Handle CFD-er i aksjer, indekser, valuta og kryptovaluta, 500 no.

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Why am I getting a 500 internal server error message?

Browse by products and services

DV and VPS hosting

Grid hosting

Managed wordpress

  • Applies to: all service types

    • Difficulty: medium

    • Time needed: 20

    • Tools required: plain text editor, FTP client

Last modified: march 11, 2020


What is a 500 internal server error?

For every request that is sent to a server, there is an http status code that is returned. These status codes will be returned as a 3 digit number (200, 403, 404, 500, 502, etc). Each of these numbers provide some indication as to what type of issue is preventing your site from loading. The 5XX errors indicate that a request has been sent to the server, but some technical issue has prevented this request from being completed.

The 500 internal server error in particular is a catch-all error message, given when no more specific message is suitable. There can be a number of causes for a 500 internal server error to display in a web browser. Below is a sample of what a 500 error message will look like.

Handle CFD-er i aksjer, indekser, valuta og kryptovaluta, 500 no.

Common causes

Below are common troubleshooting steps that can be taken to resolve a 500 internal server error:

  1. Check the error logs

  2. Check the .Htaccess file

  3. Check your PHP resources

  4. Check CGI/perl scripts

Check the error logs!

With any error message, particularly one as broad as the 500 internal server error, you will first want to check any apache and PHP error logs for your server. These logs can provide valuable context related to any code failures or other potential causes of a site failure. For information on where to find the logs for your server, please see: where are the access_log and error_log for my server?

Error with an .Htaccess file

If you are using a .Htaccess on your site, it may be interfering with the web page you are trying to load into your browser. Please double check the .Htaccess configuration. Any syntax errors will cause a 500 internal server error message to be displayed instead of your website.

To confirm whether a misconfiguration .Htaccess is the cause of the 500 internal server error, either remove or rename the .Htaccess file temporarily and then try to reload the page.

PHP coding timing out

If your PHP script makes external network connections, the connections may time out. If too many connections are attempted and time out, this will cause a "500 internal server error." to prevent these time outs and errors, you'll want to make sure that PHP scripts be coded with some timeout rules. Typically, however, catching a timeout error when connecting to a database or externally to remote resources (example: RSS feeds) are difficult. They, in effect, freeze the script from continuing to run.

Removing any external connections can increase both the performance of your website and decrease the chances of you receiving a "500 internal server error."

Syntax or coding errors in your CGI/perl script

If it is a web page ending in .Cgi or .Pl that is producing the error, check your script for errors. For detailed troubleshooting tips, please see: troubleshooting CGI/PERL scripts.

CGI script guidelines

  • When editing your CGI script, use a plain text editor - a program that saves the file as a 'text file' type. DO NOT use wordpad that comes with microsoft windows because it doesn't save files in pure ASCII text format. Use notepad instead to edit files.

  • Upload your CGI scripts in ASCII mode into the cgi-bin directory.

  • Set the file permissions on the CGI script file and directories to be chmod 755 . If you use an FTP program to transfer files, right-click on the file and select change file attributes. See using FTP and SFTP for more information.

  • Double-check that the perl modules you require for your script is supported. For a list of the currently supported perl modules, please click here.

Need further assistance with your server? Help is available via advanced support, our premium services division. For more information on what advanced support can do for you, feel free to click here.

TOP500 news

TOP500 event at ISC high performance 2020 digital

June 23, 2020

Find the highlights of the 55th TOP500 list below, presented by erich strohmaier. Slides from the session are also available now.

Report on the fujitsu fugaku system by jack dongarra

June 22, 2020

Detailed report on the fujitsu fugaku system.

TOP500 certificates for top ranking systems in the 55th list

June 22, 2020

Certificates for the top ranking systems in the TOP500 list, green500 list, HPCG and HPL-AI benchmarks.

News feed

Why there’s hard, cold cash for soft, disaggregated routing

No matter if you are talking about compute or networking, there are two opposing forces that are constantly at interplay on a field of green money. …

Report: security firm says HPC clusters under attack: ‘level of sophistication rarely seen in linux malware’

UK technology industry publication PCR published a story today stating that an international data security firm, ESET, has reported the identification of a malware called kobalos that targets supercomputing clusters. They also said they have been working with security experts at CERN, the european organization for nuclear research and other organizations on stemming attacks. “among […]

HPC career notes: february 2021 edition

In this monthly feature, we’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest career developments for individuals in the high-performance computing community. Whether it’s a promotion, new company hire, or even an accolade, we’ve got the details. Check in each month for an updated list and you may even come across someone you know, or better yet, […]

Research teams describe results of frontera supercomputer access at TACC texascale days

Feb. 1, 2021 — the texascale days event in december 2020 provided an opportunity for nine research groups to use large sections of the national science foundation-funded frontera supercomputer at the texas advanced computing center (TACC) to solve problems that in many cases have never been attempted. What follows are abbreviated first-person accounts of how […]

One company could own the quantum product spectrum

In the current quantum computing landscape, there are hardware and software providers with the most prominent players doing both. …

Singlestore adds schabenberger, former COO & CTO of SAS

San francisco – february 1, 2021 – singlestore, database software for cloud-native modern applications, has announced the addition of oliver schabenberger joins as chief innovation officer, reporting to CEO raj verma. “singlestore is experiencing tremendous growth and has an amazing customer base and an incredible group supporting the development of our innovative technology,” said verma. […]

Primeur magazine's chief editor, ad emmen, dies at the age of 67

The list

11/2020 highlights

After a make-over of the top10 in june we again see some interesting changes driven by two system upgrades (#1 fugaku and #5 selene) and two new systems (#7 JUWELS booster module and #10 dammam-7). The full list however recorded the smallest number of new entries ever since the project started in 1993.

Supercomputer fugaku, a system based on fujitsu’s custom ARM A64FX processor remains the new no. 1. It is installed at the RIKEN center for computational science (R-CCS) in kobe, japan, the location of the former K-computer. It was co-developed in close partnership by riken and fujitsu and uses fujitsu’s tofu D interconnect to transfer data between nodes. It increased in size by about 5% which allowed it to improve its HPL benchmark score to 442 pflop/s easily exceeding the no. 2 summit by 3x.

49 CFR § 571.500 - standard no. 500; low-speed vehicles.

S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for low-speed vehicles.

S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that low-speed vehicles operated on the public streets, roads, and highways are equipped with the minimum motor vehicle equipment appropriate for motor vehicle safety.

S3. Applicability. This standard applies to low-speed vehicles.

(a) when tested in accordance with test conditions in S6 and test procedures in S7, the maximum speed attainable in 1.6 km (1 mile) by each low-speed vehicle shall not more than 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles per hour).

(b) each low-speed vehicle shall be equipped with:

(2) front and rear turn signal lamps,

(5) reflex reflectors: one red on each side as far to the rear as practicable, and one red on the rear,

(6) an exterior mirror mounted on the driver's side of the vehicle and either an exterior mirror mounted on the passenger's side of the vehicle or an interior mirror,

(8) A windshield that conforms to the federal motor vehicle safety standard on glazing materials (49 CFR 571.205).

(9) A VIN that conforms to the requirements of part 565 vehicle identification number of this chapter, and

(10) A type 1 or type 2 seat belt assembly conforming to sec. 571.209 of this part, federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 209, seat belt assemblies, installed at each designated seating position.

(11) low-speed vehicles shall comply with the rear visibility requirements specified in paragraphs S6.2 of FMVSS no. 111.

(12) an alert sound as required by § 571.141.

S6. General test conditions. Each vehicle must meet the performance limit specified in S5(a) under the following test conditions.

S6.1.1. Ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is any temperature between 0 °C (32 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F).

S6.1.2. Wind speed. The wind speed is not greater than 5 m/s (11.2 mph).

S6.2.1. Pavement friction. Unless otherwise specified, the road test surface produces a peak friction coefficient (PFC) of 0.9 when measured using a standard reference test tire that meets the specifications of american society for testing and materials (ASTM) E1136, “standard specification for A radial standard reference test tire,” in accordance with ASTM method E 1337-90, “standard test method for determining longitudinal peak braking coefficient of paved surfaces using a standard reference test tire,” at a speed of 64.4 km/h (40.0 mph), without water delivery (incorporated by reference; see 49 CFR 571.5).

S6.2.2. Gradient. The test surface has not more than a 1 percent gradient in the direction of testing and not more than a 2 percent gradient perpendicular to the direction of testing.

S6.2.3. Lane width. The lane width is not less than 3.5 m (11.5 ft).

S6.3.1. The test weight for maximum speed is unloaded vehicle weight plus a mass of 78 kg (170 pounds), including driver and instrumentation.

S6.3.2. No adjustment, repair or replacement of any component is allowed after the start of the first performance test.

S6.3.3. Tire inflation pressure. Cold inflation pressure is not more than the maximum permissible pressure molded on the tire sidewall.

S6.3.4. Break-in. The vehicle completes the manufacturer's recommended break-in agenda as a minimum condition prior to beginning the performance tests.

S6.3.5. Vehicle openings. All vehicle openings (doors, windows, hood, trunk, convertible top, cargo doors, etc.) are closed except as required for instrumentation purposes.

S6.3.6. Battery powered vehicles. Prior to beginning the performance tests, propulsion batteries are at the state of charge recommended by the manufacturer or, if the manufacturer has made no recommendation, at a state of charge of not less than 95 percent. No further charging of any propulsion battery is permissible.

S7. Test procedure. Each vehicle must meet the performance limit specified in S5(a) under the following test procedure. The maximum speed performance is determined by measuring the maximum attainable vehicle speed at any point in a distance of 1.6 km (1.0 mile) from a standing start and repeated in the opposite direction within 30 minutes.

Port 500 details

Port(s) protocol service details source
500 tcp,udp ipsec ipsec (VPN tunneling) uses the following ports:
50 - encapsulation header (ESP)
51 - authentication header (AH)
500/udp - internet key exchange (IKE)
4500/udp - NAT traversal
500/tcp - sometimes used for IKE over TCP
see also:
port 1701 (L2TP)
port 1723 (PPTP)

Some apple applications use this port as well: mac OS X server VPN service, back to my mac (mobileme, mac OS X v10.5 or later).

Xbox 360 (LIVE) ports: 3074 TCP/UDP, 53 TCP/UDP, 80 TCP, 88 UDP
xbox one (LIVE) ports: 3074 TCP/UDP, 53 TCP/UDP, 80 TCP, 88 UDP, 500 UDP, 3544 UDP, 4500 UDP

Isakmp_sub_print in tcpdump 3.6 through 3.7.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a certain malformed ISAKMP packet to UDP port 500, which causes tcpdump to enter an infinite loop.
References: [CVE-2003-0108] [BID-6974]

Microsoft windows XP allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) by flooding UDP port 500 (ISAKMP).
References: [CVE-2002-2117]

Snapgear lite+ firewall 1.5.3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (IPSEC crash) via a zero length packet to UDP port 500.
References: [CVE-2002-0603] [BID-4659]

Cisco wireless LAN controller is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error when handling internet key exchange (IKE) messages. By sending a specially-crafted IKE packet to UDP port 500, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the device to crash and reload.
References: [CVE-2010-0574] [XFDB-61666] [BID-43059]

A vulnerability in mikrotik version 6.38.5 could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to exhaust all available CPU via a flood of UDP packets on port 500 (used for L2TP over ipsec), preventing the affected router from accepting new connections; all devices will be disconnected from the router and all logs removed automatically.
References: [CVE-2017-8338], [XFDB-126179]

Related ports: 50 123 259 264 1701 1723 4500

port numbers in computer networking represent communication endpoints. Ports are unsigned 16-bit integers (0-65535) that identify a specific process, or network service. IANA is responsible for internet protocol resources, including the registration of commonly used port numbers for well-known internet services.
Well known ports: 0 through 1023.
Registered ports: 1024 through 49151.
Dynamic/private : 49152 through 65535.

TCP ports use the transmission control protocol, the most commonly used protocol on the internet and any TCP/IP network. TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees delivery of data and that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent. Guaranteed communication/delivery is the key difference between TCP and UDP.

UDP ports use the datagram protocol. Like TCP, UDP is used in combination with IP (the internet protocol) and facilitates the transmission of datagrams from one computer to applications on another computer, but unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless and does not guarantee reliable communication; it's up to the application that received the message to process any errors and verify correct delivery. UDP is often used with time-sensitive applications, such as audio/video streaming and realtime gaming, where dropping some packets is preferable to waiting for delayed data.

When troubleshooting unknown open ports, it is useful to find exactly what services/processes are listening to them. This can be accomplished in both windows command prompt and linux variants using the "netstat -aon" command. We also recommend runnig multiple anti-virus/anti-malware scans to rule out the possibility of active malicious software. For more detailed and personalized help please use our forums.

Why am I getting a 500 internal server error message?

Browse by products and services

DV and VPS hosting

Grid hosting

Managed wordpress

  • Applies to: all service types

    • Difficulty: medium

    • Time needed: 20

    • Tools required: plain text editor, FTP client

Last modified: march 11, 2020


What is a 500 internal server error?

For every request that is sent to a server, there is an http status code that is returned. These status codes will be returned as a 3 digit number (200, 403, 404, 500, 502, etc). Each of these numbers provide some indication as to what type of issue is preventing your site from loading. The 5XX errors indicate that a request has been sent to the server, but some technical issue has prevented this request from being completed.

The 500 internal server error in particular is a catch-all error message, given when no more specific message is suitable. There can be a number of causes for a 500 internal server error to display in a web browser. Below is a sample of what a 500 error message will look like.

Handle CFD-er i aksjer, indekser, valuta og kryptovaluta, 500 no.

Common causes

Below are common troubleshooting steps that can be taken to resolve a 500 internal server error:

  1. Check the error logs

  2. Check the .Htaccess file

  3. Check your PHP resources

  4. Check CGI/perl scripts

Check the error logs!

With any error message, particularly one as broad as the 500 internal server error, you will first want to check any apache and PHP error logs for your server. These logs can provide valuable context related to any code failures or other potential causes of a site failure. For information on where to find the logs for your server, please see: where are the access_log and error_log for my server?

Error with an .Htaccess file

If you are using a .Htaccess on your site, it may be interfering with the web page you are trying to load into your browser. Please double check the .Htaccess configuration. Any syntax errors will cause a 500 internal server error message to be displayed instead of your website.

To confirm whether a misconfiguration .Htaccess is the cause of the 500 internal server error, either remove or rename the .Htaccess file temporarily and then try to reload the page.

PHP coding timing out

If your PHP script makes external network connections, the connections may time out. If too many connections are attempted and time out, this will cause a "500 internal server error." to prevent these time outs and errors, you'll want to make sure that PHP scripts be coded with some timeout rules. Typically, however, catching a timeout error when connecting to a database or externally to remote resources (example: RSS feeds) are difficult. They, in effect, freeze the script from continuing to run.

Removing any external connections can increase both the performance of your website and decrease the chances of you receiving a "500 internal server error."

Syntax or coding errors in your CGI/perl script

If it is a web page ending in .Cgi or .Pl that is producing the error, check your script for errors. For detailed troubleshooting tips, please see: troubleshooting CGI/PERL scripts.

CGI script guidelines

  • When editing your CGI script, use a plain text editor - a program that saves the file as a 'text file' type. DO NOT use wordpad that comes with microsoft windows because it doesn't save files in pure ASCII text format. Use notepad instead to edit files.

  • Upload your CGI scripts in ASCII mode into the cgi-bin directory.

  • Set the file permissions on the CGI script file and directories to be chmod 755 . If you use an FTP program to transfer files, right-click on the file and select change file attributes. See using FTP and SFTP for more information.

  • Double-check that the perl modules you require for your script is supported. For a list of the currently supported perl modules, please click here.

Need further assistance with your server? Help is available via advanced support, our premium services division. For more information on what advanced support can do for you, feel free to click here.

49 CFR § 571.500 - standard no. 500; low-speed vehicles.

S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for low-speed vehicles.

S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that low-speed vehicles operated on the public streets, roads, and highways are equipped with the minimum motor vehicle equipment appropriate for motor vehicle safety.

S3. Applicability. This standard applies to low-speed vehicles.

(a) when tested in accordance with test conditions in S6 and test procedures in S7, the maximum speed attainable in 1.6 km (1 mile) by each low-speed vehicle shall not more than 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles per hour).

(b) each low-speed vehicle shall be equipped with:

(2) front and rear turn signal lamps,

(5) reflex reflectors: one red on each side as far to the rear as practicable, and one red on the rear,

(6) an exterior mirror mounted on the driver's side of the vehicle and either an exterior mirror mounted on the passenger's side of the vehicle or an interior mirror,

(8) A windshield that conforms to the federal motor vehicle safety standard on glazing materials (49 CFR 571.205).

(9) A VIN that conforms to the requirements of part 565 vehicle identification number of this chapter, and

(10) A type 1 or type 2 seat belt assembly conforming to sec. 571.209 of this part, federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 209, seat belt assemblies, installed at each designated seating position.

(11) low-speed vehicles shall comply with the rear visibility requirements specified in paragraphs S6.2 of FMVSS no. 111.

(12) an alert sound as required by § 571.141.

S6. General test conditions. Each vehicle must meet the performance limit specified in S5(a) under the following test conditions.

S6.1.1. Ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is any temperature between 0 °C (32 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F).

S6.1.2. Wind speed. The wind speed is not greater than 5 m/s (11.2 mph).

S6.2.1. Pavement friction. Unless otherwise specified, the road test surface produces a peak friction coefficient (PFC) of 0.9 when measured using a standard reference test tire that meets the specifications of american society for testing and materials (ASTM) E1136, “standard specification for A radial standard reference test tire,” in accordance with ASTM method E 1337-90, “standard test method for determining longitudinal peak braking coefficient of paved surfaces using a standard reference test tire,” at a speed of 64.4 km/h (40.0 mph), without water delivery (incorporated by reference; see 49 CFR 571.5).

S6.2.2. Gradient. The test surface has not more than a 1 percent gradient in the direction of testing and not more than a 2 percent gradient perpendicular to the direction of testing.

S6.2.3. Lane width. The lane width is not less than 3.5 m (11.5 ft).

S6.3.1. The test weight for maximum speed is unloaded vehicle weight plus a mass of 78 kg (170 pounds), including driver and instrumentation.

S6.3.2. No adjustment, repair or replacement of any component is allowed after the start of the first performance test.

S6.3.3. Tire inflation pressure. Cold inflation pressure is not more than the maximum permissible pressure molded on the tire sidewall.

S6.3.4. Break-in. The vehicle completes the manufacturer's recommended break-in agenda as a minimum condition prior to beginning the performance tests.

S6.3.5. Vehicle openings. All vehicle openings (doors, windows, hood, trunk, convertible top, cargo doors, etc.) are closed except as required for instrumentation purposes.

S6.3.6. Battery powered vehicles. Prior to beginning the performance tests, propulsion batteries are at the state of charge recommended by the manufacturer or, if the manufacturer has made no recommendation, at a state of charge of not less than 95 percent. No further charging of any propulsion battery is permissible.

S7. Test procedure. Each vehicle must meet the performance limit specified in S5(a) under the following test procedure. The maximum speed performance is determined by measuring the maximum attainable vehicle speed at any point in a distance of 1.6 km (1.0 mile) from a standing start and repeated in the opposite direction within 30 minutes.

Port 500 details

Port(s) protocol service details source
500 tcp,udp ipsec ipsec (VPN tunneling) uses the following ports:
50 - encapsulation header (ESP)
51 - authentication header (AH)
500/udp - internet key exchange (IKE)
4500/udp - NAT traversal
500/tcp - sometimes used for IKE over TCP
see also:
port 1701 (L2TP)
port 1723 (PPTP)

Some apple applications use this port as well: mac OS X server VPN service, back to my mac (mobileme, mac OS X v10.5 or later).

Xbox 360 (LIVE) ports: 3074 TCP/UDP, 53 TCP/UDP, 80 TCP, 88 UDP
xbox one (LIVE) ports: 3074 TCP/UDP, 53 TCP/UDP, 80 TCP, 88 UDP, 500 UDP, 3544 UDP, 4500 UDP

Isakmp_sub_print in tcpdump 3.6 through 3.7.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a certain malformed ISAKMP packet to UDP port 500, which causes tcpdump to enter an infinite loop.
References: [CVE-2003-0108] [BID-6974]

Microsoft windows XP allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) by flooding UDP port 500 (ISAKMP).
References: [CVE-2002-2117]

Snapgear lite+ firewall 1.5.3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (IPSEC crash) via a zero length packet to UDP port 500.
References: [CVE-2002-0603] [BID-4659]

Cisco wireless LAN controller is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error when handling internet key exchange (IKE) messages. By sending a specially-crafted IKE packet to UDP port 500, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the device to crash and reload.
References: [CVE-2010-0574] [XFDB-61666] [BID-43059]

A vulnerability in mikrotik version 6.38.5 could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to exhaust all available CPU via a flood of UDP packets on port 500 (used for L2TP over ipsec), preventing the affected router from accepting new connections; all devices will be disconnected from the router and all logs removed automatically.
References: [CVE-2017-8338], [XFDB-126179]

Related ports: 50 123 259 264 1701 1723 4500

port numbers in computer networking represent communication endpoints. Ports are unsigned 16-bit integers (0-65535) that identify a specific process, or network service. IANA is responsible for internet protocol resources, including the registration of commonly used port numbers for well-known internet services.
Well known ports: 0 through 1023.
Registered ports: 1024 through 49151.
Dynamic/private : 49152 through 65535.

TCP ports use the transmission control protocol, the most commonly used protocol on the internet and any TCP/IP network. TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees delivery of data and that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent. Guaranteed communication/delivery is the key difference between TCP and UDP.

UDP ports use the datagram protocol. Like TCP, UDP is used in combination with IP (the internet protocol) and facilitates the transmission of datagrams from one computer to applications on another computer, but unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless and does not guarantee reliable communication; it's up to the application that received the message to process any errors and verify correct delivery. UDP is often used with time-sensitive applications, such as audio/video streaming and realtime gaming, where dropping some packets is preferable to waiting for delayed data.

When troubleshooting unknown open ports, it is useful to find exactly what services/processes are listening to them. This can be accomplished in both windows command prompt and linux variants using the "netstat -aon" command. We also recommend runnig multiple anti-virus/anti-malware scans to rule out the possibility of active malicious software. For more detailed and personalized help please use our forums.

500 no

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Handle CFD-er i aksjer, indekser, valuta og kryptovaluta, 500 no.

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We are proud that the legal 500 is independent, impartial, and international.

The legal 500 is part of a traditional private business, where the aim is to provide the best information and data for the international legal community.

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In particular, we reassure all firms that information provided to us will always remain confidential. It will never be sold to a third party. It will never be used for marketing, it will never be used for other commercial purposes.

John pritchard, founder of legal500.Com

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