Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.

Bonus on

Saat bonusta, kun kirjaat ostokset S-etukortillasi maksun yhteydessä kassalla bonusostoiksi.

Free forex bonuses

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.

Voit kerryttää bonusta toimipaikoissamme myös maksamalla mobilepayllä. Mikäli kyseessä on laskutusperusteinen yhteistyökumppani, tunnistaudu asiakasomistajana tai ilmoita jäsennumerosi palvelun tarjoajalle palvelun tarjoajan antamien ohjeiden mukaisesti. ABC-asemilla saat polttonesteistä tankkausbonusta. Laske säästösi!

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat bonustasi

Bonus on selvää rahaa takaisin ostoksistasi. Esimerkiksi viime vuonna asiakasomistajamme saivat rahallista etua keskimäärin 155 € suoraan omalle tililleen S-pankkiin. Katso, että saat kaikki rahanarvoiset edut.

  1. Keskitä ostot bonustoimipaikkoihin

  2. Pysy ajan tasalla bonustilanteestasi

  3. Maksa ostot S-etukortilla

  4. Varmista, että jokaisella perheenjäsenellä on oma S-etukortti

1. Keskittämällä ostoksesi saat enemmän rahaa takaisin

Maksimibonuksen 5 % saat jo 900 euron kuukausiostoilla. Näin esim. 1000 euron ostokset tuottavat tilillesi 50 € kuukaudessa (ei sis. Tankkausbonusta) – eli 600 € vuodessa. Mitä se vaatii sinulta? – vain ostostesi johdonmukaista keskittämistä.

Näin bonus kertyy

Tiesitkö? Bonus on osuustoiminnallinen tapa palkita oman kaupan palveluiden käytöstä. Lue lisää, mitä se tarkoittaa sinulle

2. Seuraa bonuksesi kertymistä

Bonusta kannattaa seurata erityisesti kuun lopulla, sillä pienikin ostos voi heilauttaa sinut korkeammalle bonustasolle. Jo yhden euron lisäostoilla voit saada jopa 30 € enemmän bonusta vuosittain.

Kirjaudu omiin tietoihisi

Paljonko bonusta sinulle on kertynyt tässä kuussa? Entä paljonko sitä on jo maksettu tilillesi?

S-mobiili tuo bonuksen ja edut puhelimeesi

S-mobiili pitää vihreät edut aina mukanasi. Näet bonusten kertymisen vaivattomasti puhelimestasi.

Bonustiedot sähköpostiisi

Paljonko bonusta olet saamassa – oletko jäämässä seuraavasta bonusrajasta harmittavasti vain euron? Pysy tietoisena kuukauden vaihteen tilanteestasi.

3. S-etukortilla kannattaa myös maksaa

Saat bonuksen päälle 0,5 % maksutapaetua, kun maksat ostokset S-etukortilla. Näin voit saada ostoistasi rahaa takaisin yhteensä jopa 5,5 %.

4. S-etukortit kaikille perheenjäsenille

Kaikilla kaupassa käyvillä talouden jäsenillä, myös perheen nuorimmilla, kannattaa olla omat S-etukortit. Näin kerrytätte kaikista perheen ostoksista bonusta.

Bonus on rahaa

Mikä on bonus ja miten sitä saa?

Kiitoksena palveluidemme käytöstä saat ostoistasi joka tulee puhtaana rahana tilillesi S-pankkiin. Bonusta saat sitä enemmän, mitä enemmän palveluita käytät.

Bonusta myös tankkauksesta

ABC-asemilla saat polttonesteistä tankkausbonusta. Laske säästösi!

"paljonkohan mulla on niitä bonuksia?"

S-mobiilista tarkistat helposti bonustilanteesi. Lataa S-mobiili sovelluskaupastasi.

Osuuskaupassa asiakas on omistaja

Sadan euron osuusmaksulla saat osuuden osuuskaupastasi, bonusta sekä runsaasti erilaisia etuja.


Liity ja hanki S-etukortti

Syitä hankkia S-etukortti on bonuksen lisäksi paljon: runsaasti rahanarvoisia etuja ja arkeasi helpottavia palveluita – iloa ja hyötyä arkeen ja juhlaan.

Anna S-etukortti lahjaksi

Syntymäpäivät, valmistuminen, rippijuhlat – vaikea keksiä lahjaa, jossa on ajatusta? Anna lahjaksi pysyvästi edullista arkea: oma vihreä S-etukortti.

Yleisimmät kysymykset bonuksesta

Bonus kertyy S-ryhmän ja sen yhteistyökumppaneiden yli 2000 bonustoimipaikasta ympäri suomen. S-ryhmän omia ketjuja ovat S-market, prisma, sale, alepa, food market herkku, sokos, emotion, pukumies, mick's, sokos hotellit, radisson blu hotellit suomessa, rosso, sevilla, fransmanni, torero, trattoria, grill it!, amarillo, buffa, coffee house, presso, public corner ja muut S-ryhmän ravintolat, S-rauta, kodin terra, S-ryhmän autoliikkeet, karla sekä ABC-liikennemyymälät ja automaattiasemat. Suomen bonustoimipaikkojen lisäksi S-etukortilla kertyy bonusta erikseen määritellyistä S-ryhmän toimipaikoista ulkomailla.

Bonusta kertyy myös S-kanavalla esiteltävistä S-ryhmän hotellien ja yhteistyökumppaneiden kotimaan ja ulkomaan lomamatkoista.

Bonusta kertyy myös yhteistyökumppaneiltamme. Valtakunnallisia yhteistyökumppaneita ovat lähitapiola, elisa/saunalahti, silmäasema, oral hammaslääkärit, viking line, eckerö line sekä sector alarm. Valtakunnallisista ja paikallisista yhteistyökumppaneista saat lisätietoa myös omasta osuuskaupastasi tai S-ryhmän asiakasomistajapalvelusta puh. 010 76 5858 ma-to 9-20, pe 9-18 (0,084 €/min).

Saat bonusta, kun kirjaat ostokset S-etukortillasi maksun yhteydessä kassalla bonusostoiksi. Voit kerryttää bonusta toimipaikoissamme myös maksamalla mobilepayllä. Mikäli kyseessä on laskutusperusteinen yhteistyökumppani, tunnistaudu asiakasomistajana tai ilmoita jäsennumerosi palvelun tarjoajalle palvelun tarjoajan antamien ohjeiden mukaisesti.

Mistä ei saa bonusta?

Bonusta ei kerry yrityskortilla maksetuista tai yrityksille tehdyistä ostoista, sopimushinnoitelluista tai laskutettavista ostoista, välitysmyynnistä, kuten veikkauksen online- ja arpamyynnistä ja pääsylipuista, yli 1,2 % alkoholia sisältävistä juomista ja yli 2,8 % alkoholia sisältävistä elintarvikkeista, tupakkatuotteista, tupakan vastikkeista, tupakointivälineistä, tupakkajäljitelmistä, sähkösavukkeista ja nikotiininesteistä, tax free -ostoista, matkakorttien latauksista, pullopanttien palautuksista eikä lahjakorttien ostosta.

Bonuksen kertymisessä eri ketjuista on joitakin erityisehtoja, jotka voit tarkistaa asiakasomistajajärjestelmän säännöistä.

Bonus maksetaan asiakasomistajatalouden pääjäsenen etujen maksutiliksi määritellylle tilille S-pankkiin aina kuun 10. Päivään mennessä (maksupäivän osuessa viikonlopulle tai pyhälle, maksetaan bonus edeltävänä pankkipäivänä). Tilillä olevia rahoja voi

Käyttää ostosten maksuun tiliin liitetyllä S-etukortilla, jossa on maksuominaisuus. Tutustu S-pankin kortteihin.

Käyttää S-pankin verkkopankissa ja S-mobiilissa laskujen maksuun tai tilisiirtoihin

Ohjata rahastoon S-pankin verkkopankissa tai S-mobiilin säästäjä-palvelussa.

Nostaa käteisenä asiakasomistajapalvelu ja S-pankki -pisteellä (useimmat prismat ja sokokset, valikoidut S-marketit). Tarkista lähin toimipaikkasi tästä.

Jättää tilille korkoa kasvamaan

Tilille maksettuna bonus ei vanhene eli sen käyttämiselle ei ole takarajaa.

Kätevimmin voit seurata bonuksen kertymistä lataamalla S-mobiilin kännykkään. S-mobiili on saatavilla applen ios- ja googlen android-puhelimelle. S-mobiili toimii useimpien pankkien pankkitunnuksilla – täysin maksutta!

Bonustiedot voit myös tarkistaa asiakasomistajan omasta verkkopalvelusta omalta S-kanavalta. Bonustiedot löydät myös kirjautumalla seuraaviin S-ryhmän palveluihin: verkkokaupat (sokos, prisma ja kodin terra), sokoshotels.Fi, foodie.Fi sekä abcasemat.Fi.

Myös S-pankin verkkopankin kautta pääset omalle S-kanavalle tarkastelemaan bonustietojasi.

Asiakasomistajatalouden pääjäsenelle sekä talouden henkilölle lähetetään sähköpostiin kuukausittain tieto maksetun bonuksen määrästä. Viesti lähetetään, jos yhteystiedoista löytyy sähköpostiosoite. Sähköpostiosoitteen päivittäminen on nopeaa ja vaivatonta, voit päivittää yhteystiedot omissa tiedoissasi omalla S-kanavalla.

Mikäli et koe verkkopalveluita omaksesi, voit tarkistaa bonustilanteesi myös toimipaikan itsepalvelupisteessä S-etukorttipäätteellä. S-etukorttipäätteellä asioidessasi tarvitset S-etukorttisi lisäksi myös nelinumeroisen asiakastunnuksesi. Asiakastunnus ei ole sama kuin kassalla maksettaessa käytettävä kortin pin-koodi. Jollet muista omaa asiakastunnustasi, voit tarvittaessa tarkistaa sen omalta S-kanavalta, asiakasomistajapalvelu ja S-pankki -pisteellä (useimmat prismat ja sokokset, valikoidut S-marketit) tai soittamalla S-ryhmän asiakasomistajapalveluun puh. 010 76 5858 ma–to, 9-20, pe 9-18 (0,084 €/min).

Asiakasomistaja saa tankkausbonusta yhtä monta senttiä jokaisesta tankatusta litrasta kuin mitä hänen asiakasomistajataloutensa kalenterikuukauden bonusprosentti on. Jos esimerkiksi tankkauskuukauden aikana kaikkien bonusostojen yhteissumma oikeuttaa 3 % bonukseen, niin asiakasomistajalle maksetaan jokaisesta ko. Kuukauden aikana tankatusta litrasta 3 senttiä/litra tankkausbonusta. Tankkausbonus korvaa tankkausostojen osalta prosenttiperusteisen bonuksen.


What is a bonus?

A bonus is a financial compensation that is above and beyond the normal payment expectations of its recipient. Companies may award bonuses to both entry-level employees and to senior-level executives. While bonuses are traditionally given to exceptional workers, employers sometimes dole out bonuses company-wide to stave off jealousy among staffers.

Bonuses may be dangled as incentives to prospective employees and they can be given to current employees to reward performance and increase employee retention. Companies can distribute bonuses to its existing shareholders through a bonus issue, which is an offer of free additional shares of the company's stock.

Key takeaways

  • A bonus is a financial compensation that is above and beyond the normal payment expectations of its recipient.

  • Bonuses may be awarded by a company as an incentive or to reward good performance.

  • Typical incentive bonuses a company can give employees include signing, referral, and retention bonuses.

  • Companies have various ways they can award employee bonuses, including cash, stock, and stock options.

Understanding bonuses

In workplace settings, a bonus is a type of compensation an employer gives to an employee that complements their base pay or salary. A company may use bonuses to reward achievements, to show gratitude to employees who meet longevity milestones, or to entice not-yet employees to join a company's ranks.

The internal revenue service (IRS) considers bonuses as taxable income, which means employees will need to report any bonuses they receive when filing their taxes.  

Incentive bonuses

Incentive bonuses include signing bonuses, referral bonuses, and retention bonuses. A signing bonus is a monetary offer that companies extend to top-talent candidates to entice them to accept a position—especially if they are being aggressively pursued by rival firms. In theory, paying an initial bonus payment will result in greater company profits down the line. Signing bonuses are routinely offered by professional sports teams attempting to lure top-tier athletes away from competitive clubs.

Referral bonuses are presented to employees who recommend candidates for open positions, which ultimately leads to the hiring of said candidates. Referral bonuses incentivize employees to refer prospects with strong work ethics, sharp skills, and positive attitudes.

Companies offer retention bonuses to key employees, in an effort to encourage loyalty, especially in downward economies or periods of organizational changes. This financial incentive is an expression of gratitude that lets employees know their jobs are secure over the long haul.

Performance bonuses

Performance bonuses reward employees for exceptional work. They are customarily offered after the completion of projects or at the end of fiscal quarters or years. Performance bonuses may be doled out to individuals, teams, departments, or to the company-wide staff. A reward bonus may be either a one-time offer or a periodic payment. While reward bonuses are usually given in cash, they sometimes take the form of stock compensation, gift cards, time off, holiday turkeys, or simple verbal expressions of appreciation.

Examples of reward bonuses include annual bonuses, spot bonus awards, and milestone bonuses. Spot bonuses, which reward employees who deserve special recognition, are micro-bonus payments, typically valued at around $50. Workers who reach longevity milestones—for example, 10 years of employment with a given firm—may be recognized with additional compensation.

Some businesses build bonus structures into employee contracts, where any profits earned during a fiscal year will be shared amongst the employees. In most cases, C-suite executives are awarded larger bonuses than lower-level employees.

Bonus inflation

While bonuses are traditionally issued to high-performing, profit-generating employees, some companies opt to issue bonuses to lower-performing employees as well, even though businesses that do this tend to grow more slowly and generate less money. Some businesses resort to distributing across-the-board bonuses in an effort to quell jealousies and employee backlash. After all, it's easier for management to pay bonuses to everyone than to explain to inadequate performers why they were denied.

Furthermore, it can be difficult for an employer to accurately assess their employees' performance success. For example, employees who fail to make their activity quotas may be very hard workers. However, their performance may be hampered by any number of conditions out of their control, such as unavoidable production delays or an economic downturn.

Bonuses in lieu of pay

Companies are increasingly replacing raises with bonuses—a trend that vexes many employees. While employers can keep wage increases low by pledging to fill pay gaps with bonuses, they are under no obligation to follow through. Because employers pay bonuses on a discretionary basis, they may keep their fixed costs low by withholding bonuses during slow years or recessionary periods. This approach is much more viable than increasing salaries annually, only to cut wages during a recession.

Dividends and bonus shares

In addition to employees, shareholders may receive bonuses in the shape of dividends, which are carved from the profits realized by the company. In lieu of cash dividends, a company can issue bonus shares to investors. If the company is short on cash, the bonus shares of company stock provide a way for it to reward shareholders who expect a regular income from owning the company's stock. The shareholders may then sell the bonus shares to meet their cash needs or they can opt to hold onto the shares.

Bonus on

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.

Uppskriftin hesa vikuna

Parhaat vinkit, joilla kasvatat Bonustasi, bonus on.


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Bónus is following the guidelines set by icelandic authorities.

Low prices

One stop shop for all your grocery needs at affordable prices. Driven forward by exceptional teamwork that we call the bónus spirit.

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The piggy bank is our symbol and we display it with pride as we have saved customers plenty of hard earned money over the years.

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We offer simplicity, good selection, and value.

Message from bónus

There is a great deal of uncertainty in our community and around the world at the moment because of COVID-19. Our stores have been under a great deal of pressure to keep up with customer demand but we assure you our fantastic staff is doing their best during this trying times. We ask of our customers to show us patience, respect social distancing as well as keep in mind that only 100 people can be gathered in each store at a time.

We all carry a big responsibility and it is very important that we come as one to fight this common enemy by following the guidelines set forth by the authorities. Our stores are equipped with hand sanitizer stations (2-3 stations in each store) and our staff is well aware of the places that need cleaning regularly such as keypads and touch screens.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Regarding delivery or other questions regarding the new regulations that are now in effect in iceland surrounding COVID-19 and the quarantine restrictions for travelers.

The latest information is always to be found here: https://www.Covid.Is/english

Here you have also the directive from the icelandic government and we would like to highlight the following:

“quarantined individuals must not themselves go out for supplies, i.E. To the pharmacy, the grocery store etc. This must be considered when choosing accommodations and the location where quarantine is based. § hotels and other providers of accommodations for quarantine may provide room service or allow delivery of food from restaurants or grocery stores to the base of quarantine. Please note that delivery options are not common outside of larger towns. In the capital area several grocery stores and many restaurants offer delivery, on their own websites or through online delivery centres. If visitors in iceland have local family or friends, they may be able to assist with necessities but should leave them at the door and not enter the base of quarantine. If visitors are unexpectedly quarantined for contact with a case and do not have accommodations arranged to complete 14 days in quarantine, they can be accommodated in official quarantine facilities where necessities will be provided by the red cross or other parties. The red cross also has a helpline 1717 (+354 580 1710 for foreign numbers) where you can ask for assistance, get support or information and talk to someone in confidence. The helpline is open 24/7 and is free of charge. ”

Bónus does not offer a delivery or pick-up services. I hope your stay in iceland will be great even under these strange circumstances.

50% bonus on each deposit

1. Open an account

2. Make a deposit in your account

3. Increase your deposit by half with our bonus

4. Withdraw bonus funds

your deposit amount $400
50% bonus we provide $200
divide your bonus by half $200/2
number of lots to trade 100 lots

Trade more and get more profit with our bonus

Without bonus

Get more profit using 50% bonus 50% bonus

Manage your bonuses wisely

Know when to apply the bonus: you can activate it for your deposit at any time.

Decide upon the bonus amount you want to apply.

If you cancel the bonus, mind that it will be deducted from your free margin at full.

When your bonus progress hits 100% you can use this money for other accounts and go on investing.

What you can do with a deposit bonus

Every day

  1. Apply for a 50% bonus.

  2. Set a maximum leverage.

  3. Open positions of up to 750 times greater than your initial investment.

  • On special occasions

    1. Make a deposit and track our offers.

    2. Seize the best trading conditions during our events.

    3. Multiply your profit potential 2,000 times.

  • Promotion rules

    • Deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • The bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc. Unless stated otherwise.

    • Deposit bonus shall not be credited in case account free margin is less than your bonus amount.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The client can claim a deposit bonus on each deposit he makes. The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • "total bonus" denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account. Total bonus is affected when a part of the total bonus is withdrawn or cancelled or when additional bonuses are credited to the client’s account.

    • "active bonus" denotes the amount of bonus which can be used to open positions by adding it to the account’s equity. The amount of active bonus cannot exceed 100% of the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance, therefore this value will fluctuate according to live conditions.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can’t be used instead of, separately or before the account’s balance. If the account’s balance is zero, so will be the amount of active bonus.

    • It is required to trade (bonus amount)/2 (bonus amount divided by two) standard lots to be able to withdraw a bonus.

    • The deposit bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc., unless stated otherwise.

    • The deposit bonus shall be added to the total bonus in your account and remain there until the volume requirements are met or the bonus is canceled. After the required volume is traded the bonus will be withdrawn from the total bonus in your account and an equal amount of money will be added to your account’s balance.

    • The bonus for each deposit is considered a separate bonus and will have its own volume requirements.

    • Volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can't withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is credited to the client’s account. The required volume for each deposit is calculated separately.

    • The bonus can be withdrawn ONLY if by the moment of lots calculation, the bonus is still present in the account. If a client had traded the required volume, but the bonus has already been canceled, it would not be added or compensated.

    • If the trader's own funds are withdrawn after the bonus has been credited, the bonus will be canceled.

    • A client can cancel deposit bonus at any time. Once deposit bonus is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated.

    • Octafx may reject client's bonus application(s) at any time without prior notification or providing reasons for such decision.

    • Octafx may cancel a client's bonus at any time without prior notification.

    • Any situation not described in these rules shall be subject to the company's decision.

    • Octafx reserves the right to change, update or cancel this promotion with notification in the company news.

    Bonuses explained in examples:
    ex.1: you make a 1000 USD deposit and get a 500 USD bonus. Your account balance will be 1000 USD, equity 1000+500=1500 USD, total bonus 500 USD. To be able to withdraw this bonus you will need to trade 500/2=250 standard lots, without time limit. Later you make another 800 USD deposit to your account and get a 400 USD bonus. Your balance will be 1800 (1000 + 800) USD, equity will be 2700 (1000+500+800+400) USD, total bonus will be 900 (500+400) USD. To be able to withdraw the second bonus you will need to trade another 400/2 standard lots.

    In this example after you trade first 250 standard lots and complete the volume requirements for the first deposit bonus in your account, the bonus amount (500 USD) will be withdrawn from the total bonus, leaving its value at 400 (900 -500) USD. At the same time the equal amount of money (500 USD) will be added to your account’s balance.

    Ex.2: you make 200 USD deposit and get 100 USD bonus. The balance in your account will be 200 USD, equity 300 USD, total bonus 100 USD, active bonus 100 USD. Then you close 1 unfortunate trade with a loss of 110 USD. Account balance will be 90 USD, total bonus will still be 100 USD, but active bonus will be also 90 USD now, therefore equity will be 180 USD.

    Retention bonus

    What is a retention bonus?

    A retention bonus is a targeted payment or reward outside of an employee's regular salary that is offered as an incentive to keep a key employee on the job during a particularly crucial business cycle, such as a merger or acquisition, or during a crucial production period. This payment, meant to keep an employee from leaving their position, is typically a one-time payment.

    In recent years, retention bonuses have become increasingly popular as corporate poaching has increased.

    Understanding retention bonuses

    When an organization is going through a disruptive period of organizational change, it offers financial incentives to senior executives and key employees to persuade them to stay with the company until it becomes stable. The financial incentive is referred to as a retention bonus.

    During a merger, restructure, or reorganization, a company will attempt to retain its best employees to make certain that it has enough people working in the company during the challenging times. For example, a business that is shutting down a department or project will offer retention bonuses to its best performers to ensure that it has the much-needed employees to see the project through to the end.

    Booming economies and liquid labor markets

    In a booming economy in which employees are being offered and sold attractive job benefits from other companies, the probability of a business losing its valuable employees to competitors is high. With the corporate landscape changing almost daily and a liquid labor market allowing workers to move from job to job more easily, retention bonuses have provided a great way for companies to keep key employees.

    In addition, employees who have obtained new skills or completed training that is vital to the operations of a business may be offered retention bonuses to ensure that they do not take their skills elsewhere.

    A retention bonus is typically a one-time payment made to an employee. Companies usually prefer to offer a retention bonus instead of a salary increase because they may not have the necessary finances in place to commit to a permanent salary raise.

    Depending on the company, the value of an employee’s retention bonus may be tied to the employee’s length of service with the firm. The bonus is paid at the end of a period as either a percentage of the employee’s current salary or a lump sum of money. For example, if a project will take 12 months to be completely shut down, the employee retention bonus will be paid after 15 months to ensure that the employee stays for the remaining life of the project.

    Key takeaways

    • A retention bonus is a targeted one-time payment or reward outside of an employee's regular salary that is offered as an incentive to keep a key employee on the job.

    • When an organization is going through a disruptive period of organizational change, it offers financial incentives to senior executives and key employees to persuade them to stay with the company until it becomes stable.

    • Key employees may also be offered a retention bonus if their employer suspects they may be looking to leave to a competitor in order to keep them.

    Special considerations: tax treatment of retention bonuses

    The IRS treats all bonuses, including retention bonuses, as supplemental wages. Supplemental wage is defined simply as compensation paid in addition to the employee’s regular wages. Taxes are usually applied to a retention bonus using either the aggregate method or the percentage method.  

    Under the percentage method, bonuses are separated from the employee's salary and taxed a flat rate of 22% directly. If the bonus amount is over $1 million, then it will be taxed 37% (or the highest income tax rate for that year). If an employee received $1.2 million as a retention bonus in 2020, $200,000 would be taxed at 37%, and $1 million would be taxed the regular 22% rate.  

    The aggregate method is used when the employer withholds tax by combining the retention bonus with the employee’s regular salary into a single payment. The tax rate used is found in the withholding table, which is based on information submitted in the employee’s IRS W-4 form.  


    Noun, plural bo·nus·es.

    SYNONYMS FOR bonus


    WATCH NOW: did you know these phrases are actually repetitive?

    Stop wasting your breath . These phrases are repetitive! These words actually mean the same thing!



    Origin of bonus

    Words nearby bonus

    Example sentences from the web for bonus

    The fewer tests we do, the fewer people have that bonus push to really stay in lockdown.

    Okay, fair disclaimer, this last step is more of a bonus step.

    At facebook, employees were paid bonus es of up to $15,000, just to live near its headquarters in menlo park, california.

    There is the added bonus that it will also provide any necessary feedback.

    How students perform on these tests can determine school funding, teacher bonus es, whether a principal is fired, and even whether a school will be shut down.

    And as a bonus , they send home more than $20 billion in remittances each year.

    A recent U.S. Study found men get a “daddy bonus ” —employers seem to like men who have children and their salaries show it.

    When they steal things, they want to get all the bonus points.

    Prosecutors say the two then promised that employee a $10,000 bonus , which was promptly paid.

    And bonus points for the school bus that burst into flames with the comic timing of a simpsons gag.

    Moreover, when we come to pay off, the crew will receive a bonus , in consideration of the long and perilous voyage.

    Hale bought all of old judd's land, formed a stock company and in the trade gave june a bonus of the stock.

    Hollister's crew, working on a bonus for work performed, kept the bolts of cedar gliding down the chute.

    Nor was jimmy at all displeased when he found at the end of the week that he had been given a nice bonus for his work.

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    Which bonus structure is best for your company?

    According to research by payscale, the majority of organizations (73%) now provide some form of variable pay to their workforce in a bid to compensate valuable employees and motivate performance.

    If you’re not already offering variable pay in the form of bonuses or you’re unsure which bonus structure is best suited to your situation, we’ve got some recommendations for you based on a survey of american employees.

    We surveyed more than 200 full-time employees, asking multiple questions about how they’d prefer their bonus to be structured, and here’s what we found.

    5 recommendations for structuring bonuses

    1. Tie bonuses to individual performance. Almost two-thirds of workers prefer a bonus tied to their individual performance over department/company bonuses or those not tied to performance at all. [read more]

    2. Get rid of hit-or-miss bonus targets. 75% of workers prefer to earn a percentage of their performance-based bonus for achieving a percentage of their goal (a tiered bonus) over earning only their full bonus if they hit their full goal. [read more]

    3. Ask employees what bonus payout timeline they prefer. The results were almost evenly split between 12 monthly bonuses (53%) and one annual bonus (47%), assuming they total the same amount. [read more]

    4. Consider spot bonuses for special effort. 64% of workers prefer spot bonuses over other one-time bonuses like signing bonuses, employee referral bonuses, or retention bonuses. [read more]

    5. Utilize software to manage your bonus structure. Creating an effective bonus structure requires effort from multiple departments throughout the year, software can help you keep tabs of the process. [read more]

    Tie bonuses to individual performance

    When structuring recurring, performance-based bonuses, businesses generally have three options to consider:

    • Bonuses based on individual performance.

    • Bonuses based on department or company performance.

    • Bonuses not based on performance at all (e.G., a flat bonus for everyone).

    When we asked workers which option they prefer, the favorite is clear: 65% prefer a bonus tied to their individual performance over a bonus based on group performance, or not tied to performance at all.

    employees preferred performance bonus

    From an employee perspective, there are pros and cons to each option. A bonus not based on performance is guaranteed, but because there’s no performance incentive involved, the payout is often relatively small. It’s a no-risk, low-reward option.

    On the other hand, bonuses based on individual performance can be incredibly lucrative—assuming workers can meet often-rigorous performance goals. It’s high-risk, high-reward.

    Paying out a substantial year-end bonus to every employee in your business can certainly make headlines, but if employees expect to get the same bonus regardless of their performance, there’s little incentive to be more productive. In fact, it could even serve as a negative incentive, encouraging workers to do only the bare minimum.

    To promote motivation and retention among your best workers, awarding bonuses based on individual performance is best. This method involves the most work—but software can help:

    • Performance management software can help organizations set goals and track employee performance against those goals in a digital environment.

    • Compensation management software can align performance goals and compensation budgets to determine optimal payouts.

    • Payroll software can ensure that correct amounts for bonuses end up in bank accounts, appropriate taxes are withheld and line items align accurately with the general ledger.

    Get rid of hit-or-miss bonuses

    Once you’re monitoring individual performance and doling out bonuses accordingly, you might be tempted to keep things “black or white” to make administration easier: if workers hit their target, they get their bonus. If they miss it, tough luck.

    Beware though, this approach can backfire. Hit-or-miss bonuses have two negative effects:

    • High performers with nothing else to work towards will call it a day after hitting their mark.

    • Lower performers won’t even attempt to reach their goal if there’s a risk their efforts could all be for nothing (e.G., if a salesperson has an annual goal of 300 sales, why work harder and risk getting no reward for 299 sales?).

    Employees don’t like it either: 75% of workers in our survey prefer tiered performance bonuses over “hit-or-miss” bonuses.

    However, compared to the results of the same survey we ran in 2017, the preference for tiered bonuses has fallen by almost 10%.

    Employees preferred bonus structure, 2017

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    Employees preferred bonus structure, 2019

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    Here’s the solution: set multiple performance goals for each employee, and reward them a percentage of their bonus for achieving a percentage of their goal. This way, you can promote continuous effort among your employees without seeming unfair. It’s a small consideration but one that’s often overlooked.

    Ask employees what bonus payout timeline they prefer

    Businesses don’t want to waste time considering how to schedule payouts for recurring bonuses. Generally, there are two options: pay your employees 12 smaller monthly bonuses or one large annual bonus.

    Unlike the rest of our findings, the answer here is uncertain: assuming they total the same amount, 53% of workers prefer 12 monthly bonuses and 47% prefer one annual bonus.

    employees preferred recurring bonus payout timeline

    When deciding what timeline to follow at your organization, the best action to take is to ask your employees what payout timeline they prefer through a random survey.

    If results at your workplace are similarly split, you may have to consider other factors, such as type of industry or workplace. For example, it’s likely that all sales teams will need monthly bonuses rather than yearly ones because of the nature of the job.

    Employees prefer spot bonuses for special effort

    Besides recurring bonuses, one-time bonuses given out for specific actions can also motivate employees. These may include:

    • Employee referral bonuses

    • Retention bonuses during mergers and acquisitions or tumultuous periods

    • Signing bonuses when accepting a job offer

    • Spot bonuses to acknowledge special effort

    We asked employees which of these one-time bonuses they’d prefer, if they could only be eligible for one. The result: 64% say they’d prefer a spot bonus for special effort.

    employees preferred one time bonus

    Spot bonuses are often up to managers’ discretion and limited to small amounts ranging from $25 to $500, but they’re a great way to reward and acknowledge special effort by employees.

    With a modern payroll system, managing spot-bonus budgets and allocation is simple. Many systems allow for ad hoc payroll amounts to be added to payroll runs: for example, if employee A gets a $37 spot bonus, you can add that amount to their paycheck manually.

    Utilize software to manage your bonus structure

    If there’s one trend that ties our findings together, it’s this: workers want their bonuses to be as closely tied to their performance and their impact on the business as possible.

    Here are some key things to remember when designing your bonus structure:

    • Creating an effective performance review process is priority number one.

    • Meet employee preferences in the middle. Have employees fill out a random survey to get exact details on what types of bonuses would motivate them. Then determine how you measure success and what resources you have available. This will lead to a solution that satisfies management, HR, and employees alike.

    • Integrate technology to maximize communication and automation. Awarding performance-based bonuses takes effort from multiple departments. By integrating payroll, performance review, and even accounting systems, you can create a seamless bonus process with fewer errors and duplicated entries.

    In the market for one or more of these systems? Fill out this form to reach out to one of our software advisors for a free, 15-minute phone consultation to determine the best system for your needs.

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