорта.
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- Immediate funds withdrawal from the account
Предупреждение о рисках: торговля инструментами с использованием кредитного плеча - такими, как forex и CFD, - сопряжена с высоким уровнем риска. 58,42% счетов ритейл-инвесторов теряют средства, торгуя CFD с данным провайдером. Не следует рисковать больше, чем вы можете позволить себе потерять - возможно, что вы потеряете больше суммы ваших инвестиций. Не следует начинать торговлю или инвестирование, если вы не до конца понимаете реальную степень убытков и риска, которым вы подвергаетесь. Торгуя или инвестируя, вы должны всегда принимать в расчёт уровень своего опыта. Системы копирования сделок предполагают дополнительные риски для ваших инвестиций ввиду специфики подобных сервисов. Если степень возможного риска вам не до конца понятна, пожалуйста, обратитесь к независимому специалисту за дополнительной консультацией. Roboforex ltd и её партнёры не нацелены на привлечение граждан стран ЕС/ЕЭЗ в качестве клиентов. Roboforex ltd и её партнёры не работают на территории австралии, бонэйр, восточного тимора, гвинеи-бисау, канады, кюрасао, либерии, микронезии, россии, сайпана, северных марианских островов, синт-эстатиуса, США, таити, турции, шпицбергена и ян-майена, южного судана, японии и других стран, имеющих соответствующие ограничения.
Мы в roboforex понимаем, что трейдеры должны фокусировать своё внимание на торговле вместо того, чтобы беспокоиться о безопасности своих средств. В связи с этим нами приняты дополнительные меры в сфере выполнения наших обязательств перед клиентами. Компанией roboforex внедрена программа страхования гражданской ответственности с лимитом в 5 000 000 EUR, которая включает ведущее на рынке страховое обеспечение на случай халатности, мошенничества, ошибок, небрежности и других рисков, которые могут привести к финансовым потерям клиентов.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Все права защищены.
Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
Dear clients and partners!
We’d like to inform you that starting december 5th, 2011, withdrawal requests will be processed without any compensation of payment systems commission.
However, roboforex will continue to provide traders with a full compensation of commission for depositing their accounts in any way which they find suitable and convenient for them.
To learn more detailed information about roboforex withdrawal fees, please, visit our site, "withdrawal funds fees" section.
Also, our “deposit bonus up to 30%” program is still available for you each time you deposit your trading account.
Penaja rasmi pasukan "starikovich-heskes" di the dakar 2017
Pelumba yang berpengalaman dengan lebih daripada 60,000 kilometer perjalanan di eropah, afrika, dan australia.
Penaja rasmi pejuang muay thai andrei kulebin seorang juara dunia tinju
Thai yang telah memenangi beberapa kali, seorang jurulatih yang berpengalaman, dan master of sports yang dihormati.
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- Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
Roboforex ltd adalah broker antarabangsa yang dikawalselia oleh IFSC, nombor lesen 000138/107, reg. Nombor 128.572.
Peringatan risiko: terdapat risiko tinggi yang terlibat apabila berdagang produk leveraged seperti forex / cfds. 58.42% daripada akaun pelabur runcit kehilangan wang apabila berdagang CFD dengan pembekal ini. Anda tidak boleh berisiko lebih daripada yang anda mampu untuk kehilangan, mungkin anda mungkin kehilangan lebih daripada keseluruhan pelaburan anda. Anda tidak harus berdagang atau melabur melainkan anda memahami sepenuhnya tahap pendedahan anda terhadap risiko kerugian. Apabila berdagang atau melabur, anda mesti mengambil kira tahap pengalaman anda. Perkhidmatan perdagangan-salinan menandakan risiko tambahan kepada pelaburan anda disebabkan sifat produk tersebut. Jika risiko yang terlibat nampaknya tidak jelas kepada anda, sila memohon kepada pakar luar untuk nasihat bebas. Roboforex ltd dan affiliate tidak menyasarkan pelanggan EU / EEA. Roboforex ltd dan affiliate tidak berfungsi di wilayah amerika syarikat, kanada, jepun, australia, bonaire, curaçao, timor timur, liberia, saipan, rusia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turki, guinea-bissau, mikronesia, kepulauan mariana utara, svalbard dan jan mayen, sudan selatan, dan negara-negara terhad lain.
Di roboforex, kami faham bahawa peniaga harus menumpukan semua usaha mereka untuk berdagang dan tidak bimbang tentang tahap keselamatan modal yang sesuai. Oleh itu, syarikat mengambil langkah tambahan untuk memastikan pematuhan terhadap kewajipannya kepada pelanggan. Kami telah melaksanakan program insurans liabiliti sivil untuk had 5,000,000 EUR, yang meliputi liputan pasaran utama terhadap komisen, penipuan, kesilapan, kecuaian dan risiko lain yang mungkin menyebabkan kerugian kewangan pelanggan.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
Hak cipta terpelihara.
Roboforex review
Leverage: 1:30 | 1:1000
Regulation: cysec, IFSC
Min. Deposit: 10 US$
HQ: belize
Platforms: MT4, MT5, ctrader, rtrader
Found in: 2009
Roboforex licenses
- Robomarkets ltd - authorized by cysec (cyprus) registration no. 191/13
- Roboforex ltd - authorized by IFSC (belize) registration no. IFSC/60/271/TS/17.
Top 3 forex brokers
FXTM review
GO markets review
FP markets review
- What is roboforex?
- Is roboforex safe or a scam?
- Awards
- Leverage
- Accounts
- Fees
- Market instruments
- Deposits and withdrawals
- Trading platform
- Customer support
- Education
- Conclusion
What is roboforex?
Roboforex group recognized by the most respected experts of the financial market, while operating since 2009 through 2 world presented entities roboforex with service around the world and robomarkets ltd located in cyprus that support countries if the EU and the EEA.
Throughout the history of its operation, the broker serves numerous clients around the world and gained some of the recognition for its advanced trading proposal, also tailored condition suitable for various styles, trading size and portfolio traders. Also, one of the great things in roboforex proposal is a good range of trading software or platforms where you can select between industry powerful metatrader, ctrader or proprietary rtrader.
Furthermore, apart from the numerous developed technologies, which offer solutions through trading, roboforex performs a contestfx – a contest project of a new type. Where contests on demo accounts are held weekly and monthly while prizes are deposited to real trading accounts allowing you to start great trading carer.
Pros | cons |
long regulated history of operating | trading conditions may vary according to entity rules |
numerous traders account from all around the world | international proposal performed via offshore entity |
powerful trading capabilities and advanced software proposal metatrader, ctrader or proprietary rtrader | |
range of account types | |
free trading signals and research tools | |
exclusive trading tools | |
demo contests | |
market outlook and research |
10 points summary
headquarters | belize |
️ regulation | cysec, IFSC |
instruments | 8 asset classes with forex, stocks, indices, etfs, soft commodities, energies, metals and cryptocurrencies |
platforms | MT4, MT5, ctrader, rtrader |
minimum deposit | 10 USD |
base currencies | USD, EUR, RUB, CNY, GOLD, BTC |
demo account | available with demo contests |
EUR/USD spread | 1.4 pips |
education | detailed education with research and unique R strategy builder |
☎ customer support | 24/7 |
The broker serves numerous clients with around 800,000 traders, from 170 countries and brings support in 18 languages, with the focus to develop trading offering by innovative technology solutions and numerous modern tools for trading.
All in all, roboforex developments and offers were actually recognized by more than 20 industry awards, along with their regular sponsorships and global activities, roboforex currently serves as an official sponsor of “starikovich-heskes” team at the dakar and official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin.
Is roboforex safe or a scam?
While checking if the broker is legit, safe or not you should check on its regulatory status and in case it is solely offshore firm better to stay away, as risks are high.
Pros | cons |
regulated broker with long history of operation | additional offshore entity |
cysec and ESMA overseeing | regulatory obligation vary according to entity |
negative balance protection | |
global expand with additional civil liability insurance |
Is roboforex legit?
There are two companies registered by roboforex group, which include the robomarkets ltd a european entity broker regulated by the cysec, and roboforex ltd an international forex brokerage registered by the IFSC, belize.
Even though we do not advise trading with offshore brokers due to their lack of regulatory restrictions, an additional license from the reputable jurisdiction makes things better and allows us to consider roboforex as a safe broker to trade with.
How are you protected?
There are numerous rules which broke implements due to regulatory requirements to deliver protected and fair trading environment, also regularly audited, while the company can be fined in case of the breach or mislead.
Along with that roboforex applies negative balance protection, securing your deposits from losses, while all traders’ funds are kept in major banks in segregated accounts at all times. And the last point is that the company is a participant of the commission’s compensation fund that provides insurance coverage for the traders which makes it a reliable choice according to cysec rules.
In addition, roboforex implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5m EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against fraud, errors, negligence and, or other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
So if you adhere to use high leverage levels with a purpose to maximize your gains, roboforex definitely will assist you. Leverage may increase your potential gains timely through its possibility to multiple initial accounts, yet make sure to learn how to use leverage correctly, as leverage may increase your potential losses too.
Roboforex leverage levels are also determined by various measures and are set in accordance to regulatory requirements.
- Trading with global roboforex entity you are able to apply for leverage 1:400, 1:500 or even a maximum of 1:2000 by confirming your professional status.
- In case you are a resident of europe or trading with the cyprus entity of roboforex automatically, you will comply to ESMA regulation, which lowered leverage to the maximum ratio of 1:30 on forex instruments and 1:5 for cryptocurrencies, etc.
We find it good that roboforex trading costs that are based on institutional tight spreads from 0 pips and available through fast order execution developed by the technology, 6 account currencies along with micro accounts, as well as numerous investment programs.
Pros | cons |
fast account opening | none |
account types suitable for various trading sizes or styles | |
islamic account and cent accounts | |
account base currencies USD, EUR, RUB, CNY, GOLD, BTC |
Account types
Roboforex designed 6 account types in order to suit the different needs and requirements of their clients, also you may can use a national currency as your account base currency, which includes USD, EUR, RUB, CNY, GOLD, BTC and simplifies your funding.
The range includes cent account as a great option to start or test robots or those ones that feature floating spread or maybe to use tight spreads from 0 pips with an additional commission. It is a fact the beginning either sophisticated professional will find correct conditions to apply, along with islamic traders who are able to apply for swap-free account.
Roboforex spreads as mentioned earlier designed at the levels of account you use, while as much higher the account size the better spread offering is included, so be sure to verify conditions according to the account type you would use.
Pros | cons |
options between variable spread or commission basis | conditions may vary according to the entity |
ctrader, rtrader based on commission charges per million traded | |
low CFD fees | |
cent trading | |
no hidden costs |
What is roboforex spread?
TO get better understanding of the spread we will review standard account fee conditions where the costs are built into floating spread from 1.3 pips with no additional charges and bitcoin vs US dollar average spread of 341. Also, below we compare roboforex to other popular CFD brokers.
Alike, cent account fees offering lower size trading and with the spread from 1.3 pips as well, while R trader, ECN and prime accounts are based on an interbank spread from 0 pips and commission charge as a cost, e.G. You will pay via ECN account 20USD to million traded for GBPUSD pair or similar.
Also, always consider rollover or overnight fee as a cost, which is about -0.6 for short positions on eur/usd and -0.052 on long ones held longer than a day. As well you may compare fees to another popular broker BD swiss.
Comparison between roboforex fees and similar brokers
asset/ pair | roboforex fees | fxpro fees | GO markets fees |
EUR USD | 1.4 pips | 1.2 pips | 1.2 pips |
crude oil WTI | 4.2 | 5 | 1.9 |
gold | 1 point | 27 | 1.4 point |
inactivity fee | yes | yes | yes |
deposit fee | no | no | no |
The market range includes the world’s key markets with 8 asset classes alike forex, stocks, indices, etfs, soft commodities, energies, metals and over 6 cryptocurrencies also with a possibility to trade through leverage.
Deposits and withdrawals
All money management and transaction are performed via online account area, which is very comfortable, where you can request a withdrawal check its processing status and deposit money as well.
Pros | cons |
fast digital deposits | payment methods vary according to regulation |
no internal deposit fees | some of the methods apply an additional fee for withdrawal |
very low minimum deposit of 10$ | |
many withdrawal fees options are covered | |
multiple account base currencies |
Deposit options
The available payment methods allowing to transfer money with convenience includes over 20 options that includes
- Bank transfer,
- Card payment
- Vast of e-wallets like skrill, neteller,poli, fasapay and
What is the minimum deposit for roboforex?
At the start, you may choose the level of your account while opening, and at a beginning, you may trade for free with demo account, while further with only 10$ minimum deposit it will convert to a live account of first grade – pro-standard or pro-cent.
However, of course, make sure to verify margin requirements and conditions for the instrument you are willing to trade, as at some point 10$ simply may not be enough for your strategy.
Furthermore, rewards are not finished, as roboforex implements 0% commission policy for deposits and many of withdrawals where all expenses are covered.
Yet, check carefully since some of the methods apply an additional fee for withdrawal, e.G. Skrill and advcash add on 1% processing fee, while visa withdrawal adds 2.6% +1.3USD.
Trading platforms
As a technology driven broker, roboforex brought a truly wide range of platforms to choose from, that allows to advance and suite any trading demands and comply it with your style.
Pros | cons |
MT4, MT5, proprietary rtrader, and ctrader | conditions may vary according to entity and platform |
copy trade, social trading and technical indicators | each platform has separate pricing and fee conditions |
great selection of software suitable for any type of a trader | |
no restrictions on strategies | |
fast execution and selection between its methods | |
platforms available in various languages |
Web platform
The main offering is known for its productivity MT4 and MT5 platforms, and offering even ctrader, while roboforex developed also their exclusive platform R web trader and R mobile trader too.
All platforms available via web versions and desktop ones for more comprehensive analysis and tools bars suitable for professionals or day traders.
Desktop platform
Together with desktop platforms you can benefit from the R trader strategy builder is a free and convenient tool available for traders with a purpose to automate performance, which is a great solution since doesn’t require to have any programming skills.
Indeed, both offers full control over positions and orders, featuring the same functionality with the fastest in industry charts and advanced analysis tools, also designed with a clear and clean view.
While MT4 as the most popular platform, which includes advanced chart features along with robots and indicators, that allows any trading strategy is one of the main factors within the platform allowing to perform powerful technical analysis.
And in case you prefer the latest version of metatrader – MT5 is will allow the choice between net and hedge systems through 4 types of executions. In addition, MT5 features comprehensive analysis tools, market depth as well multi-currency tester all also featured with data from most professional sources like fxwirepro and claws&horns companies.
Mobile platforms
Remaining only with your phone on the go you still can check over your positions or see market updated via mobile version suitable for any mobile device and available for free.
Copy trading
Moreover, the broker built customized tools and solutions for investments, thus you may choose either the copy trading or to get the solution for market professionals. Copyfx platform is a perfect choice for an easy yet reliable investment with the choice among over 1,000 traders and roboforex RAMM platform allows profiting not only from copy trading but from improved risk management systems with optimization tools.
Customer support
The broker runs 24/7 customer service available via live chat, emails, international phone lines, also proposing callback service and supporting 11 languages.
Even though there are some comments from traders also in our roboforex review being non-responsive, we check and found them answering relevant answers and engaging quite quickly.
The last point in our roboforex review is educational and analysis features together with research tools and materials that are especially essential for beginners.
Eventually, at roboforex you will get various education available, also as we already mention you can polish your skills and participate in trading contests, which also increases your level and allowing to develop skills. Market analysis, technical analysis, with professional trading analytics and range of trading tools available via the members area.
Also, there is access to transaction and trading history up to 1 year and great research tools including a news feed, calculators, strategy builder and trading ideas, and that is together with very powerful features you will find in provided platforms.
Pros | |
education programs and videos | none |
free trading signals and research tools | |
exclusive trading tools and strategy builders | |
market outlook and research | |
demo and live contests |
Roboforex review demonstrates a well-regulated broker, which offers a wide selection of technological solutions allowing traders of any size or strategy, even at the trading beginning to engage into trading. The platforms along with the variety of assets and accounts bringing various options to trade either through robotic systems or investment, as well as powering trading by the power of developed tools.
Nevertheless, the broker very proudly serves a variety of services, along with the quality of overall treatment, which is the same for all, regardless of the experience or investment size. Also, we would recall again to learn deeply how to trade and especially use high leverage, since roboforex offers this opportunity where you can lose or gain money quite quickly.
Roboforex kindly supports educational materials, analytical researchers and contests which shows their great assistance in all the process and impacting for deserved trust and rapid growth with a large number of the clients they serve.
And of course, we would be glad to know your personal opinion about roboforex, share your experience or refer to us for some additional information.
Robomarkets, a foreign exchange (forex) broker licensed in cyprus, has just announced that it has become BMW M motorsport’s official partner for the popular german touring car masters deutsche tourenwagen masters (DTM). During the upcoming season of the popular german touring car masters DTM (deutsche tourenwagen masters), the swedish BMW works driver joel eriksson will.
Roboforex, an international financial company, has received a license from the national bank of the republic of belarus. Its affiliated company was listed in the forex companies registry in accordance with the country’s current and local legislation. To enter a new market, roboforex and robomarkets joined their expertise and financial technology efforts to provide their.
Robomarkets, a foreign exchange (forex) broker licensed in cyprus, has just announced that it has become an official sponsor of one of the leading women’s volleyball teams of the republic of cyprus. Since the moment the team was founded in limassol in 1976, TRB-danoi ΑΕΛ (AEL limassol), later rebranded to robomarkets AEL, has held leading.
European investment company robomarkets, which provides financial services to customers in many EU countries, announced the launch of a mobile version of the web platform for trading R trader. The company released a mobile modification of the terminal against the backdrop of the great demand for it from our customers. According to the supplier, the.
Roboforex review and tutorial 2021
Roboforex is a multi-asset online broker offering powerful trading aides.
Trade FX with high leverage levels.
Trade crypto coins against the USD and EUR.
Roboforex is an online broker providing trading assets on their pro-cent, pro-standard, and RAMM live accounts. The broker offers an impressive selection of platforms, including MT4 and MT5, which we explore in this review, along with regulation, bonuses and deposits.
Roboforex company details
Founded in 2009, roboforex has headquarters in belize and is regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC). The broker offers over 12,000 trading instruments in 8 asset classes, as well as 2 investment platforms and 4 trading platforms.
Roboforex has earned a good reputation over the years with 3 million live accounts opened since inception. The company has also made the news as the official partner of BMW M motorsport and has secured a sponsorship deal with muay thai fighter and world kickboxing champion, andrei kulebin.
Trading platforms
Metatrader 4
MT4 includes all the essential features a beginner or advanced trader would need, with 50 indicators for technical analysis, basic graphical tools, and 3 order execution types. Users can also program their own trading robots with strategyquant and take advantage of the one-click trading capability.
Roboforex MT4 platform
The platform is available as a downloadable desktop client or a convenient webtrader accessible straight from a browser.
Metatrader 5
Professional traders can take advantage of the cutting edge MT5 platform, which provides speed and reliability for advanced trading. The flexible system features netting and hedging capabilities, market depth, 4 types of order execution, 6 types of pending orders, and dozens of technical indicators and graphical tools.
Roboforex MT5 platform
Again, users can enjoy either the downloadable PC application or the web-browser version of the platform.
For experienced clients looking for an alternative to metatrader, the ctrader terminal is a sensible option. Users can access rare types of orders, level II pricing, plus 54 technical indicators on 14 timeframes and 9 types of charts. You can also create trading robots and indicators using ctrader automate.
Roboforex ctrader web platform
The platform can be downloaded or accessed straight from a browser. The web version is ideal for macos PC users.
R trader
The easy-to-use proprietary platform, R trader offers a classic design and convenient trading for those who wish to invest in global markets. Users can access 13 technical indicators, 9 graphical tools, level II market depth and an automated strategy tester. Netting and hedging account models are also supported.
Roboforex R trader platform
R trader is available both as a web-platform as well as a desktop application.
Roboforex assets
Clients can trade on 40+ currency pairs, over 12,000 global stocks, more than 10 indices, such as the dow jones (US30) and NASDAQ, 100 commodities, including oil, and etfs. The broker also offers 26 cryptocurrencies plus cryptoindicies, a unique product that allows for trading on several cryptos at once.
Overall, this review was impressed with roboforex’s depth of products in 2021. Note detailed contract specifications can be found on the broker’s website.
Spreads & commission
Pricing depends on the account you choose but spreads are fairly competitive vs brokers such as FBS and FXTM. Fees for the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts are included in the spreads, which average around 1.4 pips for EURUSD, 1.75 for US indices, and around 22 for XAUUSD (gold).
You will see tighter spreads with the prime and ECN accounts, with zero pip spreads available in some asset classes.
The maximum leverage offered at roboforex is 1:2000 with pro-cent and pro-standard accounts. Leverage up to 1:500 is available with the ECN account while 1:300 leverage is offered with prime and R trader accounts.
A useful margin calculator is provided on the website.
Mobile apps
For mobile traders, roboforex offers smartphone apps for all their trading terminals (MT4, MT5, ctrader, and R trader):
- Metatrader – MT4 and MT5 users enjoy the same technical features as desktop apps, including customisable charting tools, full trading history, and access to trading robots. The same members client login area is available on mobile platforms.
- Ctrader – ctrader offers handy features including pinch-to-zoom, fling scrolling, and double-tap action to recentre charts, as well as in-app notifications.
- R trader – R trader is also fully-featured and offers an all-in-one solution, with secure in-app account deposits and bonus management. The app offers 14 trading indicators, plus live charts and quotes, and additional mobile-friendly features.
Roboforex mobile trading
All platforms are available in 22 languages for both iphone and android (APK) users. Overall, users will find the most positive online reviews for the MT4 and MT5 mobile apps.
Payment methods
There’s no shortage of funding methods at roboforex, with dozens of deposit methods in 9 different currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP and ZAR. International and local bank depositors are available, as well as card payments and e-wallets. Paypal is not accepted. All deposit methods are free and fast and most methods require a 10 USD/EUR minimum deposit with standard accounts.
There are 13 withdrawal methods available, though this may vary depending on your jurisdiction. Withdrawal times for most methods are just 1 day, which is praised in customer reviews in 2021. Commissions for withdrawals vary but range from 0.5% to 2.8%. The group does offer a free funds withdrawal programme which allows you to withdraw funds twice a month with no commissions. Further details and restrictions can be found on the website.
Demo account
Roboforex offers a choice of three demo accounts, suitable on all platforms: demo pro, demo, and demo R trader.
The demo pro account is the most popular choice as it replicates the trading conditions of the standard account packages, with 1:2000 maximum leverage and floating spreads from 1.3 pips. Users can test trading strategies without spending or risking real money.
You can open a demo account from the broker’s homepage. The practice account is free to use and expires after 90 days.
Pro-cent and pro-standard new account users receive a welcome bonus of 30 USD after depositing a minimum of 10 USD via bank card. Cent and standard users can also benefit from the 60% profit share bonus, as well as up to 120% on deposits by claiming the classic bonus.
The broker also offers other promotions, including up to a 10% bonus credit on account balances, cashback rebates based on trading volume, daily competition opportunities with contestfx and a free VPS server. Full bonus withdrawal terms and conditions can be found on the broker’s website.
Roboforex currently does not offer any no deposit bonus (NDB) deals in 2021 but has previously offered weekly demo contests, so traders should check the website for upcoming promotions.
Roboforex ltd is regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) of belize under license number 000138/107. As an “A” category member of the financial commission, roboforex ltd is a participant of the compensation fund, which provides protection up to €20,000 per case. The broker also holds civil liability insurance and provides negative balance protection. Overall, roboforex is a legitimate and safe online broker.
Additional features
Roboforex’s educational suite contains many useful resources for both casual traders and professional investors, including how-to guides, on-demand videos, forex analysis, plus a helpful community forum, blog and economic calendar.
Roboforex economic calendar
The most notable feature is the roboforex analytics centre, a free subscription to analytical data and trading instruments from within one window. Available in 13 languages, and offering an interactive data layout, users can gain access to signals, videos, calendars, and tools for traders.
Roboforex offers 5 live account types: prime, ECN, R trader, pro-cent, and pro-standard. The minimum deposit is 10 USD/EUR for all accounts, except the R trader account, which requires a 100 USD deposit. These are refreshingly low minimum deposits compared to others, such as hotforex, tickmill and exness.
The ECN and prime accounts are ideal for professional traders looking for spreads from zero pips, whilst the R trader account supports multi-asset stock trading. Pro-cent and pro-standard accounts are designed for beginners and casual traders.
This review found that the main differences between the accounts are the minimum margin requirements, leverage limits, margin call/stop-out levels, and access to bonuses. All bonuses are available with the pro accounts, whilst no bonuses are available with the R trader account.
Islamic swap-free accounts are also available, as well as investment solutions using copyfx and RAMM platforms, supporting investment in both short-term and long-term trading strategies respectively.
You can open a real-money trading account from the roboforex homepage and start trading in live markets.
Reasons to open a roboforex account include:
- Bonuses offered
- Decent range of assets
- 4 live trading platforms
- Commission-free trading
- Copytrade investment platforms similar to zulutrade
The only major drawback for registering with roboforex is:
- US clients not accepted
Trading hours
Forex can be traded 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, however specific active trading sessions depend on the time zone. All times below are in UTC+2 (eastern european time, EET).
- Japan & singapore – 02:00 – 10:00
- Hong kong – 03:00 – 11:00
- Frankfurt – 08:00 – 16:00
- London – 09:00 – 17:00
- New york – 15:00 – 23:00
- Chicago – 16:00 – 24:00
- New zealand & sydney – 22:00 – 06:00
Roboforex also posts useful trading schedule changes for national holidays.
Customer support
Roboforex offers multilingual support in over 12 languages including english, malaysian, indonesian, arabic, and spanish. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via:
- Email – info@roboforex.Com
- Telephone number – +65 3158 8389
- Online callback form – contact us page
- Live chat, telegram, facebook messenger, skype, whatsapp, and viber – logos located in the bottom right-hand corner of the website
The customer support team can help with most queries, from how to delete an account and user verification to clarification on ECN commissions per lot and how to reset your investor password.
The head office address is 2118 guava street, belama phase 1, belize city, belize.
All roboforex platforms use SSL encrypted security systems as well as dual-factor authentication protocols. Withdrawals and transfers can also be protected via an SMS confirmation code with each transaction. For their bonus programmes, the broker also has anti-fraud systems in place to protect against repeated transfers of funds.
Roboforex verdict
Roboforex is an established online broker offering a wide range of assets on reliable trading platforms, including MT4 and R trader. The broker is also regulated and provides negative balance protection, adding an extra layer of trust and security for traders. Overall roboforex is a good broker for all levels but their zero-spread ECN accounts and RAMM platforms will be particularly attractive to professional traders.
Accepted countries
Roboforex accepts traders from thailand, united kingdom, south africa, singapore, hong kong, india, france, germany, norway, sweden, italy, denmark, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, kuwait, luxembourg, qatar and most other countries.
Traders can not use roboforex from united states, canada, japan, australia.
Is roboforex a scam or not?
Roboforex ltd is a legit company registered in belize and regulated by the international financial services commission. As a result, it’s unlikely to be a scam. With that said, the broker does receive mixed reviews on websites such as trustpilot.
How do I open a roboforex account?
You can sign up for a real account by clicking open an account on the right-hand side of the website. You will then need to fill in your new member details to register your area login credentials. The verification stage will then complete the process.
How can I delete my roboforex account?
You can make your account inactive from within the members area. From the account section, change the status of the account you want to remove to ‘no’.
Does roboforex accept US clients?
No, traders from the USA cannot sign up for a live trading account. Clients from canada, japan and australia are also unable to register for a roboforex account.
Is roboforex a market maker?
For all cent accounts, roboforex serves as the market maker. For all standard and ECN accounts, the broker follows an STP model.
Roboforex minimum deposit
The roboforex minimum deposit amount that roboforex requires is US dollar 100.
The minimum deposit amount of US dollar 100 when registering a live account is equivalent to ZAR1,761.36 at the current exchange rate between US dollar and south african rand on the day and at the time that this article was written.
Robomarkets is based in belize and is authorized and regulated by demanding regulating entities namely cysec and IFSC, and as a regulated broker, one of the requirements is that client funds be kept in segregated accounts.
In complying with this, amidst several other strict rules and regulations, all client funds must be kept separate from the broker account, and it can only be used by traders to conduct trading activities.
In addition to ensuring client fund security through segregated accounts, regulated brokers such as robomarkets are required to be a member of a compensation scheme or fund which pays out a certain amount to eligible clients in the case of company insolvency.
Deposit fees and deposit methods
Robomarkets does not charge any fees when deposits are made into the trader’s account. Robomarkets offers a vast amount of payment methods which include, but is not limited to:
- Rapid transfer
- Blueorange bank
- Barclays bank PLC
- Credit/debit card
- Bank transfer
- Webmoney
- Skrill
- Fasapay
- Neteller, and more
Robomarkets supports a wide variety of deposit currencies in which traders can fund their accounts which includes, but is not limited to:
- AED, and more.
Step by step guide to deposit the minimum amount
Once the trader has completed the process of registering on the website, the trader can make the initial minimum deposit by following these steps:
- Log into the client portal and select ‘deposit’
- Select the deposit method along with the amount.
- After the trader has made their selection, they will be redirected to the payment processor page to confirm their deposit.
Traders should take note that with making deposits by using bank wire transfer, the transactions may take a certain amount of time depending on the method, time of the day, and day of the week.
Bank wire transfers take anything from a day to a few business days depending on the time the payment was made during the day along with the day of the week.
Pros and cons
1. Deposit fees are not charged | 1. None noted |
2. Quick and easy depositing of funds | |
3. Low minimum deposit amount | |
4. Wide variety of payment methods offered | |
5. Wide variety of deposit currencies supported |
What is the minimum deposit for roboforex?
How do I make a deposit and withdrawal with roboforex?
You can make use a wide variety of deposit and withdrawal methods including, but not limited to:
- Rapid transfer
- Blueorange bank
- Barclays bank PLC
- Credit/debit card
- Bank transfer
- Webmoney
- Skrill
- Fasapay
- Neteller, and more.
Traders should note that some methods can only be used when making deposits and these may not be available with withdrawals.
Does roboforex charge withdrawal fees?
- Rapid transfer – 1%
- Credit/debit card – 2.4%
- Bank transfer – 25 USD, 10 EUR, 20 GBP, 150 PLN, 75 CHF
- Webmoney – 0.8%
- Skrill – 1%
- Fasapay – 0.5%
- Neteller – 1.9%
- Paypal – 2%
How long does it take to make a withdrawal?
Not all processing times are indicated on the robomarkets website, but some of the processing times on withdrawals include:
- Rapid transfer – from one minute to one day.
- Credit/debit card – one to ten bank days.
- Bank transfer – up to five bank days
- Webmoney – from one minute to one day.
- Skrill – from one minute to one day.
- Fasapay – from one minute to one day.
- Neteller – from one minute to one day.
- Paypal – from one minute to one day.
Brokers with fast withdrawals
Are there brokers with fast withdrawal an experiment, for the fastest withdrawals, read our review.
What distinguish a reliable broker from the "kitchen"? Right, a quick withdrawal. You did a good job and deserve to your money received into a bank account as soon as possible. When a broker starts to hinder the withdrawal of your funds, offering to send additional documents or scan of credit card, this is direct evidence that there is "kitchen". Of course, you need to keep in mind that verification of your documents is a prerequisite for any reliable broker. But when the verification has already been passed, and the broker requires all new and new documents, then it is just an excuse for you not to pay your hard-earned money.
Forex brokers with fast money withdrawal 2021
We have prepared for you TOP brokers with fast withdrawal. For the purity of the experiment, we took brokers with withdrawal to online payment systems. The withdrawal was carried out three times at the same time on all brokers participating in the experiment at different hours and days of the week, excluding weekends. We do not recommend you to order a withdrawal on weekends and holidays, as finance departments of the brokers and banks through which payments are made, only work on weekdays. As a result, we obtained the following results:
- Roboforex. First place in our ranking of brokers with fast withdrawal is roboforex ( reviews ) – on if you took about 1-3 minutes, and as representatives of a broker, applications for withdrawals are processed, even at night and on weekends. In addition, roboforex offers two days per month to withdraw funds without a fee. Also, roboforex in 2021 supports withdrawals through bitcoin and ETH, the withdrawal speed is few hours;
- Freshforex. In second place freshforex – withdrawal is carried out within 5-10 minutes without commissions;
- Forex4you. Withdrawal with the broker forex4you takes about 20-30 minutes;
- Amarkets. Another broker amarkets with fast money withdrawal – from a few minutes to an hour;
- Alpari. The average withdrawal time in alpari takes from several minutes to 6 hours. The first withdrawal will call you on the cell phone to clarify the amount of output, then processing of applications will be faster.
Roboforex review 2020
Roboforex has been operating since 2009 and is regulated by the license no. 000138/107.
From the moment of its foundation, roboforex has always been focused on providing best trading conditions using innovative technologies and many years of experience. Roboforex is an international broker, which offers 8 asset types and more than 12,000 instruments for trading. We’re very proud of a variety of services we provide our clients and partners with, which are of the same quality for all, regardless their experience and amount of their investments.
- 2000:1 leverage on certain accounts, one of the highest in the market
- Multilingual customer support team is distributed in 12 countries
- Attractive bonus offers up to 120% and $30 welcome bonus
- A lot of choice of trading platforms
- Regulated by the IFSC in belize may make traders nervous about regulatory oversight
- Prone to slippage in our live testing
- Unlike some of the other brokers in belize, roboforex does not accept clients from the united states
headquarters | belize city, belize |
type of broker | STP & ECN/STP |
founded | 2009 |
regulated by | regulated by IFSC (belize) |
offices in | belize |
supported languages | english, spanish, italian, portuguese, russian, polish, chinese, arabic, german, latvian, indonesian, malay, ukrainian, czech, thai, estonian, vietnamese |
ESMA regulation ? | This broker is not regulated within the E.U and is not subject to ESMA's new forex and CFD trading restrictions. To find out more about these restrictions, please see this article |
Typical spread on majors - live better spreads my be offered by the broker on other accounts."alt="info" />
Order excution tests results - live measurements are taken daily and news event measurements once a month"alt="info" />
Roboforex server location:
Our client terminal location:
Order excution (normal hours)
Order excution (during news)
Review sections
Since its inception in 2009, roboforex has been gradually gaining popularity among forex traders. It is registered in the island nation of belize, which is a major offshore financial hub with a strong financial sector. Roboforex's office is located at 2118 guava street, belama phase 1, belize city, belize.
Over the past decade, roboforex has gained the trust of 730,000 clients from all over the world. As of 2020, roboforex utilizes liquidity from over eight top tier banking partners and other financial service providers and connects traders using the latest online trading software platforms.
Roboforex has established itself as one of those offshore brokers that makes tradeoffs in the area of strict regulation but, at the same time, it provides quality forex brokerage services to clients and offers many benefits that more closely monitored and regulated brokers simply cannot offer.
While roboforex is located in an offshore location, it still avoids clients from certain jurisdictions, including the united states, australia, canada, and japan. If you happen to have residency in one of these major economies, it is best that you look for regulated brokers who comply with local laws and reporting requirements.
Regulation and safety of funds
As a registered forex broker in belize, roboforex is regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC). It operates the business under the license no. 000138/107. While the reputation of the IFSC may not be at par with more established regulatory authorities like the ASIC in australia or the FCA in the united kingdom, it does carry out regular audits and controls and certifies members for running an efficient, honest, and transparent services as well as guarantee traders of such measures.
Besides being regulated by the IFSC, roboforex participates in regulation by being a member of the financial commission, which is an independent self-regulatory organization. Traders can use the commission as an external dispute resolution (EDR) body and take measures against member brokers by arbitration.
Roboforex is a category "A" member of the commission's compensation fund. As an "A" category member, traders who have accounts with roboforex become entitled to protection up to € 20,000 per case in case the broker refuses to adhere to judgments from the financial commission.
Moreover, as mandated by the IFSC, all brokers in belize need to keep client funds in segregated accounts. Hence, in the case that roboforex's operation goes belly up and the company files for bankruptcy, client funds remain safe and traders can claim their deposits from the roboforex's deposit bank.
Trading services: types of forex trading accounts offered by roboforex
Roboforex operates as a true ECN forex broker, but it also offers standard accounts for beginner traders who do not want to deal with paying commissions on each transaction. Currently, they list a total of 5 different types of accounts that you can open with roboforex.
The most popular account service offered by roboforex is called pro-standard and it is suitable for traders who want a balance between features and costs associated with trading forex. The pro-standard account offers up to a massive 2000:1 leverage and spreads start from 1.3 pips. The pro-cent account offers similar features, but the main difference is that it is a cent denominated account. With the pro-cent account, traders are encouraged to test their trading strategies.
The third account offered by roboforex is a non-dealing desk ECN account called ECN-pro. While it offers spreads from 0.1 pips, the broker charges $2 per standard lot worth $100,000 of trading volume for most currency pairs. Also, one of the limitations is that you only get 500:1 leverage with the ECN-pro account. However, just like the other two accounts, it only requires a $10 minimum deposit to open.
The fourth account offered by roboforex is called prime and it is designed to cater to the needs of professional traders. The prime account has no minimum spreads and you will often find 0.0 spreads for currency pairs. However, roboforex is very transparent about the pricing and mentions that the average spread for pairs like EURUSD hovers near 0.2 pips. Also, the prime account charges $1.5 commission per standard lot. The minimum deposit requirement for the prime account is usually quite high ($5000) but a promotion until the end of the year, starts at $10 USD. However you only get 300:1 maximum leverage with it.
The fifth and final account offered by roboforex is called R trader and we found it to be the mother of all trading accounts! The R trader is designed to give traders access to access all major financial markets from a single account as you can trade currencies, indices, real stocks, CFD on stocks in switzerland, germany, the united kingdom, and the united states, as well as various etfs with this account. Roboforex claims to offer a total of 11,700 assets for trading with the R trader account.
A quick comparison of different accounts offered by roboforex
Trading platform & technology
Roboforex has invested heavily in its technology to provide the best software platforms for traders and the list includes some of the heavyweight names in the industry, including metatrader, ctrader, and R trader DMA multi-asset web-based trading platform from UMSTEL. Roboforex has also partnered with investment platforms like copyfx and developed unique RAMM accounts so that traders can automate their trading.
Discretionary traders who depend on technical and fundamental analysis can trust the decades of reliability that metatrader 4 and 5 platforms bring to the table. Roboforex has several accounts that support the metatrader software. One of the advantages of metatrader is it packs over 50 technical indicators. Also, being in the market for a long time, you can buy a range of custom technical indicators for this platform as well as fully automated trading algorithms.
The ctrader platform is relatively new to the market, but has gained a reputation for being a very stable trading software. Because unlike metatrader, the ctrader platform is hosted by the vendor spotware systems. Also, if you are opening an ECN account, opt for the ctrader platform because it will give you the best price quotes and unfiltered order executions as ctrader requires brokers to connect liquidity providers directly and does not allow any modification of the price feeds.
Recently, roboforex has introduced the R trader suite that provides traders with a full range of assets that most other brokers do not offer in the market. Roboforex has mainly introduced the R trader platform for trading stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Being a relatively new platform, the available number of custom indicators and algorithms for this platform is currently rather low in the market.
If you are focused on forex trading, we would suggest you stick to either metatrader or ctrader platforms.
All three platforms offered by roboforex come with respective android and ios apps for smartphones and tablets. Hence, you can easily access your roboforex trading account on the go from your phones and mobile devices.
Furthermore, we found roboforex has introduced web trader versions of metatrader. As a hosted solution, you don't need to install any software to use the web trader. All you need is a browser to login to your trading account. Hence, if you want to access your trading account from a computer at the office, it can be a viable option.
Roboforex hosts its metatrader servers in different locations. For example, the ECN server mt4-ecn-dc1.Roboforex.Com is located in the netherlands and most of the other servers are located in the same data center. Depending on your geographic location, the order filling time will vary due to latency issues. However, during our tests, we found the order execution to be mediocre, with a few slippage issues.
Here is a summary of our order execution test results.
Order execution test results | ||
roboforex MT4 server location | finland - tuusula, uusimaa | |
our client terminal location | united states - st. Louis, missouri | |
5 day average during normal hours (pips) | slippage during news event (pips) | |
slippage | 0.0400 | 1.0000 |
5 day average time (milliseconds) | lowest time (milliseconds) | |
order execution (normal hours) | 925 | 406 |
time (milliseconds) | ||
order execution (during news) | 1328 |
Customer service and support
For general queries, you can reach roboforex at info@roboforex.Com and someone will usually reply to your emails within 24 hours as the company runs a 24/7 support desk, even over the weekends. For urgent issues, roboforex suggests that you try to reach its multilingual support team that provides technical support in 12 different languages. However, not all 12 countries have dedicated phone lines in their respective countries. For example, if you are from the middle east and want to speak to a support agent in arabic, you still need to call their main support line in singapore (+65 3158 8389).
But the good news is that for other languages, roboforex lists phone numbers in different countries.
Besides calling roboforex, you can also request a call back from the broker. If you drop your number in the ask a question box on its website and a roboforex representative will reach out to you in no time.
Roboforex clients can also engage in chat under the members area where the company runs a ticketing system for tracking complicated issues.
We found that roboforex staff are usually well versed in solving forex related issues and if you are facing any problem with your account, it is dealt with promptly.
Based on our criteria, we gave the following ratings to their customer service:
the final rating for customer service experience | |||
weight | nominal rating | weighted rating | |
connection time | 10% | 5.0 | 0.50 |
toll-free number (yes/no) | 10% | 1.0 | 0.10 |
multilingual support | 10% | 5.0 | 0.50 |
professionalism | 25% | 4.93 | 1.23 |
resolving issues(yes/no) | 45% | 5.0 | 2.25 |
final rating | 4.19 | 4.58 |
Deposit and withdrawal methods
Roboforex has one of the highest numbers of deposit and withdrawal methods we have seen in the forex industry. Besides credit and debit cards like visa and mastercard, they accept niche bank cards like china unionpay as well. While it is always recommended that you make large deposits with an international wire transfer, roboforex has partnered with local banks in many countries like indonesia, thailand, and vietnam where you can simply make a local deposit and the money will show up in your roboforex account.
Roboforex also supports a huge list of e-payment services like webmoney, skrill, neteller, perfect money, advcash, fasapay, QIWI wallet, yandex.Money, santander, caixa, boleto, bancolombia, mobile money, bradesco, ITAU, and webpay.
While roboforex does not charge any fees for any of its deposit methods, it does charge withdrawal processing fees. For example, to make a withdrawal with credit or debit cards, you will be charged 2.6% of the amount plus 1.3 USD or 1 euro, depending on which currency your account has.
Also, we found the withdrawal processing time to be rather high compared to other brokers. For example, it takes up to 5 business days to receive a wire transfer. But it may take up to 10 days to get a withdrawal via visa or mastercard! However, most of the e-payment methods take only 1 minute to maximum a day for withdrawal requests to be processed.
Current promotions and bonus offers
Roboforex is currently running several bonus offers. To lure customers into trying their service, they are offering a $30 USD welcome bonus to all new customers. To get the welcome bonus, all you need to do is open a live account and verify your information and make a minimum $10 deposit.
The second promotion is the most attractive for veteran forex traders, which is called profit share bonus. If you deposit less than $300 into your account, you will get up to 25% of profit share bonus. However, for all deposits above $300, roboforex pays 50% bonuses.
The third promotional offer from roboforex is called the classic bonus program and it pays up to 115% deposit bonus, up to $50,000.
Roboforex is definitely marketing its services very aggressively and this is a great time to switch gears to make roboforex your preferred broker if you are already trading with another company.
The bottom line
For a relatively old company, roboforex is running some of the most lucrative deposit bonus programs in the market. While it may appear to give a signal that their business is failing to attract customers with traditional marketing means, we found that it is a temporary measure to increase their exposure among forex traders.
Roboforex recently registered a company in cyprus called robomarkets ltd and hopefully, they will be soon be regulated by the cysec in the future. But for now, traders looking for an offshore broker only have the IFSC in belize to watch their backs.
Nonetheless, most offshore brokers compete in the market by being honest and providing quality services instead of focusing on the regulatory restrictions put on them by an external regulator. And, roboforex has earned its name by doing exactly that for over a decade.
With some of the highest leverage on offer in the forex market, roboforex is providing true ECN services to traders and with the lucrative bonus offers - it makes sense to try out their service before settling for other competitors.
Based on our research, we have assigned the following ratings to roboforex. To know more about how we rate brokers, read our review process.
Rating categories | weight | nominal rating | weighted rating | |
1 | regulatory oversight | 15% | 4.00 | 0.60 |
2 | security of client's funds / segregated acc. | 10% | 4.25 | 0.43 |
3 | business model of the broker | 5% | 5.00 | 0.25 |
4 | transaction costs and fees | 15% | 4.75 | 0.71 |
5 | ease of deposit and withdrawals | 5% | 5.00 | 0.25 |
6 | trading platform | 10% | 5.00 | 0.50 |
7 | order execution/server latency | 5% | 2.00 | 0.10 |
8 | customer support | 5% | 4.58 | 0.46 |
9 | leverage and margin | 10% | 5.00 | 0.25 |
10 | initial deposit amount | 5% | 5.00 | 0.25 |
11 | type of assets offered | 10% | 4.25 | 0.43 |
12 | public opinion | 5% | 4.50 | 0.23 |
avarage rating | 4.44 | |||
weighted avarage rating | 4.45 |
Does roboforex accept US clients?
No, currently, roboforex unfortunately do not accept clients from the united states. There are a total of 50 countries that roboforex do not accept clients from.
What leverage does roboforex offer?
Roboforex offer a trading leverage of 2000:1, this one of the highest leverages offered by forex brokers. Caution is advised when trading with such high leverage.
Does roboforex offer the ctrader platform?
Yes, roboforex does offer the ctrader platform. It also offers MT4 and MT5, a comparison of the platforms can be viewed here.
Where is roboforex located?
Roboforex is located in belize city, belize, a small country in central america.
Is roboforex subject to ESMA regulations?
No, roboforex is not subject to ESMA (european securities and markets authority) regulations as roboforex is not regulated by a country in the european union.
How long do roboforex withdrawals take?
Withdrawals from a roboforex account can be almost instant, especially when withdrawing via one of the many e-wallets that they offer, such as skrill or neteller.
Roboforex reviews
To submit your own forex broker review please fill in the form below. Your review will be checked by a moderator and published on this page. Please ensure that you use a valid email address when posting your review and check your email after submitting the review - we will send you an email with a confirmation!
So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: starting december 5th, 2011, withdrawal requests will be processed without any compensation of payment systems commission. At roboforex withdrawal time
Contents of the article
- Free forex bonuses
- Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
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- Roboforex: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal...
- Immediate funds withdrawal from the account
- Официальный спонсор команды "старикович-хескес"...
- Официальный спонсор бойца муай тай андрея кулебина
- Change of conditions for withdrawal of funds.
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- Penaja rasmi pejuang muay thai andrei kulebin...
- Roboforex review
- Top 3 forex brokers
- What is roboforex?
- Awards
- Is roboforex safe or a scam?
- Leverage
- Accounts
- Instruments
- Deposits and withdrawals
- Trading platforms
- Customer support
- Education
- Conclusion
- Roboforex review and tutorial 2021
- Roboforex company details
- Trading platforms
- Roboforex assets
- Spreads & commission
- Leverage
- Mobile apps
- Payment methods
- Demo account
- Bonuses
- Regulation
- Additional features
- Accounts
- Benefits
- Drawbacks
- Trading hours
- Customer support
- Security
- Roboforex verdict
- Accepted countries
- Is roboforex a scam or not?
- How do I open a roboforex account?
- How can I delete my roboforex account?
- Does roboforex accept US clients?
- Is roboforex a market maker?
- Roboforex minimum deposit
- Deposit fees and deposit methods
- Step by step guide to deposit the minimum amount
- Pros and cons
- What is the minimum deposit for roboforex?
- How do I make a deposit and withdrawal with...
- Does roboforex charge withdrawal fees?
- How long does it take to make a withdrawal?
- Brokers with fast withdrawals
- Forex brokers with fast money withdrawal 2021
- Roboforex review 2020
- Typical spread on majors - live better spreads...
- Order excution tests results - live measurements...
- Review sections
- Regulation and safety of funds
- Trading services: types of forex trading accounts...
- A quick comparison of different accounts offered...
- Trading platform & technology
- Customer service and support
- Deposit and withdrawal methods
- Current promotions and bonus offers
- The bottom line
- Does roboforex accept US clients?
- What leverage does roboforex offer?
- Does roboforex offer the ctrader platform?
- Where is roboforex located?
- Is roboforex subject to ESMA regulations?
- How long do roboforex withdrawals take?
- Roboforex reviews
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