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The website is operated by FBS markets inc., registration no. 119717, FBS markets inc is regulated by IFSC, license IFSC/000102/124, address: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize the service is not provided in the following countries: japan, USA, canada, UK, myanmar, brazil, malaysia, israel and the islamic republic of iran

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The website is operated by FBS markets inc.; registration no. 119717; FBS markets inc is regulated by IFSC, license IFSC/000102/124; address: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

The service is not provided in the following countries: japan, USA, canada, UK, myanmar, brazil, malaysia, israel and the islamic republic of iran

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For cooperation, please contact us via support@fbs.Com or +35 7251 23212.

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Bonus ristrutturazioni 2020/2021: elenco dei lavori gratis con la detrazione 100% (o anche 110-120%)

Detrazione lavori ristrutturazione ecobonus al 100%: quali interventi si potranno fare gratis e quali sono i requisiti per un risultato impeccabile a costo zero

Detrazione lavori ristrutturazione ecobonus al 100%: quali interventi si potranno fare gratis e quali sono i requisiti per un risultato impeccabile a costo zero

L’interesse suscitato dalla notizia del bonus ristrutturazioni al 100%, prima ancora della sua conferma ufficiale nel decreto maggio, lascia intendere che portare la detrazione a questa percentuale (o, come si è ipotizzato, anche al 110 o 120%) potrebbe essere un modo efficace per spingere i proprietari di casa a fare lavori e interventi finora rimandati per mancanza di liquidità (soprattutto combinando l’ecobonus 100% allo sconto in fattura e alla cessione del credito). Ma quali lavori rientrerebbero nella detrazione 100%? A quali andrebbe data priorità?

Quali lavori in casa fare approfittando della detrazione 100%

Ilaria bertini, capo dipartimento efficienza energetica dell’enea ha consigliato i proprietari di casa di “guardare all’edificio nella sua interezza, affidando a un tecnico di fiducia una diagnosi energetica”. Su edifici più datati, diciamo costruiti prima degli anni 70, un intervento di tale portata potrebbe essere particolarmente vantaggioso perché la riqualificazione energetica totale (ad esempio cappotto termico) potrebbe portare ad un risparmio sulle spese del gas anche del 50-60%. Ma scenderebbe parallelamente anche l’importo della bolletta elettrica perché ci sarebbe meno bisogno in estate di accendere i condizionatori.

Segue una raccomandazione sugli impianti: “vanno preferiti sempre i sistemi più avanzati, a maggior ragione con il salire della percentuale di detrazione. Quindi, caldaie sempre a condensazione ma che siano dei tipi più avanzati. Lo stesso vale per le pompe di calore e le finestre, che dovranno avere una trasmittenza molto elevata”.

Ovviamente, soprattutto nelle aree a rischio sismico, non andrebbero sottovalutati gli interventi per la messa in sicurezza.

Le prospettive di boom per l’ecobonus, introdotto per la prima volta quindici anni fa, sono più che ottimistiche. L’ottimismo traspare anche dalle parole di gianni silvestrini, presidente del kyoto club: “questi strumenti funzionano.

Alcuni esempi di interventi che rientrerebbero nell’ecobonus 100%

Fare un elenco completo è impossibile ma già qualche esempio concreto ci aiuta a dare l’idea delle potenzialità di questa misura: interventi di isolamento termico delle superfici, impianti di riscaldamento, opere antisismiche. Nei primi due rientrerebbe anche la sostituzione degli infissi. Si potrebbe scaricare totalmente anche il rifacimento della facciata o la spesa per l’installazione di pannelli solari (questo potrebbe dare impulso anche ai progetti per le cd comunità energetiche per la produzione e il consumo di energia elettrica a uso condominiale).

Davide guida, coordinatore del progetto ecobonus gabetti lab ha sottolineato quanto diventi cruciale per la riuscita dei lavori prestare attenzione alla qualità dei materiali e la professionalità nell’esecuzione: “la cattiva installazione di un materiale buono compromette il risultato”.

Data inizio lavori di ristrutturazione per avere il bonus 100%

La nuova detrazione al 100% dovrebbe essere operativa dai lavori iniziati il primo luglio 2020 e durerà fino al 31 dicembre 2021; in altre parole c’è un anno e mezzo di tempo per decidere quali lavori fare e iniziarli. La detrazione al 100% (o anche di più in base a quello che sarà stabilito ufficialmente) si recupera in 5 anni. In alternativa si può optare per lo sconto in fattura e per la cessione del credito in modo da non dover anticipare nessun costo (trasferirà di fatto la maxi detrazione all’azienda che, a sua volta, potrà cederla a terzi, banche incluse).

La seconda raccomandazione della bertini riguarda, invece, gli impianti: “vanno preferiti sempre i sistemi più avanzati, a maggior ragione con il salire della percentuale di detrazione. Quindi, caldaie sempre a condensazione ma che siano dei tipi più avanzati. Lo stesso vale per le pompe di calore e le finestre, che dovranno avere una trasmittenza molto elevata”.

Ecobonus su ristrutturazioni 100% e sconto in fattura: quali lavori in casa nel 2020 e 2021 si possono fare gratis e senza anticipi?

Bonus ristrutturazioni: l'ecobonus potrebbe arrivare al 100% o addirittura al 110 o 120%. Inoltre, con lo sconto immediato in fattura o con la cessione del credito, il proprietario di casa può fare i lavori ammessi al bonus gratis e senza anticipi


Prosegue il confronto per l’approvazione del decreto maggio e le attenzioni di imprese edili e proprietari di casa sono concentrate anche sulle misure che saranno adottate sul bonus ristrutturazioni. Secondo le ultime dichiarazioni l’ecobonus per i lavori in casa salirà al 100%. Significa che il proprietario di casa che effettua lavori di riqualificazione energetica nell’abitazione, potrebbe recuperare l’intera cifra nell’arco di cinque anni. Anzi la percentuale potrebbe anche essere superiore quindi, di fatto, al termine dei cinque anni, chi fa lavori di riqualificazione energetica in casa ci guadagnerà il 10 o il 20% della spesa. L’ecobonus ed il sismabonus al 110% dovrebbero essere operativi già dal mese di luglio, e saranno verosimilmente estesi sia i lavori per il risparmio energetico e l’adeguamento antisismico in edifici privati che in condominio.

Ma c’è di più perché con i meccanismi dello sconto in fattura e della cessione del credito in pratica potrà permettersi di fare i lavori in casa finora rimandati anche chi non ha liquidità da anticipare (salvo poi recuperarla tramite detrazione fiscale con dichiarazione dei redditi).

Dalla detrazione 100% ai lavori con zero anticipi: sconto in fattura e cessione del credito

Stando alle anticipazioni infatti, sull’ecobonus al 100%, sarebbe garantita anche la possibilità di chiedere alle imprese edili lo sconto in fattura (cosa che, nell’ultima manovra, era limitata ai grandi lavori di riqualificazione energetica in condominio). In pratica l’azienda anticiperebbe il costo del lavoro. Ma neppure quest’ultima sarebbe penalizzata perché potrebbe a sua volta optare per la cessione del credito, non solo ai fornitori ma, novità prima non ammessa, anche alle banche.

Dunque chi fa i lavori potrebbe avere a disposizione tre vie:

  • Anticipare la spesa per i lavori e recuperarla in detrazione in rate per 5 anni;

  • Anticipare il costo degli interventi, con successiva cessione del credito d’imposta alla banca o ad altri intermediari finanziari, così da riuscire ad ottenere subito il rimborso della spesa sostenuta;

  • Cedere il credito d’imposta all’impresa che realizza i lavori che, a sua volta, potrà utilizzare la somma in compensazione sul pagamento delle imposte o cederlo a terzi senza limiti, incluso alle banche.

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Manage your bonuses wisely

Know when to apply the bonus: you can activate it for your deposit at any time.

Decide upon the bonus amount you want to apply.

If you cancel the bonus, mind that it will be deducted from your free margin at full.

When your bonus progress hits 100% you can use this money for other accounts and go on investing.

What you can do with a deposit bonus

Every day

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  • Promotion rules

    • Deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • The bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc. Unless stated otherwise.

    • Deposit bonus shall not be credited in case account free margin is less than your bonus amount.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The client can claim a deposit bonus on each deposit he makes. The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • "total bonus" denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account. Total bonus is affected when a part of the total bonus is withdrawn or cancelled or when additional bonuses are credited to the client’s account.

    • "active bonus" denotes the amount of bonus which can be used to open positions by adding it to the account’s equity. The amount of active bonus cannot exceed 100% of the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance, therefore this value will fluctuate according to live conditions.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can’t be used instead of, separately or before the account’s balance. If the account’s balance is zero, so will be the amount of active bonus.

    • It is required to trade (bonus amount)/2 (bonus amount divided by two) standard lots to be able to withdraw a bonus.

    • The deposit bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc., unless stated otherwise.

    • The deposit bonus shall be added to the total bonus in your account and remain there until the volume requirements are met or the bonus is canceled. After the required volume is traded the bonus will be withdrawn from the total bonus in your account and an equal amount of money will be added to your account’s balance.

    • The bonus for each deposit is considered a separate bonus and will have its own volume requirements.

    • Volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can't withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is credited to the client’s account. The required volume for each deposit is calculated separately.

    • The bonus can be withdrawn ONLY if by the moment of lots calculation, the bonus is still present in the account. If a client had traded the required volume, but the bonus has already been canceled, it would not be added or compensated.

    • If the trader's own funds are withdrawn after the bonus has been credited, the bonus will be canceled.

    • A client can cancel deposit bonus at any time. Once deposit bonus is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated.

    • Octafx may reject client's bonus application(s) at any time without prior notification or providing reasons for such decision.

    • Octafx may cancel a client's bonus at any time without prior notification.

    • Any situation not described in these rules shall be subject to the company's decision.

    • Octafx reserves the right to change, update or cancel this promotion with notification in the company news.

    Bonuses explained in examples:
    ex.1: you make a 1000 USD deposit and get a 500 USD bonus. Your account balance will be 1000 USD, equity 1000+500=1500 USD, total bonus 500 USD. To be able to withdraw this bonus you will need to trade 500/2=250 standard lots, without time limit. Later you make another 800 USD deposit to your account and get a 400 USD bonus. Your balance will be 1800 (1000 + 800) USD, equity will be 2700 (1000+500+800+400) USD, total bonus will be 900 (500+400) USD. To be able to withdraw the second bonus you will need to trade another 400/2 standard lots.

    In this example after you trade first 250 standard lots and complete the volume requirements for the first deposit bonus in your account, the bonus amount (500 USD) will be withdrawn from the total bonus, leaving its value at 400 (900 -500) USD. At the same time the equal amount of money (500 USD) will be added to your account’s balance.

    Ex.2: you make 200 USD deposit and get 100 USD bonus. The balance in your account will be 200 USD, equity 300 USD, total bonus 100 USD, active bonus 100 USD. Then you close 1 unfortunate trade with a loss of 110 USD. Account balance will be 90 USD, total bonus will still be 100 USD, but active bonus will be also 90 USD now, therefore equity will be 180 USD.

    Category: 100% casino bonus

    100% casino bonuses

    In this section we have pulled together a list of all casinos that provide a 100% casino bonus (sometimes called 100% deposit bonus) as part of their welcome package.

    In other words, you can when you make your first deposit, the casino will double your playing funds. For example, deposit £/$/€20 and play with£/$/€40.

    This is a great way to get started at a casino as a new player. So check out the list below and pick the ones you’d like to play at.

    Top 5 100% deposit bonuses

    100% casino bonus

    There are hundreds of different deposit match bonuses out there, but the 100% deposit match is usually most commonly awarded.

    It’s a pretty standard and offer and very generous we’re sure you’ll agree. However, you should always check the terms and conditions to make sure you are comfortable with the wagering requirements. We also have no wagering casino bonuses and low wagering casino bonuses if you’d rather them.

    Some casinos actually offer 200% first deposit bonuses, where you can triple your first deposit. These aren’t so common so there’s less choice but check them out if you like the sound of them.

    Usually you’ll find 100% casino bonuses forming only part of the full welcome package. Quite often you will them aligned with a free spins bonus on a particular slot or range of slots.

    If you are looking for a 100% casino deposit match bonus but can’t see one you particularly like, why no check out all of our best casino bonuses.

    Betnspin casino: claim €200 bonus & 70 free spins no wager (non UK)

    100% Deposit bonus, bonus 100%.

    Get up to €200 bonus & 70 free cash spins at betnspin casino!

    This is a great combined deposit match and free spins bonus for all new players at betnspin casino. There’s 2 tiers to this welcome package and allows you to claim up to €200 with a 100% bonus and 70 no wager free spins.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Freaky aces casino: 100% bonus & 50 no wager free spins (non UK)

    freaky aces free spins no wager

    Claim A 100% bonus & 50 free spins with no wagering at freaky aces casino

    Claim a freakishly good welcome bonus when you sign up and play at freaky aces casino for the first time. You will be in line to double your first deposit with the 100% bonus, plus you will also be able to get a very generous 50 free spins with no wagering requirements on your winnings.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Lucky luke deposit bonus: chose your first deposit welcome bonus (non UK)

    lucky luke deposit bonus

    Choose A 100% or A 150% first deposit bonus lucky luke casino!

    Lucky luke casino gives all new players the choice of 3 welcome bonuses to claim on their first deposit. Here we look at the 2 lucky luke deposit bonuses that are on offer. You can pick up a nice 100% up to €150 (low wagering) or a 150% bonus up to €300.

    Make sure you click ‘bonuses’ in the lucky luke casino main menu to see the bonus.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Bee spins exclusive bonus: 100% deposit match & 50 free spins (non UK)

    bee spins deposit match

    Bee spins exclusive: get 100% bonus & 50 free spins

    This is an exclusive bonus from a brand new casino bee spins. All new players can claim a 100% bonus and 50 free spins on a number of slots when they sign up and make their first deposit at this impressive new online casino.

    To read more about this brand new casino see our bee spins review.

    **bee spins does not accept players from UK, DE or NL.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Energy casino bonus: claim up to €400 deposit match bonuses

    energy casino deposit match bonus

    Energy casino welcome package: 2 bonuses to claim up to €400!

    Join energy casino today and a fantastic bonus. The full welcome package includes 2 deposit bonuses to get you started. Take full advantage and you will be playing with an extra €400 in bonus funds!

    This bonus carries low wagering requirements (25x) increasing your chances of a big cash out compared with higher wager casino bonuses.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Videoslots casino bonus: 11 no wager spins + 100% bonus up to £200

    100% Deposit bonus, bonus 100%.

    Videoslots casino bonus: get 100% bonus up to £200 & 11 no wager spins!

    With over 2600 games, videoslots is the ultimate destination for slots and casino players. To get you started, the videoslots casino bonus gives all new players 11 no wager free spins + 100% match bonus to £200 when you make your first deposit!

    Note: 11 free spins have np wagering and the 100% match bonus has a low wagering requirement of 20x.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Grandwild casino bonus: €/$400 & 100 no wager free spins (non UK)

    grandwild casino free spins no wager

    €/$400 bonus & 100 free spins no wager at grandwild casino

    The grandwild free spins no wager casino bonus for new players is one that you should you should consider. They are offering up to €/$400 match bonus and 100 free spins with no wagering requirements on the slot game golden profits.

    Unfortunately UK players can not claim this bonus.

    New players only. T&cs apply. Strictly 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Casino planet bonus: brand new 200 free spins & 100% welcome bonus (non UK)

    casino planet bonus

    Get 200 free spins & 100% match with the casino planet bonus

    Prepare yourself for an out of this world experience when you join the brand new casino planet. You can claim a huge 200 free spins and €/$300 bonus on your first deposit. Plus there’s another €/$1,200 waiting for you on your following 3 deposits.

    18+. Min deposit $/€10. Wagering 40x. Bonus valid for 14 days. Max bet + game contribution rules apply. Always refer to bonus terms. Begambleaware.Org

    Captain spins: claim 100% bonus up to €1,200 & 260 spins on book of dead! (non UK)

    captain spins welcome bonus

    New casino: claim 260 spins & €1,200 bonus

    Captain spins is a brand new casino that launched in early 2020. It’s a great site and they are offering all new players a chunky welcome package. You can claim 260 bonus spins on book of dead and up to €1,200 in bonus funds.

    Dutch players are unable to play at captain spins.

    Jonny jackpot: claim 100 bonus spins & up to €/$1,000 welcome package (non UK)

    jonny jackpot 100 free spins

    Get 100 spins on starburst & up to €/$1,000 bonus

    Play at slick casino jonny jackpot and you can claim a superb welcome package. Make your first deposit and you will get 100 bonus spins to play on starburst, plus a 100% casino bonus up to €/$1,000!

    Unfortunately, players from the netherlands and UK are unable to claim this bonus.

    18+ new players only. One offer per player. Max bonus bet £/€/$5. Min deposit £/€/$10. 100% match bonus up to £/€/$1000 + 100 starburst spins. Bonus funds must be used within 7 days. Spins winnings created as bonus. Bonus funds separate to cash funds and are subject to 35x wagering and withdrawal requirements. Bonus T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Lvbet casino bonus: €1,000 bonus & 1,000 free spins (non UK)

    lvbet welcome package

    Get €1,000 & 1,000 free spins with the lvbet casino bonus

    The lvbet casino bonus is a whopper! In total you can claim up to 1,000 free spins on a number of top netent slots and €1,000 in bonuses! The full package is spread across you first 4 deposits ensuring your gameplay lastes even longer.

    UK players can play at lvbet casino but can not claim this bonus.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly. Begambleaware.Org

    Casumo casino: get 20 no deposit spins + 100% deposit bonus up to €300 (non UK)

    casumo 20 free spins no deposit

    Claim 20 free spins no deposit plus a 100% casino bonus at casumo casino!

    Sign up at casumo casino and you will be given 20 no deposit free spins to play on book of dead. Plus you can also claim a 100% bonus on your first deposit up to the value of €300.

    This bonus is not available to UK players. Check out our full casumo casino review to see all welcome bonuses.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Casino joy: claim 200 free spins on starburst + 100% bonus on 1st deposit

    casino joy bonus

    Make your first deposit at casino joy and you will receive 200 free spins + A 100% casino bonus!

    All new players can claim the casino joy free spins bonus. Make your first deposit and you will get 200 free spins to play on starburst + a 100% casino bonus! Plus with the full welcome package you can claim up to €/$1,000.

    Check out the casino joy review for all information about this casino.

    18+. New players only. £10 min deposit. £30 max bet using bonus. 40x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. Skrill + neteller excluded. Begambleaware.Org

    Twin casino: claim €/$200 deposit bonus & 200 free spins (non UK)

    twin casino bonus

    Claim 200 free spins & €/$200 welcome bonus package at twin casino

    Living up to their name, twin casino is giving all new players 2 identical welcome bonuses on their first 2 deposits. Get a 100% bonus up to €/$100 plus 100 free spins, TWICE!

    Unfortunately UK players are not accepted. See twin casino review for all the details about this casino.

    Gate777 welcome package: 100% bonus plus 25 free spins (UK only)

    gate777 uk 100 welcome bonus

    Get 100% casino bonus & 25 extra spins at gate777 casino!

    Wait in the gate777 departure lounge and get ready to take off on your next casino journey. With the gate777 UK welcome package you can claim a 100% bonus up to £100 & 25 extra spins on your first deposit.

    Not from the UK? See the full gate777 casino review for all bonuses at this casino.

    New players only. General terms & promotional T&cs apply. 18+. First deposit only. Min deposit £20 max bet £5 while welcome bonus is in play. 35x wagering requirement. Upon 1st deposit – 100% bonus up to £100 + 25 extra spins on any netent game. Offer may not be combined with other offers. Deposits made by skrill or neteller are not eligible. Game weighting, time limitations apply.

    Casoola casino: claim €/$1,500 bonus + 200 free spins welcome package (non UK)

    casoola 200 free spins

    Brand new casino: claim 200 free spins on first deposit!

    Casoola is a brand new casino that is getting tongues wagging. They have just launched and are offering all new players a welcome package of 200 free spins + €/$1,500 bonus.

    18+. Min deposit 10. Wagering 40x. Bonus valid for 14 days. Max bet + game contribution rules apply. Always refer to bonus terms

    Check out the casoola review for all information about this casino. Begambleaware.Org

    Trada welcome package: 100% bonus & 100 free spins

    trada casino welcome package

    Claim 100% bonus & 100 free spins on book of dead

    At trada casino you can get off to the perfect start with their fantastic welcome package. On your first deposit you will get a 100% bonus to double your playing funds, then get 25 free spins for book of dead on each of your next 4 deposits.

    There are also 10 no deposit spins to claim on sign up! See the trada review & bonuses page for full details about all the bonuses and features.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly. Begambleaware.Org

    777 casino: claim 77 free spins with no deposit required

    777 casino no deposit bonus

    777 casinofree spins no deposit: claim 77 free spins on sign up!

    At 777 casino you can play with 77 free spins without having to make a deposit. These free spins can be played on a selection of 4 of their most popular slots. Plus, there’s a 100% bonus up to £200 waiting for you when you make your first deposit.

    If you like the sound of that, hit the button below, or you can read more about all the features this casino has to offer in the in 777 casino review.

    No deposit offer: new players only • £0.25 per spin • free spins (FS) must be claimed within 48 hrs of receiving the email and expires after 14 days • FS wins are capped at £20 bonus, exc. JP win • withdrawal restrictions & full T&cs apply

    Nyspins UK bonus: get 100% deposit match + 50 no wager spins (UK only)

    nyspins casino no wager bonus

    Get 50 cash free spins & 100% bonus up to £50

    When you join nyspins as a new player you will be eligible to claim a great bonus with no wagering requirements. Make your first deposit and your playing funds will be doubled up to the value of £50. Plus you will get 50 no wager free spins.

    UK players only

    See the nyspins bonus review for all other non UK bonuses.

    18+ new players only. Max £50 bonus. Min deposit: £20. Max bet with active bonus: £2. Wagering requirement 100% match bonus: 30x (deposit + bonus). Winnings from free spins are paid as cash. Games may contribute differently when wagering a bonus. Www.Begambleaware.Org full bonus terms and conditions.

    Mr green casino: claim 40 bonus spins with no deposit required

    mr green 40 no deposit spins

    Claim 40 no deposit spins on A choice of 6 netent slots

    Mr green casino is giving a generous no deposit bonus for all players, including those of you in the UK. You can get 40 free spins no deposit to play on a choice of 6 of the most popular slots.

    Check out other bonuses and more details about this casino in our mr green casino review


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    100% deposit bonus

    100% deposit trading bonus – FBS

    FBS 100% deposit trading bonus is applied for all the new clients of the company. Trade forex with X2 more efficient when beginning your live […]

    Deposit bonus 100% + free VPS – world forex

    World forex world forex offers trading FX currencies, spot metals, cfds in the international market. Get the extra advantage with a deposit bonus of +50% on […]


    Fxprimus is presenting 100% BONUS ON ALL DEPOSITS to trade forex currencies, commodities, energies, and indices for both new and existing traders. Bonus can help […]


    LQDFX brings 100% TRADING BONUS for every verified client of their broker. Register your trading profile from the promo page of the official website & […]

    100% forex bonus deposits – FOG

    Start with forex 50% bonus or 100% bonus by forex optimum for each deposit into your trading account. Trade with some additional equity and margin […]

    100% maximiser bonus – fxgiants

    Exclusive reward from fxgiant – get 100% maximiser deposit bonus to maximize your trading potential with NO limits. Be rewarded with this unique offer and […]

    100% forex loyal deposit bonus – paxforex

    Paxforex 100% forex loyal deposit bonus – make a forex deposit with a minimum of $1200 or more and get your deposit in bonus money. […]

    100% double benefit deposit bonus – justforex

    Justforex presents double benefit deposit bonus – take the advantage of twice more opportunity. Receive a 100% bonus on all deposit made within the promotional […]

    Credit deposit bonus – JCMFX

    100% credit deposit bonus from JCMFX. Deposit to your trading account to maximize your welcome bonus. The bonus is eligible for the first deposit into […]

    100% bonus on initial deposit – finprotrading

    All new clients are entitled to get a 100% bonus on initial deposit. Deposit-bonus is designed to increase the trading volume of each new client’s […]

    120% an astronomical bonus – alpari

    Get 120% special deposit bonus from alpari – a market leader brokers. The bonus is available for all new clients who register through the link […]

    Forex deposit bonus offer 100% – avatrade

    Get forex deposit bonus offer 100% to your initial deposit as a new client during the promotion period. This forex bonus is not applicable to […]

    150% trading bonus – carrax

    Carrax presents 150% trading bonus to client’s trading account on their first deposit. Register your trading profile and activate your account after submitting the necessary […]

    Deposit bonus up to 100% – realmarketslive

    Realmarketslive presents four types of accounts, they are starter program, the blue chip program, RML plus program, and the RML jade program to provide the […]

    100% MT4 deposit bonus – forextradingpro

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    Instant deposit bonus – ONASIS brokers

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    Invest in ferrari and get +100% bonus – forexgrand

    Trade with forexgrand – invest your money in ferrari by completing the form online and get +100% bonus on your first deposit. The bonus credited […]

    100% welcome bonus – esplanade MS

    Esplanade MS offers 100% welcome-deposit bonus for all new customers of the company. Each of the new register traders can achieve a 100% bonus on […]

    Category: 100% casino bonus

    100% casino bonuses

    In this section we have pulled together a list of all casinos that provide a 100% casino bonus (sometimes called 100% deposit bonus) as part of their welcome package.

    In other words, you can when you make your first deposit, the casino will double your playing funds. For example, deposit £/$/€20 and play with£/$/€40.

    This is a great way to get started at a casino as a new player. So check out the list below and pick the ones you’d like to play at.

    Top 5 100% deposit bonuses

    100% casino bonus

    There are hundreds of different deposit match bonuses out there, but the 100% deposit match is usually most commonly awarded.

    It’s a pretty standard and offer and very generous we’re sure you’ll agree. However, you should always check the terms and conditions to make sure you are comfortable with the wagering requirements. We also have no wagering casino bonuses and low wagering casino bonuses if you’d rather them.

    Some casinos actually offer 200% first deposit bonuses, where you can triple your first deposit. These aren’t so common so there’s less choice but check them out if you like the sound of them.

    Usually you’ll find 100% casino bonuses forming only part of the full welcome package. Quite often you will them aligned with a free spins bonus on a particular slot or range of slots.

    If you are looking for a 100% casino deposit match bonus but can’t see one you particularly like, why no check out all of our best casino bonuses.

    Betnspin casino: claim €200 bonus & 70 free spins no wager (non UK)

    100% Deposit bonus, bonus 100%.

    Get up to €200 bonus & 70 free cash spins at betnspin casino!

    This is a great combined deposit match and free spins bonus for all new players at betnspin casino. There’s 2 tiers to this welcome package and allows you to claim up to €200 with a 100% bonus and 70 no wager free spins.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Freaky aces casino: 100% bonus & 50 no wager free spins (non UK)

    freaky aces free spins no wager

    Claim A 100% bonus & 50 free spins with no wagering at freaky aces casino

    Claim a freakishly good welcome bonus when you sign up and play at freaky aces casino for the first time. You will be in line to double your first deposit with the 100% bonus, plus you will also be able to get a very generous 50 free spins with no wagering requirements on your winnings.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Lucky luke deposit bonus: chose your first deposit welcome bonus (non UK)

    lucky luke deposit bonus

    Choose A 100% or A 150% first deposit bonus lucky luke casino!

    Lucky luke casino gives all new players the choice of 3 welcome bonuses to claim on their first deposit. Here we look at the 2 lucky luke deposit bonuses that are on offer. You can pick up a nice 100% up to €150 (low wagering) or a 150% bonus up to €300.

    Make sure you click ‘bonuses’ in the lucky luke casino main menu to see the bonus.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Bee spins exclusive bonus: 100% deposit match & 50 free spins (non UK)

    bee spins deposit match

    Bee spins exclusive: get 100% bonus & 50 free spins

    This is an exclusive bonus from a brand new casino bee spins. All new players can claim a 100% bonus and 50 free spins on a number of slots when they sign up and make their first deposit at this impressive new online casino.

    To read more about this brand new casino see our bee spins review.

    **bee spins does not accept players from UK, DE or NL.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Energy casino bonus: claim up to €400 deposit match bonuses

    energy casino deposit match bonus

    Energy casino welcome package: 2 bonuses to claim up to €400!

    Join energy casino today and a fantastic bonus. The full welcome package includes 2 deposit bonuses to get you started. Take full advantage and you will be playing with an extra €400 in bonus funds!

    This bonus carries low wagering requirements (25x) increasing your chances of a big cash out compared with higher wager casino bonuses.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Videoslots casino bonus: 11 no wager spins + 100% bonus up to £200

    100% Deposit bonus, bonus 100%.

    Videoslots casino bonus: get 100% bonus up to £200 & 11 no wager spins!

    With over 2600 games, videoslots is the ultimate destination for slots and casino players. To get you started, the videoslots casino bonus gives all new players 11 no wager free spins + 100% match bonus to £200 when you make your first deposit!

    Note: 11 free spins have np wagering and the 100% match bonus has a low wagering requirement of 20x.

    New players only. T&cs apply. 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Grandwild casino bonus: €/$400 & 100 no wager free spins (non UK)

    grandwild casino free spins no wager

    €/$400 bonus & 100 free spins no wager at grandwild casino

    The grandwild free spins no wager casino bonus for new players is one that you should you should consider. They are offering up to €/$400 match bonus and 100 free spins with no wagering requirements on the slot game golden profits.

    Unfortunately UK players can not claim this bonus.

    New players only. T&cs apply. Strictly 18+. Please gamble responsibly.

    Casino planet bonus: brand new 200 free spins & 100% welcome bonus (non UK)

    casino planet bonus

    Get 200 free spins & 100% match with the casino planet bonus

    Prepare yourself for an out of this world experience when you join the brand new casino planet. You can claim a huge 200 free spins and €/$300 bonus on your first deposit. Plus there’s another €/$1,200 waiting for you on your following 3 deposits.

    18+. Min deposit $/€10. Wagering 40x. Bonus valid for 14 days. Max bet + game contribution rules apply. Always refer to bonus terms. Begambleaware.Org

    Captain spins: claim 100% bonus up to €1,200 & 260 spins on book of dead! (non UK)

    captain spins welcome bonus

    New casino: claim 260 spins & €1,200 bonus

    Captain spins is a brand new casino that launched in early 2020. It’s a great site and they are offering all new players a chunky welcome package. You can claim 260 bonus spins on book of dead and up to €1,200 in bonus funds.

    Dutch players are unable to play at captain spins.

    Jonny jackpot: claim 100 bonus spins & up to €/$1,000 welcome package (non UK)

    jonny jackpot 100 free spins

    Get 100 spins on starburst & up to €/$1,000 bonus

    Play at slick casino jonny jackpot and you can claim a superb welcome package. Make your first deposit and you will get 100 bonus spins to play on starburst, plus a 100% casino bonus up to €/$1,000!

    Unfortunately, players from the netherlands and UK are unable to claim this bonus.

    18+ new players only. One offer per player. Max bonus bet £/€/$5. Min deposit £/€/$10. 100% match bonus up to £/€/$1000 + 100 starburst spins. Bonus funds must be used within 7 days. Spins winnings created as bonus. Bonus funds separate to cash funds and are subject to 35x wagering and withdrawal requirements. Bonus T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Lvbet casino bonus: €1,000 bonus & 1,000 free spins (non UK)

    lvbet welcome package

    Get €1,000 & 1,000 free spins with the lvbet casino bonus

    The lvbet casino bonus is a whopper! In total you can claim up to 1,000 free spins on a number of top netent slots and €1,000 in bonuses! The full package is spread across you first 4 deposits ensuring your gameplay lastes even longer.

    UK players can play at lvbet casino but can not claim this bonus.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly. Begambleaware.Org

    Casumo casino: get 20 no deposit spins + 100% deposit bonus up to €300 (non UK)

    casumo 20 free spins no deposit

    Claim 20 free spins no deposit plus a 100% casino bonus at casumo casino!

    Sign up at casumo casino and you will be given 20 no deposit free spins to play on book of dead. Plus you can also claim a 100% bonus on your first deposit up to the value of €300.

    This bonus is not available to UK players. Check out our full casumo casino review to see all welcome bonuses.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

    Casino joy: claim 200 free spins on starburst + 100% bonus on 1st deposit

    casino joy bonus

    Make your first deposit at casino joy and you will receive 200 free spins + A 100% casino bonus!

    All new players can claim the casino joy free spins bonus. Make your first deposit and you will get 200 free spins to play on starburst + a 100% casino bonus! Plus with the full welcome package you can claim up to €/$1,000.

    Check out the casino joy review for all information about this casino.

    18+. New players only. £10 min deposit. £30 max bet using bonus. 40x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. Skrill + neteller excluded. Begambleaware.Org

    Twin casino: claim €/$200 deposit bonus & 200 free spins (non UK)

    twin casino bonus

    Claim 200 free spins & €/$200 welcome bonus package at twin casino

    Living up to their name, twin casino is giving all new players 2 identical welcome bonuses on their first 2 deposits. Get a 100% bonus up to €/$100 plus 100 free spins, TWICE!

    Unfortunately UK players are not accepted. See twin casino review for all the details about this casino.

    Gate777 welcome package: 100% bonus plus 25 free spins (UK only)

    gate777 uk 100 welcome bonus

    Get 100% casino bonus & 25 extra spins at gate777 casino!

    Wait in the gate777 departure lounge and get ready to take off on your next casino journey. With the gate777 UK welcome package you can claim a 100% bonus up to £100 & 25 extra spins on your first deposit.

    Not from the UK? See the full gate777 casino review for all bonuses at this casino.

    New players only. General terms & promotional T&cs apply. 18+. First deposit only. Min deposit £20 max bet £5 while welcome bonus is in play. 35x wagering requirement. Upon 1st deposit – 100% bonus up to £100 + 25 extra spins on any netent game. Offer may not be combined with other offers. Deposits made by skrill or neteller are not eligible. Game weighting, time limitations apply.

    Casoola casino: claim €/$1,500 bonus + 200 free spins welcome package (non UK)

    casoola 200 free spins

    Brand new casino: claim 200 free spins on first deposit!

    Casoola is a brand new casino that is getting tongues wagging. They have just launched and are offering all new players a welcome package of 200 free spins + €/$1,500 bonus.

    18+. Min deposit 10. Wagering 40x. Bonus valid for 14 days. Max bet + game contribution rules apply. Always refer to bonus terms

    Check out the casoola review for all information about this casino. Begambleaware.Org

    Trada welcome package: 100% bonus & 100 free spins

    trada casino welcome package

    Claim 100% bonus & 100 free spins on book of dead

    At trada casino you can get off to the perfect start with their fantastic welcome package. On your first deposit you will get a 100% bonus to double your playing funds, then get 25 free spins for book of dead on each of your next 4 deposits.

    There are also 10 no deposit spins to claim on sign up! See the trada review & bonuses page for full details about all the bonuses and features.

    New players only. Strictly 18+. T&cs apply. Please gamble responsibly. Begambleaware.Org

    777 casino: claim 77 free spins with no deposit required

    777 casino no deposit bonus

    777 casinofree spins no deposit: claim 77 free spins on sign up!

    At 777 casino you can play with 77 free spins without having to make a deposit. These free spins can be played on a selection of 4 of their most popular slots. Plus, there’s a 100% bonus up to £200 waiting for you when you make your first deposit.

    If you like the sound of that, hit the button below, or you can read more about all the features this casino has to offer in the in 777 casino review.

    No deposit offer: new players only • £0.25 per spin • free spins (FS) must be claimed within 48 hrs of receiving the email and expires after 14 days • FS wins are capped at £20 bonus, exc. JP win • withdrawal restrictions & full T&cs apply

    Nyspins UK bonus: get 100% deposit match + 50 no wager spins (UK only)

    nyspins casino no wager bonus

    Get 50 cash free spins & 100% bonus up to £50

    When you join nyspins as a new player you will be eligible to claim a great bonus with no wagering requirements. Make your first deposit and your playing funds will be doubled up to the value of £50. Plus you will get 50 no wager free spins.

    UK players only

    See the nyspins bonus review for all other non UK bonuses.

    18+ new players only. Max £50 bonus. Min deposit: £20. Max bet with active bonus: £2. Wagering requirement 100% match bonus: 30x (deposit + bonus). Winnings from free spins are paid as cash. Games may contribute differently when wagering a bonus. Www.Begambleaware.Org full bonus terms and conditions.

    Mr green casino: claim 40 bonus spins with no deposit required

    mr green 40 no deposit spins

    Claim 40 no deposit spins on A choice of 6 netent slots

    Mr green casino is giving a generous no deposit bonus for all players, including those of you in the UK. You can get 40 free spins no deposit to play on a choice of 6 of the most popular slots.

    Check out other bonuses and more details about this casino in our mr green casino review

    Olymp trade bonus

    Olymp Trade free Bonus

    Olymp trade free bonus. The olymptrade trading platform gives customers a unique bonus - how to get +100%.

    All traders who have registered with olymp trade are entitled to receive bonuses, as well as other promotions offered by the broker. For example, when you first replenish your account, a 100% bonus is provided. The welcome bonus is valid for one hour after registration, so it is better not to delay the deposit.
    use the olymp trade bonus promo code.

    Olymp trade promo code

    Use olymp trade promo codes to get your deposit bonus.

    We'll be sharing promo codes with our readers every month, so stay tuned to the forexof blog not to miss out!

    You can take advantage of the special offer --% at the next replenishment with a bonus coupon:

    If you don't have an olymp trade account, click the sign up button below, top up your deposit and enter the promo code to get a BONUS.

    Official site: VISIT SITE

    Olymp trade bonus for traders from indonesia - link

    Each trader will be able to enter the presented set of characters in a special field "promo code" to receive a deposit bonus when replenishing. The bonus is credited automatically once requested and is available for trading straight away. Login and get a bonus on a live trading account 2021.

    Olymp Trade Bonus

    Fund your olymp trade account after activating the promo code

    The olymp trade trading platform bonus is one of the very attractive gifts for investors wishing to join trading in the financial markets.

    Bonus note

    Bonus money cannot be withdrawn. However, you can use this money to trade, make a profit and withdraw that profit to your account.

    Tags: olymp trade bonus, olymp trade promo code, promo code for olymp trade

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    Contents of the article

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